wild grape vine?

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Today I went out to weed our wild-er bed for the first time in a while - we were away for a few weeks and it has rained a lot this summer - and instead of the usual Norway maple weeds we had similar looking leaves attached to vines with curlicue tendrils. The leaves, as I said, resemble maple leaves; they each have 3 lobes and are slightly fuzzy. At one end I thought there were berries or seeds, but they didn't look like grapes. I hadn't thought of grape vine yet; I was still thinking Virginia creeper or poison ivy, and I was crazy to get this stuff OUT, way past curiosity.

I looked up wild grape vines and read stories of kids swinging on the vines - these were just skinny like a piece of string but strong! Didn't have my camera with me (duh) so no picture. But this is in a tiny suburban lot that was all lawn when we moved in. Not an understory woodland or land we are trying to live off - just a flower bed.

Here it is in the beginning of July - before this new vine!

Thumbnail by carrielamont
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Could be Ampelopsis brevipedunculata--it's an invasive weed in many areas of the country, the leaves can be somewhat variable but do tend to look a lot like grape leaves but the berries look different. Here are some pics so you can see if it looks like yours or not http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/1524/

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh, no, looks an awful lot like it. Darn birds... I never planted it - I've heard of it though. It's listed an invasive in CT, which just about guarantees it is in Massachusetts too. Thanks! Now what?....

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Carrie -- i know this is an older thread... I have tons of Wild Grape ... i was letting about half of it "go" because critters eat the grapes.. .and it is on "wild" property.

I have managed to control it in my area though... where i find the 'base' root, i cut it. I have dabbed that Ortho vine killer on the cut, which has also kept it from coming back.... but in the 2 yrs I've been cutting it... I've put a huge dent in my wine 'population'.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I think it was that Porcelain berry stuff - I hope we got rid of all of it. (Crossing fingers.)

Coushatta, LA

Porcelain berry can sucker up to twenty feet under ground.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Yikes! I hope it's easier to get rid of up here...

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