Cissus discolor (propagating/over-wintering) questions

Washington, MO(Zone 6a)

One of my favorite climbers. =) I've tried to over-winter it, both in my house and in my (heated) greenhouse, with no luck. Does anyone have any success with either over-wintering or propagating it in colder climates? If so, would you kindly share your secret? =)


Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Being it's a zone 11 plant, the problem is probably lack of humidity and cold roots and cold drafts. Heated houses in the winter are hard on plants that like humidity. I'd get some starts going now in containers small enough to fit inside a 2 ltr. bottle made into a cloche by cutting off the bottom of the bottles. I always take a lighter to the cut area to round it out. Put the plants in a plastic container with gravel in it and put the bottles over the plant and sit it on a heating pad set on low. You will need to take the temperature of the soil after a few hours. The ideal would be in the upper 70's to upper 80's. If it gets too hot you can adjust the temperature by putting a towel between the heating pad and the container the plants are sitting in. Leave the caps on and check the plants at least once a week for mold. If you see mold then remove the caps.

I've carried over a lot of extra tropicals that way. You might also try passive solar heating in your greenhouse. Just paint 2ltr bottles black, fill them with water, lay them on their sides and put the plants directly on top of them. The bottles collect heat in the day and releases it at night.


Thumbnail by Xeramtheum
Washington, MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks X! I'll give your ideas a try. We've still got quite a few weeks of warm weather ahead, so there may be time to get things at least rooted. =)


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