looking for plant lovers in Mauritius!!!!!

hi, my name is thomas ,i'm french and i live in Mauritius (indian ocean...)
i love cacti, succulents,euphorbias, caudiciforms, palms, orchids....in facts all tropicals plants !!!!
i work in a plant nursery so , and i want to know if i'm alone on this island to be subscribed on DG....
i'll be happy to share tips or plants as it's possible with people here.
please answer me!!! tell me that i'm not alone here!!!

Thumbnail by apistom

Hi! Welcome here!

Red! Those flowers are only yellow and dusty purple here.

Now I need to go google your island!


mulege, Mexico

Hi Apistom and welcome. You may or may not be alone on your island but you need never be alone here at DG.


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Thomas, and welcome to DG. I am looking forward to hearing all about your Island, and seeing pictures too!

If you go to "Communities" and then go to "Members list" you will find that there are 38 other people from Mauritius listed. You can send them a D-mail to see if they are still around, although none are listed as subscribers so I am not sure if any of those folks check Daves frequently and would see the D-mail, but its worth a try.



Welcome; my niece is honeymooning in Mauritius as we speak :-)

I hope you will find fellow gardeners there, but as said, you will always have friends on Dave's Gardenweb.

thanks a lot everybody!!!!! and nice to meet you all!!
nox i know that i have friends all over the world!!!!
i'll be happy to share my small knowledge with anybody who need it and hope we will talk together again soon!!!
see you !!!

Thumbnail by apistom
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Aloha Thomas! I would like to add my greetings as well. We have a wonderful friendly forum here, for any and all tropical residents, lovers or wannabes. I too live on an island - but mine is REALLY tiny. We are so small we don't even have a plant nursery, so any pictures you would like to post, info you would like to share, or chat regarding what is on your mind is welcome most assuredly.


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