crisis here

mulege, Mexico

We had a tropical storm (read deludge) about five days ago. I've just made it into town for drinking water and food. My water tank is empty for some reason and there's no town water. We lost electricity but only for a day. Phone is back on but not internet.

I'll be back when I can.


Keaau, HI

Careful there Katiebear, Hurricane Gustav is headed your way!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Oh Katie, so sorry to hear your news - be careful, we will be waiting for news when you are able...

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Tragedy it is, Katie. Praying for you and John, and all those in the path of Gustav now. Seems it never ends.


katiebear, Tough time, hope you get by OK, wish I could help. I saw that storm, headed up the Baja. Or are you not in Mexico? A Caribbean storm might be headed toward New Orleans, too early to tell.

Weather happens.

mulege, Mexico

HI - I'm back on line. Had to move the computer to another room. I think a phone line went out.

Got water from the hose. The tank is still empty - don't know why but it's not urgent.

Still hanging stuff out to dry. Moving things around to get some storm-proofing done.

We had a few drops of rain last night but then it stopped and it looks clear today. Getting done what I can.


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Glad to hear you are safe and sound Katie. Don't overdo and try to get everything done in one day will you...
Thinking of you...^_^

mulege, Mexico

I'm going to see if the two adult sones of my neighbors can did a trench for me. They are below me on a level with the river and they lost virtually everything. I had a hide-a-bed which the dogs have been chewing on and generally tearing apart which I gave them. I told them - it's not pretty but it's dry. They seemed happy to have it. Their floor is covered in about four inches of mud - it's just awful.

One reason I bought the house that I did is that I am up the hill and much safer from being flooded when the river rises. With about 30 arroyos draining into the river when we get a storm the river rises. No way around it.

My water tank is full again. Mystery of why it was empty is not solved but the problem is.

My friend Rafael the fisherman just came by to borrow what I could spare him for paper for his roof, whatever that means.

I sure hope we don't get another storm for awhile.

My tire and rock paths and steps held up and the dirt-filled tires held, even those that are terraced, so all the work of sifting and amending the soil is paying off.

We didn't get any high winds so the major damage is mud. Mud everywhere.

I'm doing Ok and the dogs are fine. The puppies like to play in water so they are very ahppy.


Happy muddy puppies,

Sorry to hear about the mud. Normally so dry it's dusty?

Take breaks from toil.

God Bless you


(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Good news Katie!! glad you are safe : )

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Glad that you are safe Katie, and that your water tank is full again! God bless you and your "babies".

mulege, Mexico

Phone line went out again yesterday, probably as a result of work on the road but it's back on now so I'll let you all know we're OK here. Things are drying out, even the dogs. The phone may go out atain. Some of the electric lines were still down in the streets yesterday when I went to town.

We still have lots of fish and chicken, rice and elntils so I can continue to cookd proper meals for my spoiled dogs. The government had someone drop off a case of bottled water and a bag of canned/dried food yesterday. I usually keep stocked up on canned stuff anyway just in case (I did a lot of disater relief for American Red Cross and learned a few lessons).

There's stil lots to do but nothing that HAS to be done. Thank heaven. Damp fabric had to be hung up fast and I still have to sort to make sure everything is dry but the worst is over - for the moment I have dug a trench in my entryway to provide better drainage, especially for the kitchen, should we get more rain. I also got pipe yesterday to put in a permanent drain in the trench. We did these in the back yard where it has flooded before and they worked well. As we get the swale around my hill dug and more humus in the soil eventually the water which drains off will be soaked up by the soil instead of running off into the sea.

I am so grateful that we had only one night without electricity. The air conditioner in my bedroom helps a lot and I've been able to sleep well. This has been a huge help as sleep deprivation makes things seem so much worse.

Thank you all for your good wishes, prayers and other messages. They help a lot as I pull things back together. It's slower than it could be because I'm also using the opportunity to make some improvements as I go along.

It's all going well and my DG family is wonderful for their support.


Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Bless your heart, Katie. My body is a mess but my shelter is in good order. Tornadoes are my bane. Your attitude about what is tolerable and what is not makes me listen more carefully to my complaints.


mulege, Mexico

Thank you, Christi. I grew up in Northen Michigan which gave me lots of experience with blizzards. I've also dealt with tornadoes, floods and earthquakes. Also worked with Red Cross after the Oakland firestorm. Seeing the damage I have, where people have lost everything, gives me some perspetive here. I'm having some respite from knee pain and I'm really grateful for that. Pain sucks. Don't beat yourself up for not liking it.

