CLOSED: HAVE: Jackfruit seeds

Toronto, ON(Zone 5b)

More jackfruit seeds will be coming in from the Philippines. Jackfruit seeds do not have a long shelf life and must be sown asap. To ensure germination, I will pre-germinate these seeds and will send them off to you once I see little roots coming out of the tip. I will pack them in moist sphagnum moss and will be sent as a "light parcel" from Canada post. They're quite big seeds. This will require a customs documentation from me, but I do not have to get a phytosanitation documentation. I've only sent a package similar to this to Mississippi and it arrived in good condition.

I will offer 6 pre-germinated seeds per trade or 3 pre-germinated seeds per trade. 6 seeds cost about $7.00 to send and 3 seeds most likely half. For this reason I will be asking for similar amount of trade:

- Roots or rhizomes or tubers
- Big seeds similar to these and cost around the same amount
- No big cuttings or big bulbs or potted plants please

Not looking for specific plants, so feel free to offer what you have/can.
Do remember that I live in Canada, and this will not be a local trade ;). And also, these are tropical plants, so they will not survive anywhere that snows. If this is the case, you can just bring them inside the house; they're slow growers once established. This will be the last call for jackfruit seeds this season/year, so let me know asap if you're interested.


This message was edited Aug 26, 2008 7:52 AM

This message was edited Aug 26, 2008 7:53 AM

This message was edited Aug 26, 2008 7:54 AM

Thumbnail by evr
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

*pouting* because I don't think I can squeeze in another large tropical plant for overwintering... I need a greenhouse, LOL!

What a fascinating plant, though! I looked up the PF entry:

Blackshear, GA(Zone 8a)

Hi Eliz, Would you like hardy hibiscus and gloriosa lily seeds. André

Orlando, FL

Hi, I would be interested in swapping but dont know if you will be interested in what I have or not. I have dwarf Poinciana
red,yellow orange color. I also have a seed pod from oneof my alamanda vines. The rest I have would have to be cuttings or bulbs. Could send seeds from pink tabebuia and Silk flower . Fran

Navarre, FL(Zone 8b)

Can send you a rhizome of butterfly ginger for 3 seeds or anything else I may have you like.

Toronto, ON(Zone 5b)

critterologist, I also need a greenhouse! lol my tropical fruiting plants have dibbs inside the house before the ornamental ones. The ornamentals, if I can make them into bonsai I will make them into a bonsai to conserve space lol. you house must look like a jungle too no? Maybe next year, I'll most likely get some more seeds around late spring/early summer lemme know if you have space =D.

Andre, Fran and Pam, I sent you guys d-mail ;)

Thank you for your interest!


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Do you actually get fruits from your indoor-wintered jackfruit trees? I would have figured that was impossible... but then, I'm still holding out hope for fruit from my bananas...

I'll keep it in mind... maybe I can convince DH to allow big pots into some other rooms... he says I have no restraint, and he doesn't want *every* room to be a jungle, LOL.

Blackshear, GA(Zone 8a)

Hi critterologist, Let me tell you that I laughed reading your message. Yeah! no restraints!!! LOL. André

Toronto, ON(Zone 5b)

so many limitations under my jackfruit seedling's conditions; they grow very slow also. From seeds, it will take about 5-7 years to fruit. Hopefully by then, I have finished paying off my student loans and have a greenhouse lol. KEYWORD: greenhouse, not a house....aspiring to have a greenhouse first lol (in my dreams).

They do grow pretty tall like Durian trees and mango trees, and they do keep well in greenhouses as I've been told. I don't know of anybody that grows them inside the house up here though (apparently only crazy people like me according to my neighbours - I take them outside for the summer and they ask "what is that plant?" my answers are usually "mango" or "jackfruit" or "eucalyptus tree" or "lychee tree" and they give me a weird look). I'll send you guys more information about these plants; they do not like to be transplanted alot due to their fragile taproots.

This message was edited Aug 28, 2008 4:05 PM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Heh... go for the greenhouse... put a little lean-to on the back with a bed, a hot plate, and of course an internet connection so you can access DG!

Blackshear, GA(Zone 8a)

I built a GH last year about this time of the year, and proud I did. I used it every days I could go. Here is a pic of it. André

Thumbnail by Smegtone
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Andre', that greenhouse ROCKS! How fabulous! You built it nice & big, too... you didn't mess around, LOL.

Blackshear, GA(Zone 8a)

Thanks. It is 19x22, and just love it. I also built one 16x16 for my Step-Daughter this spring. Time is something you have plenty when you are retired.

Toronto, ON(Zone 5b)

LOVELY!. Andre, would you like to build one for me? that could be my house eh critter? (I'm just joking you guys, please don't take me seriously when I'm not talking about plants/seeds, it's really hard to give off the tone of my speech online). What do you grow in there Andre if you don't mind me asking? I know this is a weird question, but does it snow in Georgia? Does it get cold there? As you guys can tell, haven't been down there...crossed the border but only got up to Gloucester, Massachusettes. mmmmmmm clam chowder =).

