ORVG COFFEE HOUSE # 123, Still Dog Days...

i m sorry to hear of his passing GW.
I m a bit perturbed this am
my dh job doesn't start for a few weeks. Hmmm when was he going to tell me ? ! actually i m a bit livid right now and ready to bonk him one in the snoze. grrr. communication is bad too , no phone or comp . grrr to yell at him or get his explanation. I shall wait . LOL
kids are home today ,thought it would be best to keep them rested.
appliances are being delivered today and counter tops are going in.
Paullette i m glad to hear your son is ok also . wow what a worry for us mom with our sons ! ain't it. I worry about my oldest driving . I just don't know if i can take it ? lol my nerves would be shot . Ugh. I worry about her taking the bus LOL
well got things to do
take care and have a great morning

well dh emailed me and said He didn't know until he got there they were delaying the job. Ok so i m hypersensitive due to hormonelly challenged body. sheesh. Pass the chocolate please !!
where is everyone ?
have a great day

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Good Morning. It's hot and sticky here... yuck. I don't want to do anything at all... sigh.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Good morning, I have been cleaning and straightening that 3rd bedroom that seems to catch everything that I don't know what to do with!! I am turning it into an office, and I have all the junk out, and now need to start rearranging the furniture. May have to wait until DH gets home before being able to finish, as I don't think I can move the bed by myself, and I don't want to dismantle it. I have carried things to the attic and things to my garden shed, and made lots of room in there. Even straightened the closet, and took many things out to be discarded.

Darius it is hot and sticky here too, that is why I am inside today. Went out early, and it was hot at 8 a.m.

Paulette, sorry to hear about DS's accident, but glad that he too is okay. Must have been the wrong phase of the moon for young drivers.

Well, break is over, and need to get back to it.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Just a note to say that I am so glad that Melissa and Pauletta's sons are ok. A friend of mine survived a similar crash years ago and had her seat belt on and it made a believer out of me. I always wear mine now.

Melissa - a few of the tomatoes on the "mystery pink" from Bird's farm are getting ripe here. How are they doing for you? Sunny gave me an German Red Strawberry plant this spring. The shape is similar, but they are smaller than the Bird's and taste and texture is very different.

Off to the shower and then to work....

Hello to all!


New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Good afternoon to all. Guess I never did make it here yesterday! Wow! Miss one day here, and you are behind!!
Ric...thanks...and Dave will give one of you a call, I'm sure.
Dusty...no...the mantle is gone...sorry. We sold it to a friend of mine. She bought it as a gift for her daughter and their 'new' old home!
Melissa...wow...glad your son is ok! That car looks pretty bad!! He definitely had angels riding on his shoulders!
And Pauletta...glad your son is ok as well! Mercy! Like Bonnie said, must have been the moon phase! How is that new baby coming along anyway??????
Went for my 'class' at the hospital this morning...and didn't get home until 12:30 pm. Had to be there at 8:15 am! It was the PT's and OT's, and financial advisors, OR nurses, and whomever else...that had to talk to us about our upcoming surgery. They gave us a CD to take home to watch. One good thing was they had coffee, juice, and bagels, rolls, muffins for us to eat. I was glad of that, because we had no time to eat anything before leaving at 6:30 am . I have been awake though, since 4:30 am. Dang cat didn't come in last night, and when she does that....(about once a week)...she comes knocking on the bedroom window to get in at some ungodly hour of the morning...like 4:30 am. I had the alarm set for 5:30...so never did really get back to sleep.!
Anyway...the insurance person there today said I may NOT be having 'in hospital' therapy afterwards! It depends on a lot of IF's. IF they have a room open....IF your therapist thinks you need it...IF your insurance covers it....and she wasn't sure that ours would???? Sooooooooo...I'm not sure what will be happening with that???? She said to have a back up plan. Well...I do. Come home and let Dave take care of me!! He is willing...and did it for 3 back surgeries...and I am a very motivated person when it comes to doing the exercises after...which is THE most important thing for good recovery. Sooo...we shall see!!
I guess I had better get busy and get something done around here, and figure out what is for supper too.
Waving~~~~~~~~~ to all...have a great afternoon and evening!!

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Pauletta, I'm glad your son is ok, too! I will remember to take it slow if/when we finally do get rain here.

Sue, I'm with you on the chocolate--amazing how it really does help!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

We are getting POUNDED!

It's been pouring for about 40 minutes now.
Straight down... lots of thunder and lightning but no wind to speak of...
At least an inch so far...
Think afternoon showers in FL......

