Cow manure?

Presque Isle, MI(Zone 5a)

How long should cow manure be composted before it is put in the garden?



Orlando, FL

hummmm and is it the same as horse? Daughter rides and can get some for compost pile.....Robin

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I suspect the amount of time will vary depending on things like temperature, etc. When it's properly composted it shouldn't smell like manure anymore, that's probably how I'd judge whether it's done or not.

Orlando, FL

Thanks ecrane3....good idea!!


This is the time of year that manure and fall leaves may go directly into the gardens. A winter rye cover crop puts on the finishing touches leading to a great structure and ready food for the plants in the spring. The process can be helped by adding six ounces of black strap molasses (cattle grade) when fall tilling. Black Strap Molasses is as good a biological booster as money can buy. The only basic not yet mentioned are the trace minerals. They should go in along with your fall additives.

A fall soil test is of importance unless you have a good idea of your PH and are working to arrive at a PH of 6.5 to 7.2.

Presque Isle, MI(Zone 5a)

Black strap molasses? Is that six oz per square yd? I am on my way to find some rye seed, There is a lot of farm supply stores here but they normally talk about tons of there supplies. Would the rye be planted now and tilled under in the spring?




OH....certainly you need a little more data. I speak in terms of a one thousand square foot garden. Black Strap Molasses (cattle grade) is found where they grind and mix their own cattle feed. You need to take your gallon jug because they may not bottle it for retail sale. The cost should be four to six dollars a gallon as an estimate.

Most of my associates that are soil building attempt to add two inches or more of manure to a patch of this size. That will take a full to the brim pick up truck load or about a cupic yard and a half of cow, horse, or llama manure. By contrast fowl manure is much stronger and would answer the need with a smattering of half a cupic yard. We have mushroom compost available and treat it the same as fresh manure although it is partly composted.

The winter rye goes on after the manures and other ammendments have been tilled in. The sooner the better. You till it under about three or four weeks before you wish to do your spring planting. Depending on your growth which can be a may have to till twice in the spring or even weed wack first before tilling it in. The rye grass decomposes quickly.

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