This is my third storm in this house. The first came two days after I'd moved in. I had only tarps for roofs and they all blew down. Lost of lot of "stuff" but barely escaped electrocuting myself when I went to shut off the power. And the house I had just moved from ended up ENTIRELY under water (as in water over the roof). If I'd been there I would have lost everything, possibly including my pets and my life.

The worst one was two years ago and I emerged from that almost unscathed due to being on a hill. Many people lost their homes in that one.

Each one has brought home to me what really needs to be done. Having the work I have done hold up so well in this one has been very gratifying.

We're kind of in a trough as the hurricanes usually go either north or south of us - we just get the horrendous rain.

The weather is beautiful today and I'm taking it easy.

I've got lots of plants shooting up - malabar spinach, gourds, squash, brugs and dats. My Hawiian baby woodrose is growing well; the leaves are beautiful. The new growth is a beautiful silver gray. I can hardly wait until I'm like Randy having to chop down huge parts of it.

God's in his heaven and all's right with the world.


Thank you for posting, katiebear.

I looked up Mulege on Google, it looks beautiful, mountains and the sea. I was going to ask you if you'd gone to see the heiroglyphics, but then I read about the hike/swim trek to get there! Let me know when they give helicopter rides!

It's not easy to imagine a house all the way underwater. The weather is crazy sometimes. Did anyone measure how many inches you got? Is that a farming valley inland from you?

And I bet all the plants are growing like mad now!

Take care, and relax when you can.


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Oh Katie, you dear! If its not one thing its another! And your friend has left, so you are doing this on your own!!! Don't try to fix everything at once, I know how that goes, but I also know that some things must get done soonest to prevent further damage. It was so nice of you to give the couch to your neighbors, I hope they reciprocate by helping you with the trenches. That is always something I love about Mexico...everyone helps everyone else, cuz nobody has very much. It is so good to know that all your hard work this past year has paid off. Good on ya girl!

Take it with a with a slice of lime, and remember that the proper idea of housework is to sweep it with a glance.


mulege, Mexico

Thank you Melissa and Shari,

There were rumors of more rain last night but we only had a few drops and today looks clear.

My friend Pat is in Las Vegas while her husband Hugh has been here seeing to repairs on their (river level) home from the flood two years ago. This time their first floor was flooded taking out all the new kitchen cabinets but none of the appliances and Hugh has been able to stay on the second floor, which was spared. Hug's phone is still not on so I've been keeping Pat posted, mostly reassuring her that we haven't had any more rain and it looks OK for now.

To answer Melissa: Yes, this is a beautiful place. It is something of an oasis as we have the only year-round river in the Baja Penninsula. The Jesuits came through about 200 years ago and planted date palms. There are farms in the valley including a lot of asparagus and citrus.

I am on a small hill and have views of arroyos around three sides. The fourth side overlooks where the River Mulege runs into the Sea of Cortez. The skys are still clear here. When I go up to So. Ca. the difference in the air quality is remarkable.

In many cases, there is hostility towards Americans by Mexicans and vice versa. I am something of a hermit, trying to stay out of conflicts with people who seem to have nothing better to do. I do say hi to everybody, especially the kids. It's always a surprise when kids I don't recognize greet me by name. My hope is that they will grow up to be more accepting of Americans = and others - than some of their older relatives. I am growing some nut trees (macadamia and cashew for now) and I share them as I am able. The same with other seeds and plants. I buy a lot of fish and shrimp from a local man and he also brings me the occasional truckload of seaweed. I have a tank where I have fish waste and seaweed composting.

The size of the hill where I live was expanded by the port captain who bought it in the 50's. He would take his wheelbarrow across the road and load itup with the rocky soil which he then dumped around the edges of the property, gradually making a larger hilltop. I am adding to this a bit at a time, at the same time adding humus and plants.

My house is cabin-like - lots of space, not a lot of amenities. I grew up spending summers at cabins in Uppre Michigan and my life-style here is similar. The house, like the land, is a work in progress, and probably always will be. That's fine with me. I have wonderful views on all sides and cannot understand why some people ould think lack of a flush toilet is too high a price to pay for this. To each his own.

From the road the property does not look like much and I'm happy with that. People are always stunned when they come in and see how much space I have. I also do not have any real close neighbors and the arroyos keep my space protected.

I did finally find my digital camera which the dogs had hidden under the bed. I don't know how to use it but pictures will follow soon.

As you can tell by the length of this post I'm in no hurry to get back to work but there are dirty dishes calling my name.

Bless you all for being here. Getting through this without my friends here at DG would have been much more difficult.


Bluegrass song:

Dirty dishes, dirty dishes,
I'm losing my mind!
My Baby done left me
and travelled beyond!

Dirty dishes, dirty dishes,
Won't you please come home!
Dirty dishes, dirty dishes,
Never more to roam!