And the roof on the FPR is tight and dry!

Melissa that was a seriously damaged car.
Jim says if he were on that call he'd be thinking a Ziplock and a Sponge when they pulled up.
He was EXTREMELY lucky!


Ric your getting rain ? ! man lucky ducky .
Good to hear your roof is nice and dry.
Paullette hope your son is doing ok. Sometimes it takes a few days or weeks to really finaly feel the emotions that go with an accident.
KY I still need chocolate !! didn't have time to do it today. Marie's candies is calling my name !
had to drive into springfeild and get the kids at FIL he took care of them while i waited for Lowes to deliver the appliances.
Bonnie and Darius im with you today , just to hot to do anything ! ick. Was 94 in my area and not a smidge of wind or any air movement ugh. even hot in the shade. blah. good thing the basement is cool while i waited for Lowes.
Marcy !! Dave sounds like a great DH . Wow got some goodies at the meeting . Ymmm bagels .
well not much here . I did some canning of some tomatillos and made salsa. Got 6 more pints . Salsa verde. MMMMM.
Still don't know on tomatos . Just don't seem to have the energy . But apples that is a different story . got energy for that !!
love apple season . its my fav. just the smell is intoxicating to me.
take care
nighty night

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Goodevening, All!

So glad to hear both boys came through the accidents so well!

Sue, your kitchen is looking awesome!

Dusty, your door is looking good!

Bonnie, do you ever slow down? I'm tired just reading about all your're getting done!

We had another great visit with DB and SIL. They came in Friday morning. We drove into Owensboro Friday night for Chinese and crablegs. Haven't done that for a very long time and it was so good! Saturday we went to The Lost River Cave in Bowling Green. Had a wonderful time there too.

Been working in the garden and around the flower beds off and on yesterday and today. Got a little rain yesterday, about 1/8". Not enough to do any good, though. Been watching the weather channel...thankfully the hurricane wasn't as bad as expected. I sure wish some of that rain would work it's way up here!

Hope everyone has a wonderful evening!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Robin, I did take it easy on Sunday and yesterday too!! Today, I really did turn in and get that 3rd bedroom decluttered, and almost ready to rearrange. DH didn't get home in time to help me move furniture around, so maybe later tomorrow or on Thursday that will get done.

DH moved his mother from the nursing home to one of his sister's house, and that took a good part of the day.

I had signed up to take an advanced computer class at the library, and the first session was tonight. Got there and it was a combined class, from beginners to intermediate to advanced skills, and I ended up helping to teach, as it was a beginners class mainly. The instructor told me that he did that to see how many of each class there would be. I was the only one who was interested in advanced classes, so he is gonna schedule a couple of sessions to deal mainly with issues that I want to address. I have taken over the job of constructing the bulletins for our church, and wanted a tutorial on using Publisher. Or on any other application that would help me to accomplish this task. Right now I am doing it in Excel, and it is working, but I need some help with other projects that will be coming up. Newsletters, door hangers, post cards, and things that I have never tried to do. Anybody use Publisher, and have any words of wisdom on this program?

Sue, later this week, I will be canning apples. Do you have a good recipe for apple pie filling?, Did I ask this before? I saw a recipe that called for Clearjel, sort of like Surejel for jelly and jam, and wondered what the difference was.

Marcy, hope your "class" answered many questions that you may have had. Sounds like there was a lot of uncertainty in what your insurance will require you to do. I believe that I would make a phone call to the company, and see if they will be picking up the tab for in hospital rehab, or home care to send therapists, so that you can plan accordingly. I am glad that you have Dave (notice I got his name right?) to help you. I have never had extensive surgery, so don't know what kind of nurse my DH would make. Probably lacking in many skills. Even if I did well with the surgery, I would probably starve to death, as he doesn't cook!!

Ric, I am so jealous, you getting rain!! We need it so bad, and our weather liars are only saying a 20% chance of rain several days this week late, and this weekend. I have pretty much given up on the annuals, as they are declining anyway. But I have put in new iris, and have been watering them about a couple times a week, so that they can get established.

I am just gonna give a big hearty ~~ to everybody I didn't mention, seems like my eyes are having trouble staying open tonight!!

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

We got that rain here, too! Lightning, thunder, the works! I ran outside with as many buckets as I could find and put them under the edge of the roof, where it looked like Cumberland Falls. The buckets were filling only seconds after I put them down, so I ran in and grabbed empty plastic garbage cans, big jars....LOL.
I wonder how much it would cost to mail you some of it, Sue? ;)

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Renee, too much!!

