What's Happening in YOUR neighborhood today pt 8

Victoria Harbour, ON

Moving us to another room, a chair awaits you, always nice to have company drop in....

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Why put off doing it when I get to work, just sitting here waiting for the call to leave...

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Here is the mother Canna (Wyoming) that I have overwintered 3 times so far and shared many a chunk with friends and family.
It is a bit wet today and that's a good thing as we need the moisture.

Thumbnail by annabell52
Victoria Harbour, ON

OMG Annabell, absolutely beautiful..now I purchased mine I think mid June, although some are tall perhaps it's not a long enough season for them to bloom this year...can't believe the color..so that leads me to my next question, does that mean I might have different colors of flowers?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Raining a lot and of course I watered yesterday. Serves me right for not checking the weather forecast.

Purple, banana and yellow potatoes, beans and carrots ( still very small) and beets for suppers these days out of the garden. Probaby wont get any turnips, planted too late and Fancy is now going in and digging her own. Zuchini of course so am baking lots, love my little Patty Pan zuchini. Picked a nice head of cabbage last week and my neighbor Marie made her cabbage borscht with it and then brings me a jar of it Lovely!

Carter and Katy, shelties of a friend are visiting for a few days so there are 4 dogs in the house. If the rain lets up we will go for walks later this afternoon. Katy has a back leg issue so I dont walk her she finds it too difficult and can only walk very slowly.

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

There are a ton of colors and combination there of so you may have different heights and colors with both leaves and blooms. You may still get blossoms just watch for the top to get long and tall and leaves seem to get smaller as they get ready to pop.
Carol I wondered how long you were able to keep Fancy out of your food garden!
At least she likes her veggies.
The rain here too came after I watered, but I didn't want to take the chance that it would rain as they have promised for weeks that it would and nothing!!.
Oh well the gardens enjoyed.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Thanks Ann for the info..

How nice for you all to be able to go out into the garden and gather your crops, with me being on my own I found that in order to do a veggie garden I'd probably have to give up a flower garden so wouldn't do the trade off...miss it though, always had gardens..

No rain here, lovely weather this week, wouldn't you know, crossing my fingers that Thursday clears up or if it does rain it will either be early morning or late night..now what would I do with 4 boys at the Ex in the rain??? better figure out that one and have back up plan..

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Betty I am on my own too ( well of the two legged variety) but I am retired so I can spend all my time out there if I wish.

Ann I have fences around the cabbages and the carrots but didnt think about the turnips! This winter I am going to have gates made that she cant get thru or under or over! I hope!

More baking - trying out a zuchini bread somebody posted with butterscothc chips and rum extract instead of vanilla.

Rain has stopped so I guess we will go for a walk as soon as the baking is done. I dont like to go out with the oven on even if there is time.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Heading for the hosp in a bit .. going to special a Hospice patient ..

Was fortunate enough to have had fresh corn and beet tops and Wisconsin panfish for supper !!!

Still praying for RAIN here !!!

Sleep well all ..


Victoria Harbour, ON

Just watered my garden, don't want rain "M" you can have it...need at least 2 days of sunshine..

Prayers for the hospice patient...I admire your courage to be able to be by their sides..not many can...

Night all..


yummmmmmm this conversation is making me hungry, and I've already had supper!! lol

Beautiful Cannas, Jo-South! I didn't think those grew here........

Say, Jo - how are the Daturas doing? I have mine in my greenhouse, and they're doing well, but I don't think they'll flower this season.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

WOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!! It has been raining since 2am !!!! Finally .. the poor gardens are probably in shock :-)
Doubtless the grass will grow .. but not at any great rate .. it'll be nice to see it NON burned out !!

Annabell .. your Canna is spectacular .. beauty for sure .. and, yes, Tallulah_B, isn't it odd they grow so well in zone 3 .. they look so tropical. Had someone ask me if it was a RUBBER TREE !!! LoL

Making cabbage soup today (non diet), altho it is in and of itself a pretty healthy soup .. all the vegetables will come from the garden ..

Hope everyone enjoys their day !!


Victoria Harbour, ON

Morning everyone..why do they call the days you book off as 'holidays' when you come back so very tired...

Started off on Wednesday with hospital-tests took until noon, everyone was waiting for me to arrive so we could have the b.b.q. at my place...sunny, but we ate indoors, so many bees of late, must be storing up for the winter...

