Has anyone had any spontaneous crosses of karwinskii?

Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

I have several different ones and they've grown close together. Also have a few other salvias that karwinskii been crossed with. Curious...

Candor, NC

Quite a long time ago, I gave a plant of Salvia puberula that I had collected near the type locality in Hidalgo to UC Berkeley Botanical Garden. On a later visit, I was told it had crosses with S. karwinskii, its cousin. I was under the assumption at the time that puberula was simply a form of involucrata, and UCB listed the hybrid as S. involucrata x karwinskii. I later found out that puberula was reduced to a variety of involucrata, and decided to refer to it as karwinskii x puberula until I get a copy of the taxonomic article on the revision of the species. More work needs to be done on this species, because there is the disjunct puberula El Butano from Nuevo Leon. There are other disjunct sages there as well.

The second karwinskii I know of is S. k. x greggii from UC Riverside, which has the stature of a robust microphylla but differs significantly. Spikes have flowers in whorls of 6-8, and are tubular with a reduced lower lip, the plant forms a coppace-like clump of stems, and secondary spikes develop after the main one ages, making the spike droop like a Buddleia. It is a good hummer plant.

Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

I've not seen S. k. x greggii, but believe I have one known as karwinskii x puberula, also may have a karwinskii x involucrata. I assumed these were deliberate crosses. I think when it comes to salvias, I'm learning to say, "I don't know." Thanks for the info.

Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

I'm not sure what my cross is with, the flowers are a peach colour with a darker bottom lip, foliage looks like karwinskii , flowers do not, whatever it is, I really like it.

Thumbnail by annette68
Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

Very nice, great color.

Candor, NC

The UC Berkeley cross was shown to me by either Martin Grantham or Eric Schulz on a visit. Both parents were nearby, and it was obviously a hybrid of both plants.

Andy Maycen has a peach karwinskii. Is there any orange or yellow in the hue, or is it a washed out, more weakly colored form? The image looks like there is no orange in the flower tint. It is hard to tell from a single image.

Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

I didnt notice any hint of orange, the bottom lip is a little larger than usual and shaped differently.

Here is another shot of it.

Thumbnail by annette68
Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

I am not too sure that karwinskii is involved with the one we have here known as 'winter red'. Nice salvia though.

Thumbnail by annette68
Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

The plant.

Thumbnail by annette68
Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

I have karwinskiis that came from Andy. The invoucrata x karwinskii (Wave Hill) has salmon colored flowers. I hopefully still have the red flowered form that I got from him, which I really, really like and their website shows that they had at one time a karwinskii x elegans that came originally from Fallbrook. I've not seen that one, would like to.
Andy, you here? What is the peach flowered one? I have about 40 young karwinskiis grown from seed and I can't wait to see what they're going to be.

Keaau, HI

I think the peach colored one he is talking about is Wave Hill. Most of my karwinskii, puberula and involucratas are now dead due to lack of water. With the drought, I am just going to let things die...can no longer afford the water. The karwinskii x elegans is dead, but I know where it came from if you want it. On a good note my repens x namaensis is bullet proof with this heat and drought.

Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

Thanks, Andy....I thought it might be the Wave Hill and that is a really nice one. What do you think of the karwinskii x elegans (since I have not seen it...) Do I want it? You know, I'm a little worried about the economy affecting the sales and all. I made a pot run to San Marcos this a.m. and stopped by P.W. just to see if there's anything that's come in that I might need and, you know, there are some really good salvias sitting there that I would think would be snatched up the minute they came in. Teresa, Shell Dancer, Dancing Dolls, Peaches and Cream,etc. Those are special salvias...some of my favorites and I'm looking forward to seeing what they might bring forth from seed also.....my water bill is exorbitant also and I'm hoping for early rains.

Candor, NC


Where does the karwinskii x elegans come from? I am glad that the karwinskiii peach and k. Wave Hill are the same. I've been wondering about that.

I expect to see some blooms in a couple weeks on the new red sage collected by Rob Nicholson of Smith College in Oaxaca. It looks like it could be a ground cover or maybe even a largeish rock garden plant. The foliage is a little like dittany of Crete and Salvia darcyi.

Keaau, HI

The karwinskii x elegans came from a friends garden in Fallbrook. I will look to see if I have photos of it I can send you. It was a pleasure meeting you at the conference....
Sherry, yes the economy is in the toilet and it is greatly effecting plant sales. I don't think the drought and upcoming water cuts we are all going to get hit with are helping either...though people keep buying water sucking annuals and sod while completely ignoring great drought tolerant plants like Salvias.

Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

I experience that here when I have to explain to people what salvias are and how many there are and why they want to grow them! It helps when Horticulture or Sunset or whatever mag does a layout on them or when you speak at the garden club.....

Candor, NC


With regard to your Winter Red, and without regard to scale, the flower looks like it might have longistylis and/or disjuncta in it. The long aspect ratio of the calyx and the shape of the lower lip caught my eye.

Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

Hi Rich,

Maybe to bud will tell the story on winter red, salvias are such a promiscuos bunch!!!!!!!!

It is a beautiful shrub no matter who the parents are.

Thumbnail by annette68

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