Is this the right place to come for info on Tiger worms?

(Rosie) Belturbet, Ireland

I'm not even sure I know what vermicomposting is. I just compost. I just want to know if you can add tiger worms to plastic compost bins and could you overwinter them in a heated greenhouse to keep them going. I posted a thred on the Organic forum but so far no takers. :-((

Linden, TN

The boards are kind of slow right now.. holiday, kids going back to school and all.. but be patient and someone will come in with an answer for you... It is my understanding that Tiger Worms and Red Wigglers are one and the same.... so you could keep them in a heated environment.... but be sure they have plenty of air supply and are kept moist, (not wet) and fed well but don't overfeed or you will get a funky sort of smell..ick..

I keep mine in a wooden box with holes in the sides, and bottom.... but screened to keep mice and varmints out.. and the box is in our garage in our basement area... nice and warm in winter and cool in summer. I will soon be expanding to European Nightcrawlers..

Good luck..

(Rosie) Belturbet, Ireland

OOOO! Whats European Nightcrawlers? Sounds vaguely disgusting LOL but thanks for your help Carolyn. It seems I have been trying to look after them too well but I'm not sure what temperature to keep them at. A rough idea of between what temp would be great to know. It gets really cold here in the winter.
:-)) Rosie

Linden, TN

Rosie, European Nightcrawlers are very similar to Red Wigglers but much larger. The requirements for raising them seem to be about the same... so it should not be a lot of confusion as to what to feed, and stuff...

Worms are cold-blooded creatures, their body temperature is determined by their surroundings. Red Wigglers are most active when the temperature is kept between 16° - 28°C (60° - 80°F). They become sluggish and eat less when the temperature falls out of this range.

Hope this helps....

Wake Forest, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi Carolyn,
can you point me to the source for your European nightcrawlers? The last time I bought them they were quite expensive (and may still be) but I though I'd ask. I moved away and didn't take my plastic worm bin with me but I'm wanting to start again.

(Rosie) Belturbet, Ireland

That's about what I thought Carolyn. So it's into the heated greenhouse during the winter months in my zone as winter is way below the lower end of that scale.
And shading in Summer I take it? BTW how DO you take temp inside a compost bin? It can get quite high even here.

:-)) Rosie

Linden, TN

Paul, you can google them up, but I found this place through eBay.. they are located in Florida...

I don't know anything about keeping them outside... I keep mine in our garage in the basement of our home... We have a two car garage and only one vehicle, so I have tons of space to keep large worm bins... and the temp stays pretty consistent there because it is literally underground on three sides... If it gets a bit cool in the dead of winter, we can always add a touch of heat for them.

Here is another source...


This message was edited Sep 1, 2008 7:41 PM

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