Later in the evening 2 of my grandsons came over so we'd make an early start (7am) to pick the other 2 up in the city and head down to the Canadian Naitonal Exhibition/Ontario Place and Medieval Times..needless to say fun was had by all, and yes I sure was tired when I got home shortly before 1:00 am...

Did have mist rain for about 1/2 hr. not enough to close down the rides, but when we entered Medieval Times it just started to rain, 2 1/2 hrs. later when we came out it had just stopped but continued shortly after for my 120 miles ride home..yuk..no company as the boys slept soundly, Kyle did try to keep me company but exhaustion set in..lol

Today it rained on my way into the city, infact light mist, black sky looms, hard to believe that they are calling for sunshine the entire long weekend...

Only 3 more hours before we head out, already 400N was heavy, so might try to find alternate route, although longer in mileage might be shorter time wise...

So what do you all have planned for the long weekend?

Here's a photo of my angels..lol

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Victoria Harbour, ON

Just so excited, got a box of plants from Echoes today..all will certainly survive, she must have done shipping of plant before, wow, were they packed in but done so in a manner that none were crushed..have them in containers, watered them, waiting for tomorrow to plant...such pretties..will mark down the names for you as I plant in the Friendship Garden..

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Oops! How did I miss the start of the new thread? I guess I've been too busy if I didn't see it.

Had some friends in for dinner tonight. One just moved to Ottawa but has been teaching viola at the University for a couple of years while still based in Toronto. Turns out his new house is only about 3 km away from me. The other friend studied viola with him in Winnipeg years ago.

It's getting late here; so I won't write much more. Hope you all have a great holiday weekend.


This message was edited Aug 29, 2008 11:49 PM

Victoria Harbour, ON

Hope you all have a fun filled weekend as well, much to do, nothing exciting but finishing up some projects! But that's exciting in it's own right..lol..

It's sunshine here today and calling for same over the next 4 days ..hope its the same in your neck of the woods...

Got to plant "Echoes" plants in the friendship garden this morning, that will surely make me smile..

Mississauga, ON(Zone 6a)

annabell52, those are beautiful cannas. I would like to know how you store them over winter.

Thanks, Joan

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

HAPPY LOooooooooooNG WEEKEND' to everyone .. :-)

Betty .. your 'Darlins' are just that ANGELS :-) beautiful pic ..

Been busier than a one armed paper hanger here .. LoL ... have decided to 'pull the pin' !! In other words I am retiring from nursing after 36 years. I am finding that my volunteer work is giving me more of what I want to 'fill me up' .. AND .. I do NOT have to deal with the very HIGH and ever increasing stress that nurses are being asked to handle. It's a decision that has been long in the making, but, now that it's done I feel better .. and onward goes my journey .. I will be done before Xmas .. I actually doubt I will accept more than a few more shifts before my retirement date.
SHEW .. the PAPERWORK is unbelievable .. the lady from Human Resources kept handing me more papers to sign .. I now can CONFIDENTLY spew out my SI # without botching it up :-)

Country Fairs and a quick jaunt to the US to take in a Zaydeco/Louisianna typa Boogie will fill up my weekend .. temps expected to be in the high 20's low 30's .. with HUMIDITY !!! (there goes the hair) LoL
Also having a friends and family BBQ on Monday evening .. sort of a Labour Day tradition .. have to be sure to pick up corn .. OH .. BTW .. here in TBay we are paying $7. for a dozen cobs .. apparently, according to my friends parents in King City .. they pay MAYBE $2.00/ dozen .. AHEM .. so much for buying local in Thunder Bay .. !!

Off to get a second coffee .. enjoy your weekend ..


Victoria Harbour, ON

"M" how wonderful for you, know it must have been a difficult situation but look at all the time you'll have to 'play'...congratulations....won't take you long to get into the swing of things...

I purchased a doz. corn last night and we pay $5.00 at that is right at the farmers-no middle man..but lordy it's worth it..

My company just came in, got everything settled i.e. playpen and now they are off to visit my MIL and then sight seeing and will be back to spend the night..

Worked out in the garden from 9am - 1:00 - tired/tired ...almost tempted while sun is at it's best to take an hours rest..don't like doing so because that usually puts an end to my being productive..

Funny, we ask for lovely weekend and then spend time indoors because it's just too hot..lol...

