worm food question

Lecanto, FL(Zone 9a)

Some are saying to feed the worms fresh manure, does that include Chicken Poo? Because I heard that C.P. is too hot to use in compost bins the first year.

Linden, TN

I started mine out with composted cow poo.... but chicken poo is HOT HOT HOT. I would suggest if you wish to add fresh poo, to use rabbit poo.. When I had chick a biddies, I always shoveled it onto my garden directly in late fall and let it overwinter before tilling it in...


Lecanto, FL(Zone 9a)

I'm thinking you have a cow, so if I go down to my neighbor who has cows can I ask if I can take some cow poo? They are show cows and are traveling around right now. That's all I need is one patty. I am looking into raising rabbits now. Got a book and reading up on them. Nancy

Lecanto, FL(Zone 9a)

hey Carolyn, Did you see this website? http://www.unclejimswormfarm.com/
I like the bestbuy people because they're fellow floridians and all, but if you're going in the business you should check this out.

Linden, TN

Yeah, he has a nice website... and he is high on my list of consideration....
I wrote and had several questions for best buy and they were not very helpful at all, in fact I thought were rather brusk almost to the point of being rude and never did answer all my questions, so I won't buy from them....
No I don't have a cow.... but I live out in the wilds of Tennessee and have a friend that has cows... and we are bartering a potato onion bin for his wife for a small pick up load of composted cow poo...

Just take cow patties and compost them for awhile... that way the Hotness will work out of them.. and be safe for you woims...


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

OK ... i was out on my front porch tonight [it's currently 33° and flurries] and i saw this, what looked like a worm, on my porch.... bent down... and yup... it was a worm... probably half frozen, but still moving.

so -- i just couldn't let the poor thing die... so i brought it in.

I have my Hibuscus in my dining room, so i put the worm in the pot.

Hearing that they like coffee grounds, i grabbed a few of those and sprinkled them around the lil worm.
I watered the plant to soften the soil, so it could bury itself if it wanted to.

but now what?

what else would worms like to eat? what sort of 'scraps' could i feel this lil guy to help it survive in the house?



Lecanto, FL(Zone 9a)

Does he have a name? Sorry, I'm smiling with good thoughts. I'd be doing the same thing. I think their favorite is melon. But apple is good. Very small pieces and maybe bury small pieces of lettuce, carrot strip. You have any rabbit poop? That plant is going to FLOWER for you! I'd call him "Lucky". http://www.wormfarm.com/faq.php

This message was edited Dec 1, 2008 11:45 AM

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

My hibiscus blooms all year long... which is nice... i have found that the indoor blooms last a lot longer than the outdoor blooms.

i can do apple, lettuce and carrot. For bunny poop, i will have to find it out in the back yard [now covered in snow]... they come in the fenced area at night when the pooch is asleep.

Hopefully, "Lucky" will be OK. he did burrow into the soil after i wet it and stirred it up, so he could get in there.

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