looking for echinacea ruby star

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

Please does anyone have seed from echinacea ruby star (rubinstern)? Have lots in my trade list I'd be willing to share.

Greenbush, MI(Zone 4b)


I have "Ruby Star" coneflower, "Magnus " coneflower, Trumpet vine, Purple Datura, Queen of the Prairie, Regal lilly, and Peony poppy.

I looked at your list and I'm intrested in Rose mallow, Leopard plat, Rose of Sharon (any color but red & white), :Maximum poppy, New England aster 'Alma Potschke".

I am currently updating my listing, have more seeds drying, and I'm in a mess. let me know what you are interested in.


gieten, Netherlands

i have echinacea ruby star and echinacea bright star
if you want some send me a d mail


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