Vigna Caracalla how long from tiny buds to bloom?

Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

Yeah! This is my second summer with my Vigna Caracalla, and I finally have tiny buds on it! My big question is though, how long from tiny buds to bloom? We are kinda running out of summer here, and I hope to see it bloom before it gets too cold!

Thanks much for any info!

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

I don't remember exactly how long it took, but it was too long. I was able to see them bloom, tho. My vine was purchased and had a good start when I got it. One year I even had seed pods, but they definitely didn't have time to mature. Here is a picture of mine in 2004.

Thumbnail by Brugie
Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

Very nice! Yeah, it seems like it's taking forever to get out of the tiny bud stage. I think we have a good 6 weeks before the first frost, so it had better hurry up! LOL!

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

They will open for you, I'm sure. The blooms smell so good,too. Are you going to dig it up and hold it over for next year? I learned that it was easier to grow them in a pot so I didn't have to dig to China to get all the root. LOL!

Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

I've got it in a pot, so I won't have to worry with having to dig it up. Although, I have read on a few of these threads that they do better if you plant them in the ground. I may try that next year with a cutting and see how that goes. This is one that I am very anxious to see in person and smell!!

Pretoria, South Africa

You won't be disappointed! It is definitely my most favorite vine. Must say Mandevilla laxa definitely gives it some stiff competition...

Enjoy your flowers,

Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

Hi Elsa!
Hope everything is going well with you, and that the blue impatiens seeds germinated for you!
I am very excited to see and smell the Vigna Caracalla bloom, and you're right, the Mandevilla laxa is very nice too, and will be beautiful with the Vigna!! I did follow your suggestion and planted them together. :)

Pretoria, South Africa

Hi Felicia,
Unfortunately I didn't have success with the impatiens... I really wanted them to do good, but I do realize they are difficult to get growing. Maybe next time.
Both my Vigna and Mandevilla are getting ready to flower. Can hardly wait!

Have a lovely day,

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

OMG - Vigna Caracalla WITH Mandevilla laxa? Sounds like heaven!!! Now if I can just get some of the Mandevilla laxa to grow for me!!

Lula, GA(Zone 7b)

I grew vigna c from seed (wow, $1 each, but they all did fine) and it did seem slow to get really going (in the ground). But wow, are they impressive now and the scent is lovely. My only complaint is that 96% of the blooms are 6' and up so I can't get up close and personal with them easily. I just cut a spray to take to my MG meeting tonight and it had ants on it which reminded me about the pollination. So I've been composting the fallen blooms but I guess I better read up on saving them for next year. As a rocket-scientist-wanna-be, I guess saving seeds is a much better deal than paying $1 each. :)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Has that been hardy for you in 7b?

Lula, GA(Zone 7b)

Chantell, don't know yet, this is my first year. Good question though. I will leave one in the ground without cutting back so it'll have a chance.

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