Victoria Harbour, ON

Taking a 10 minute break, checking e-mails and got this one, thought I'd share, pretty sure I've posted before, maybe not, or you may have seen it, but just incase thought you might enjoy!Crabby Old Woman

When an old lady died in the geriatric ward of a small hospital near

Dundee Scotland, it was believed that she had nothing left of any value.

Later, when the nurses were going through her meagre possessions, they

Found this poem. Its quality and content so impressed the staff that

copies were made and distributed to every nurse in the hospital.

One nurse took her copy to Ireland . The old lady's sole bequest to

posterity has since appeared in the Christmas edition of the News

Magazine of the North Ireland Association for Mental Health. A slide

presentation has also been made based on her simple, but eloquent, poem.

And this little old Scottish lady, with nothing left to give to the

world, is now the author of this 'anonymous' poem winging across the


Crabby Old Woman

What do you see, nurses ......what do you see?

What are you thinking ........... when you're looking at me?

A crabby old woman ............. not very wise,

Uncertain of habit......with faraway eyes?

Who dribbles her food and makes no reply.

When you say in a loud voice 'I do wish you'd try!'

Who seems not to notice the things that you do,

And forever is losing .a stocking or shoe?

Who, resisting or not let's you do as you will,

With bathing and feeding, the long day to fill?

Is that what you're thinking? is that what you see?

Then open your eyes, nurse, you're not looking at me.

I'll tell you who I am as I sit here so still,

As I do at your bidding, as I eat at your will.

I'm a small child of ten, with a father and mother,

Brothers and sisters . who love one another.

A young girl of sixteen with wings on her feet

Dreaming that soon now a lover she'll meet.

A bride soon at twenty, my heart gives a leap,

Remembering the vows that I promised to keep..

At twenty-five now, I have young of my own,

Who need me to guide and a secure happy home.

A woman of thirty, my young now grown fast,

Bound to each other with ties that should last.

At forty, my young sons have grown and are gone,

But my man's beside me to see I don't mourn

At fifty once more, babies play round my knee,

Again we know children, my loved one and me.

Dark days are upon me, my husband is dead,

I look at the future, I shudder with dread.

For my young are all rearing young of their own,

And I think of the years and the love that I've known.

I'm now an old woman and nature is cruel;

Tis jest to make old age look like a fool.

The body, it crumbles, grace and vigor depart,

There is now a stone where I once had a heart.

But inside this old carcass a young girl still dwells,

And now and again, my battered heart swells.

I remember the joys, I remember the pain,

And I'm loving and living life over again.

I think of the years all too few, gone too fast,

And accept the stark fact that nothing can last.

So open your eyes, people, open and see,

Not a crabby old woman; look closer....see, ME!

Remember this poem when you next meet an older person who you might

brush aside without looking at the young soul within......we will all,

one day, be there, too!


Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Very poignant and thought provoking...a good lesson for us all. Thanks for sharing, Betty.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Thanks for sharing that Betty .. we have it posted on the bulletin board in our locker room in Hospice .. it's pretty tattered so I am likely going to print this off ...
I can't tell you how many times I have held a weathered and aged hand and wondered and thought about how it carried the person it belonged to through their life. How it cared for children, cooked and baked and healed and held .. and here was ME holding on as they slipped away .. an awesome spot to be in fer sure.

SO .. therefore my decision to retire .. time to 'get a grip' on MY life .. what I want accomplish .. I am very confident that my link with the terminally ill will never end .. I learn more from them than they do from me :-) I am so very appreciative of their 'life insight' ..

Anywho .. I am hoping that I do NOT become 'THAT Crabby Old Woman' :-) Course .. if you take my lip gloss away I will be :-)

Hugs to all


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

HAPPY LABOUR DAY everyone ...

On and off the computer over the last while as I watch Hurricane 'Gustav' make landfall in NOLA. HAD relatives in the area on vacation but they are safely ensconsed in Minnesota now and on their way back to TBay.

Labour Day BBQ here tonight .. best get on with making some salads and marinating some steaks and chicken ..



Victoria Harbour, ON

Happy Labour Day as well, had company all weekend, managed to 'play'..all have gone now except for Noah, just washed the floors, taking a break and it's time to be back outside to finish the few projects that are near done..