Blackshear, GA(Zone 8a)

We do not get any snow here, but do get 6 to 10 days of frost. I start all my plants, cuttings, and keep all the orchids in. Last September, I sowed many confederate roses and only one made it, you should have seen how tall when I got it out this spring. It is now 12 feet tall and still waiting to see the blooms. The stem is 1 1/2" in diameter.The polycarbonate siding and roof are 100% UV, so I have to put all the plants into shade when I take them out of the GH. Plants do grow bigger in a GH, just as if they try to reach the sun.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Those confederate roses have a while till they bloom and they get big in a hurry. That rain we got from Fay made it mine grow 2 ft at least in the last week, it was like the plant said "it's getting close to show time I need to bulk up. LOL.

From last year.

Thumbnail by CoreHHI
Blackshear, GA(Zone 8a)

Beautiful blooms, watching mine closely now.

Toronto, ON(Zone 5b)

Oh yes, another DG member have told me that, you only get so many days of frost. Very interesting. Are confederation roses similar to the rose bushes that are normally sold at Home Depot?

UPDATE: As I talk to more US DG members, I've been told that they have trouble receiving seeds from Canadian traders. Most of the seeds that I have sent out got to their proper destination and were never flagged BUT I never had any CLAIMS FORM on it, just sent it in a normal envie as you would with a normal doc. EXCEPT for the jackfruit seeds that I have sent, which had a claim form on it. I also read somewhere that is it TECHNICALLY ILLEGAL for Canadians to send seeds to the US, but not for Americans to send seeds to Canadians. I know this is not the appropriate forum for this and I will also post it up on the proper discussion forum, but if you have any inputs/experiences with this please let me know.


Blackshear, GA(Zone 8a)

Hi Eliz, the last one I received from Canada was written jewelry beads on the envi, which would be quite appropriate for the jack fruit seeds. André

Toronto, ON(Zone 5b)

lol, Andre, that's what I wrote too, well I wrote "GLASS BEADS" >=) on my other jackfruit seed trade and it got there. But I really didn't know that we're not allowed to send seeds to you guys down there.

Blackshear, GA(Zone 8a)

The US doesn't care about what is going out of the country, but sure cares about what is going in...Canada doesn't care. You did the right thing.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

I wouldn't say what they are. If you look around there are some threads on this topic. Chicago IL seems to be the hardest place to get seeds through.

The confederate rose is a different plant all together compared to roses at Home depot. No thorns different leaves and a lot bigger for starters. They seem to top out at about 15 ft around here and they bloom starting in early Oct. and bloom until a frost gets them. Blooms also start white and turn pink over time. Just checked in plant files and there aren't any good pictures of a full sized one. Give me a couple of months and I'll get a picture of a mature one.

Blackshear, GA(Zone 8a)

Hi CoreHHI, I just took a picture this morning after I read your message. Here is mine is now.

This message was edited Sep 1, 2008 3:33 PM

Thumbnail by Smegtone
Toronto, ON(Zone 5b)

this is my jackfruit seedling, about 1 month old; very slow growing. Sorry about the bad quality pic. Can't really zoom in and take close-ups with this cam. The seeds came in today and I'll take pics of them tomorrow =)

Thumbnail by evr
Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Do you have a macro setting? Think that's what it's called. Took me about 2 years to figure that out and beable to take up close pictures.

Toronto, ON(Zone 5b)

I don't have a macro setting on my digital I think...well it's not really my digital, it has very minimal options/menus. I'll go check and play with it again. I do have macro on my film cam though, I don't want to pay for negatives and printing lol. I have to be a cheapo for a couple of weeks, possibly months and have no pocket change for a good digital. lol

btw, for those of you living in the tropics/sub-tropics, is it possible to grow maple seeds/trees? Like what if you guys like to keep a maple bonsai specimen that needs a cold period. How does that work?

Townsville, Australia(Zone 10a)

My son had a japanese maple, funnily enough it died so definately didnt like my weather.He did make a bonsai out of it.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Silver maples etc are weeds around here. They grow like crazy. I see very few Japanese maples but I'm not sure why. Fall color isn't important because you may not get fall color here. LOL. That's the main point of Japanese maples isn't it? Might also be why I don't see many of them.

Toronto, ON(Zone 5b)

LOL oh YEAAAH, totally forgot about that! the fall colour on maples hehehe. I think we got silver maples here too, Norwegian maples have been taking over our sugar maples. But I believe there are some jp maples that stay red all throughout the season.

Toronto, ON(Zone 5b)

suppose to have posted this pic on monday, these are the seeds. I'll be keeping some for reserves just incase the first mailing does not reach you.

I've separated the seeds according to their weight: >2g and

Thumbnail by evr
Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

wish i could of gotten a few but didnt have a thing to trade. cool plant and cool looking seeds too.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

If I could leave it outside I would have gone for a trade but I'm to cold. I like those sauage trees too. I'm to cold for those as well.

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