Or something like that.

Too often Americans(and others) find a charming place like Mulege, and move there. The problem is that they build gated communities with half million dollar homes, and then call the locals "quaint". Ah, well...

I'm very very interested in your tire construction. I have a steep place that needs something like a retaining wall. And Lord knows there are plenty of old tires on my island! So if you figure that camera, I and I'm sure we, would love some photo. But it's a learning curve putting them online. We can all help!


mulege, Mexico

Hi everybody - Well, Tony made it back to work today. So far nomore rain and none in sight. Knock on wood.

Still lots of road work being done and no water today but nothing to horrible.

The most help for me on the tires has come from They have a book and a video. I really rrecommend the video as there is a "trick" (for want of a better word) to turning a tire inside out after the sidewalls are removed and it's hard to describe in words. The video shows it. I have taught this to several Mexican friends who are all impressed with my skill!!

It's hot and hunid. Normal for this time of year.

Picked my first leaf of malabar spinch as I've never had it before. I like it. Looks like I will have a bumper crop - maybe forever as it should be perennial here.


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Katie - just sent you a d-mail!

I can't wait for you to learn how to work the digital camera, I am so dying to see all the work you have been doing!

Great spinach! Thanks for the tire link. I might close soon on a home that's on a steep hill, and I want to build a retaining wall. Tires will do the trick!

Best wishes your way. And rain only when you want some!


mulege, Mexico

Paul Farber, who is the owner of the tirecrafting site, is very nice about answering questions. I like his ideas because they are both ingenious and low tech.

It is hot and humid here. I've begun to break up a small blockage of concrete to continue the digging for a permanent drain outside my kitchen. Hard work. But whoever built it did not use a lot of concrete in the mix and that, combined with it's having been soaking for a week has made it breakable with my trusty sledge hammer. Got about half done. Macha woman!!.

I will probably go to San Diego in about two weeks. Gives us time here to do more of the work.

Tony did make it back to work today and was very supportive about what I've done. "Double work" he called it as I had to reorganize the kitchen from the "help" of my friend (among other things, she had blocked a big window with a great view - the best part of the room IMHO) and I cleared almost everything out of my bedroom so he can plaster the walls and put a finish coat of concrete on the floor.

We only lost electricity for a day so I have been able to sleep with air conditioning. That and my friends here at DG have kept me sane (or, anyway, less crazy) during this time.


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Katie does amazing things with stuff she find around - as well as abandoned puppies she is always bringing home!. She has been making planters out of old washing machine tubs too! You go girl!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

That's so true Jen...our Katiebear is a great "do it yourselfer!" Speaking of which - Katie my macnuts still haven't sprouted. Guess maybe it is too wet here. How are yours doing?


mulege, Mexico

Hi and Thank you for all the compliments.

It is sprinkling here again and I'm doing my "I will not panic" mantra. The mosquitoes are hatching out like mad from the last storm and I'm feeling somewhat less than mellow.

The macs that I planted out died. They were small, the weather was hot and dry and I wasn't doing real well. I still have some that are in planters and in the shade. When it wools off in October I will proably plant them on one of the terraced hills.

The foru cashew nut trees arre growing well. I planted 100 seeds, 5 grew, the puppies ate one. I plan to put them on a western slope as they are very sensative to frost.

I gave a lot of the mac trees away at Christmas time and I've gotten reports that at least some of them are surviving.

Tony broke up the rest of the concrete today so now we just have dirt and rocks to dig in order to put the drain in to protect the kitchen. Doing this will also take care of one of the worst cosmetic problems that has been put off.

When the storm hit we had completed the section of path that we had been working on in the back yard so we are able to leave that to work on the drain. Tony is great at staying focused on the project at hand even when I get kind of scatter-brained. I am so happy to have him back working for me - so many people who "help" just want to do things their way and it's like pulling teeth to get anything done. Tony works steadily and is very attuned to how I want things done. We have an unspoken agreement that when something is not done the way I want it and has to be done over we each take responsibility for the "mistake." Then we get on with fixing it. I think he's also really happy to be back; I heard a rumor that his last boss was constanly pushing him to work harder, faster, etc. We tend to just look at each other every so often and grin like fools.

The rain seems to have stopped so I'm off to bed.


katiebear, boy, I know what you mean about helpers going off and doing their own thing! I have a half acre lot, and want a few fruit tree This man decided to go to the ag dept and get me a grant for irrigation! The lot is in the flood plane! Owell... I want to build a house, but know I will have a battle if I try to build what I want. Crazy.

Hope you have mosquito netting. Here are two kinds, one is daytime active, and the other night, booo.

Take care, and really be careful to not over do.


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