By late this aft. should be able to grout the cement bench top..did it really primitive with left over glass and bobbles..then I repaired a couple of chairs/table I found in the garbage, quick coat of paint and they'll do..are suppose to be antique anyway..trying to figure out what kind of paint to put on a bench that I've had for years, can't get all the old paint off and can't remember what is on them...cutting out an insert to make a new one, lol, but not today..only so many hours left..OMG wasn't it the most beautiful weekend, sunshine, high temps and just a slight feel of fall..my most favorite time of the year..

Gardens aren't looking their best, going out to put the sprinkler on, try and help them out.. lol..

"M" you'll so enjoy your retirement, probably more because it's YOU who decided it was time..

Enjoy the b.b.q.'s, picnic's etc.

Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

At present it is 36C with 100% humidity here in Thunder Bay .. my oh my but I am NOT ever going to become accustomed to this type of weather .. but will have to go with the flow as it seems to be becoming more of a normal thing here the last few summers.

The Labour Day BBQ went well .. wasn't quite as warm last evening and there was a lovely breeze.
I was gifted with a cookbook (I LOVE COOKBOOKS) and am now awaiting a lemon pie cooking in the oven .. all done in a blender and poured into an unbaked pie shell .. smells good :-)

Betty .. I have 'approached' the retirement issue a few times, but have always backed off or listened to others telling me not to .. our Chief Nursing Officer (Director of Nursing) talked me out of it last year .. I spoke with her last week .. she again tried to get me to change my mind .. but .. my mind is made up. She does want me to come back and do workshops with the 2nd year University Nursing students before they start their rotations on Hospice .. that much I can do .. I'm gonna quite like being able to take the phone off the hook and catch a nap, OR, just sleep the whole night through without the phone riniging me awake !!!!

Best go get the lemon pie out of the oven ..



Victoria Harbour, ON

"M" maybe you could share your 'lemon pie' recipe..sounds yummy...
You are truly ready for retirement, can hear it from your posts..your mind is made up, time to move on, so much awaits you...time to do what you want to do...

It was the most gorgeous weekend, today is much the same, I believe they are calling for heavy rains Thurs. on so I've much I can occupy myself with this weekend should I be housebound inside...

Grand Forks, BC(Zone 5b)

Congratulations on your decision to retire Marilynne. After retiring 5 years ago, I thoroughly recommend it. It was then that I was really able to get serious about gardening.

Cooled off here in the Southern Interior of BC significantly. Over the Long weekend and this week, we are enjoying temps of about 24C. Very nice, even though you can feel a little touch of fall in the air.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Yup I recommend it too. I retired following treatment for breast cancer - realized quite soon after my surgery that it was pretty nice being home all the time - told them I would never come back. They didnt believe me but 8 months later when I finished my treatment I made it official - never went back - never regretted it for a moment. It was a couple of years early so I lost a bit off my pensions but still manage OK.

Rained a lot on Sunday so the ground got a good soaking and now very pleasant. A touch of frost last night but I coverec the tomatoes and some of the zuchini leaves got it but dont care - all the other plants are fine.

Nice warm sunny day today, digging plants - moving, getting some things ready for plant share on Saturday, putting in a few new ones I bought last week and some that I bought a few weeks ago but never got in the ground!

MIght have to make a long drive up east of Edmonton Wed/Thursday to pick up a dog - they are not being very cooperative about meeting us anywhere but we are still hoping.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Went to the farm last week & looks like the Patty Pan didn't mind being left with 100% Mother Nature care.

Thumbnail by joannabanana
Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

All this talk about retirement. I seem to have a habit of coming out of retirement. Retired from the Gloucester Emergency Food Cupboard in early 2006 and was right back there for 3 months this past winter when my successor quit with 2 weeks notice. But I'm back to being retired and I think the new person will really do well.

I've been organizing an overload of paper. Got one room and the affairs of the Canadian Viola Society in good shape. Have another room where I teach music lessons and have all the stuff pertaining to my handbell choir and I expect that one will take awhile. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE PAPERLESS SOCIETY???? Sure hasn't made it to my house.

Tomorrow I have a student in the morning and I'll be in to the Food Cupboard to volunteer in the afternoon and in the evening we'll be packing. DH and I head to Lancaster, PA in his 43 yr-old Porsche 356C Cabriolet (that he bought new at the factory in 1965). We are attending the East Coast Holiday of the 356 Registry http://www.356registry.org/ech2008/index.html No big suitcases in this car; so I'll have to think a bit about packing.