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

LOL, I'd better mail it to you, then Bonnie, 'cause I think you're closer!
I heard about Publisher--sounds like something I would enjoy. One of the job ads I saw asked for someone with knowlege of that.
I haven't heard back from the attorney I interviewed with, so I will call him tomorrow morning. Had some errands to run today, so I forgot.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Happy Birthday Melissa!!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I second that wish, Melissa!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Happy Birthday, Melissa!!!

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Happy Birthday, Melissa--do something special for you today!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Good morning ALL....and a big Happy Birthday to Melissa!!! I bet she had to work on her birthday too....geesh!
Bonnie, I DID call the insurance company. They DO pay.....BUT...it depends on the circumstances...well duh!
I have to 'need' the 'in hospital' therapy...over and above what a skilled nursing facility could do for me...or what home therapy could do. So the Dr., hospital, and PT would have to all reccommend it before they would pay. Sounds to me like you might have to be dying to get it??? They will also cover that blood thinner med if it is needed. Well yeah..it is! They already told us that! It's to prevent blood clots from forming in your legs. Aww anyway...the people I talked to were very nice...even wished me good luck on my surgery!
And yes...I noticed you remembered Dave's name...lol!!! Really...he gets called Jim a lot...because..we have a son named Jim..who also used to work at the grocery where Dave works now. People tend to confuse them...so he answers to almost anything!!
Yesterday...the PT told us....THE most critical time to exercise after knee surgery is the first 4-5 days. He said after that, the scar tissue begins to form, and whatever your range of motion is, could be stalled there. So even if it hurts...and it will...DO the exercises. And I WILL! I am already doing them ahead, which he also told us to do. Some of the people that were there yesterday...you could just tell...they won't be doing what they are told! Their loss!
I too, am jealous about the rain!! DANG!! We haven't had a drop!!!!! C'mon Ric...share that water!!!
Well...going to the beauty shop today...to see what they can do for me....hahahaa...not much..I'm sure!!! But she will try!
Gonna be a hot one here again today! We were still in the low 90's at bedtime last night! But I didn't have any trouble sleeping after that early day before!
Chele....are you still online???????????? Let us know ...OK???
Waving~~~~~~~~~~ to ALL....hope you have a great day....and keep cool!!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Happy Birthday, Melissa!!!

Well we had 1 1/2 " of rain last night.
NONE here at work 12 miles north.......


Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

No rain here, and yes, I did have to work on my birthday, but that's ok. I love my job and may as well be there as here... but I could have done without that meeting with the principals after school. :) eh, it's ok, I love my principals too, so all's good.

Hubby is going to go pick up son from football, then we're going out to dinner (JUST the two of us) First time in a LONG time. I think we're going to The Precinct-- local restaurant in a former police station. My preference is always The Boathouse... so we'll see.

Thanks for all the BD wishes. My "wish" came true last week, and a couple of months ago. :)

Bonnie the clearjel is a modified starch. Its the only thickening agent allowed or recommended for canning. It sets up at cooling rather than heating. This is my first year using it. It went well but it does get thick !! Professional bakers use for cream pies and other clear pie fillings like fruit or pecan. No yukky taste either which is great. here is a link on more info
(((((((happy birthday Melissa !!!!! )))))))
Ky thanks for thinking of me and sending rain LOL its the thought that counts LOL :)
Marcy you have a great attitude you go girl. Your beautiful to me :)
got to feed the monkeys

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Good morning everyone!
Well gee...thanks Sue!! So nice of you to say that! Well...I DID get some curl in my hair...as opposed to being almost straight. I will have to get used to that again! But curl helps keep it out of my face...which drives me nuts! However, I can't see where it made me get beautified....lol!
Hope your babies are feeling better today Sue!
Well...just popped in to say hi to all. Have a bunch to do today..hopefully! More windows, have to run to the library...(can't be without something to read!)...and maybe some plants in from outside.
Hope everyone had a great day!!!

where is everyone ?
well my kids are in school and i have the whole house to myself !!!! yeah its so nice and quiet . WweEeee
washed the truck , got some eggs at the farmers down the road and some green beans.
Marcy curl drives me crazy to at times LOL
hmmm now what do i do ?
well i m off to go to the log house and see what mischief i can get into.
have a great day

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Marcy... aren't you out of windows by now? LOL. Glad to see you feeling chipper. A haircut would do me worlds of good... maybe I'll get around to it soon.

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

ok I started a new thread since we were getting up to 150 replies

We are continued here http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/899605/

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