PS This pic was taken in May 2007 - the first trip after the soft top was replace with one that doesn't leak. :-)

Thumbnail by ViolaAnn
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Ann .. what a great pic !!! Love the car :-) Hope you two have a fun trip south. As for the packing .. I'd be at a loss .. my brother in law once wanted DH and myself to accompany him and his wife on a weekend MOTORCYCLE trip to the States .. we would have use of their 'other' Harley .. well .. on questioning my DSinL re 'suitcases' she just laughed and said '' whatever you can fit into a plastic grocery bag" !!! Fortunately it RAINED and the trip was cancelled .. LOL !!

This morning is a VERY fall morning here. Am boggled at the variation in temps over the hours. It was 36C here Tuesday afternoon .. a rainstorm pushed through .. and this morning at 7am when I took Lilly out .. I DID have to wear gloves .. it was near 10C with a brisk NW wind .. no frost !!!!

Re the lemon pie .. YUK is all I can say .. I KNEW it was too good to be true .. I actually think had I had a 'thinner skinned' lemon the recipe would have turned out better. The pie looked just awesome .. BUT .. the rind gave it a bitter taste. the recipe calls for a whole large lemon .. cut up .. seeds removed .. placed in a blender or food processor along with 4 eggs, 1 1/2 cups of sugar, a splash of vanilla and a 1/2 cup of butter. You whizz that until smooth .. pour it in an UNCOOKED pie shell and bake for 45 - 50 minutes. I hate to have to throw the pie out .. the lemon flavour is very prevalent, but, as I said, the bitterness of the lemon rind is also there ... so .. if you do attempt the recipe .. make sure your lemon is THIN SKINNED .. mine was thick skinned, ergo, the bitterness :-(

Retirement is looking better everyday .. and .. like you Carol .. I will not receive much of a pension as I am leaving early .. can't see me hanging on til 60 or longer .. 55 is good enough for me .. right now my BIGGEST excitement re retirement is NOT having to drive in snow storms to get to and from work !!!

Out and about with DH and Lilly today .. she gets groomed tomorrow but she's going 'Doggy biscuit shopping' today .. SPOILED !!!!

Take care all .. stay warm !!!


Victoria Harbour, ON

"M" you did have to bring up the snow and ice didn't you...it gets more difficult driving the 100 miles one way to work each day as the season is nearing winter..not sure I'll make another winter, so I say now, but I seem to take it on..drove myself in this morning and it seemed as thought I was part of the race circuit..slowest vehicles (my being one of them) was doing 125kil. ..as I parked my car the words "Amen" came out!

We've had such lovely weather but the sky is clouding over, will have to check what they are predicting for the weekend...would be nice if it were sunshine...

Tomorrow I'm off to register for more painting classes, Why? so costly and I don't really learn anything but it's more to be with friends I've painted with for 20 years...why we don't go to each others house is beyond me...anyway, good way to spend some of these working bucks..lol..

Had hoped "M" that your pie would have been a 'must share - the best ever' disappointing isn't it..

Fancyvan, what kind of dog are you picking up???

Don, weather sure is making us aware that fall is but weeks away...amen to the retirement, BIL talked me into coming to work for him for a few months until he could train someone, 3 years later and here I am..just think I'll get double the enjoyment when I retire for the 2nd time...lol

Ann, that's a fantastic photo of you both..picture perfect...you enjoy your trip..always off somewhere, how exciting and really how could you ever fit working into your schedule...

Joannabanana, want to go back and open your photo so I can really look at it, but I've learnt a lesson, click on photo-post goes puff....

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Betty: a sheltie. I foster for a sheltie rescue. We are not going until Tuesday next week now unless we can find transport before then. We will leave here early and do the whole thing in one day - might stop in Edmonton at Annabelles on the way back for a break. We have not been able to get anybody to get the dog in Vermillion and meet us part way. It is a 2 hr drive east of Edmonton.

Today another of our foster moms and I are going out to Spruce Meadows - I have never been there in all the time I have been in Calgary.

We are losing the lady who started and runs the rescue as she is moving to Nanaimo next month and another foster is moving back to Toronto so I am not sure what will happen - it is a pretty small group. I would not like to see it fold but not sure if any of us are willing to take on the job of running it!

Victoria Harbour, ON

OMG let's hope it doesn't fold, my sister Sharon organizes rescue homes for her American Eskimo Dog clubs here in Canada..amazing how many need homes...

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

WOW .. lots going on in here :-)

We had a 'frost' this morning .. not a killing frost though .. I had taken pics of my FAVOURITE flower bed yesterday .. will be sharing (just 2) .. had also taken pics at the flower beds at the cemetery yesterday as my bud was worried that frost was coming .. I would share them .. but there are at least 10 to 12 pics .. is there a way to do that in another way on Daves ? I have them saved in one folder.

Dog rescuers .. such a wonderful calling .. I do hope everything works out for you Carol.
I will share a pic of my brother with the Great Pyrennes his daughter (and her 2 daughters) saved from being euthanized a few months back. Pearl is thriving .. :-)

Okee dokee .. on to the pics ...


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Last one of my Perennial bed ..


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

She is a SWEETIE :-) Well .. so is my brother LoL


Thumbnail by MarilynneS
Victoria Harbour, ON

Beautiful photo..especially family photo...

"M" don't you just want to cry, change of frost so soon and your flowers looking as though they are in their prime...just look at those colors...OMG "M" don't send the cold weather down this way just yet..please/please

Off to put drops in my ears, drats got an ear ache again..never ever had them before, last few months, having them weekly...

Then it's off to bed..tired tonight...got to save my energy for tomorrow..lots of workshops at painting studio I can register in for fall...lol

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

We arrived safely in Lancaster around 5 pm. Left home about 7:30 but stopped at the border and in northern NY to use washrooms, in Cortland, NY for lunch and fuel and another pit stop on the PA Turnpike. It was there that we found the car wouldn't start. No matter, we are old hands at the art of push starting and it's a little car.

Met someone else on his way to the Porsche event at the same rest stop although he was driving a large SUV, his early 356 being at home in the Chicago area. He'd been vacationing in northern NY for awhile. He followed us all the way to Lancaster, just to ensure that we had no problems and we didn't other than having to push-start the car everytime we start it.

Were about to put a new battery in it this evening, but the battery tests good; so there is probably a fault getting power to the starter motor, and an intermittant one at that. Tomorrow, we are likely to wire in a bypass to start the engine with a push from the engine compartment. And maybe after it cools off it will start on its own tomorrow. Been a LONG time since the car was driven as hard for as long.

There are about 300 people (or couples) here who own Porsche 356 models, the newest of those cars having been made in 1965. Probably well over 200 of the cars are here as well, most driven, but some have been trailored.

Will get some pics tomorrow and Saturday. Pray for good weather on Saturday. That is the Concours and they are calling for 70% chance of rain.

Fancy, I certainly hope that the shelter is able to keep going. Makes a big difference to such an organization when the spark that got it going moves on.

Marilynne - great pics.


Thunder Bay Ontario, ON(Zone 3a)

Well .. NO frost this morning .. heavy dew though .. so .. my flowers have again 'squeaked by' ..
I PROMISE to speak with Ma Nature betty .. I'll tell her to send the colder weather up to Hudsons Bay LoL

Sorry to hear about your ear probs .. it could be linked to sinus probs which in turn are caused by those ever loved (NOT) 'allergies' .. hope the ear drops work .. but you may need nose spray.

Hokey Doodle Ann .. I sure hope the car responds to the re wiring(by pass) job !! Sounds like a fun time ..

Today starts my 5 day busy streak .. how I am going to fit all the activities in with housework is puzzling me .. but I do think it's time to use my clothes dryer as opposed to hanging out my clothes if just for this coming weekend .. faster ..
Kinda looking forward to the weekend Hospice Workshop .. 2 full days .. but .. happily .. those 2 days are looking to be showery and cool weather wise, so, I won't feel as though I should be in the gardens.
Sept always seems to herald the time of year when friends and acquaintences start getting together .. have a Nurses Alumni luncheon on Monday, and a Grade 12 'gurls' dinner on Tuesday .. nice to see everyone and sorta touch base .. already have my invite to a colleagues (hang on to yer seat here) PRE CHRISTMAS sale .. she is a water colour artist and always has a show in mid Sept.

Off to make a WAY EASY "Cheesecake pie" .. Raspberry this time .. total 'put together time' .. maybe 15 minutes if I don't have to answer the phone :-)

Take care all


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