ORVG COFFEE HOUSE # 123, Still Dog Days...

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Here'ya go, George~

Flemingsburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Jazz that is great to know...
I didn't know that but Im sure the doctors told them.


New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Afternoon all. Back from the dr appt.
Well...here I was thinking a couple of days in the hospital...and he tells me at least 4!! I thought...because of getting both knees done at the same time...same healing time. But he said everything will be double..unless I am just superwoman! And...even after he releases me from the hospital, I will be 'in' the hospital!! I will be having 'in hospital' PT...and that could take 'up to' 3 wks!!! Geesh!
It just all depends on me, and how well I do. I guess the PT dept. is 'in' the hospital...but not 'the' hospital. Does that make sense??????
Then he proceeded to tell me I had double the chance of dying, by getting them both done! I look at it this way...if it's my time to go...then it's my time! But I hope not!! LOL!
I told Dave...maybe I will be able to lose some weight , since hospital food is so yukky!
Other than that, not much to report. I did ask him, if while he was in there...he could suck some of the fat out...lol. He said well sure, but it would cost me a lot extra!!! So guess I won't be having that done! I thought maybe he would include it as a bonus!
It does sound like it will NOT be fun though. He told me I would work VERY hard in PT. He can't guarantee that I won't have to use my cane after I heal...but said he is hoping . We'll see.
He also told me, that the critical thing is in extending the leg straight out...NOT being able to bend it 90 degrees. Of course, they do want you to be able to bend it, but being able to straighten it straight out, insures that you won't walk with a limp he said.
Now I have to go take a class and do the pre-op stuff....so have to call the hospital back and make that appt.
Well...just thought I would let you all know, what is going on here.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Hey, Friends!
Thanks for all the prayers. Bella got her new bone marrow without any problems today. Now, we wait for it to grow-- seems like a perfect match for a gardening list, doesn't it?

I waited & waited for the rain that never came (here) yesterday. It seems to disappear on its way eastward--- heavy in Indiana, downpour in Harrison & Bridgetown & then--zippo in Westwood. My yard is crunchy. I've read lots of gardening books, but none of them list crunchy as a desireable trait for lawns!!!

My odd-job guy turns out to have a love of refinishing. I've gotten one mantel done, a washstand spruced up, & not he's working on an old desk. I'll send pictures when I can. RIght now they're in the garage, & I wouldn't want to scare anyone with the background clutter of my garage. I worked on the basement last week until I screwed up my shoulder. Had to rest it then so I watched-- listening, George-- Law & Order. LOL-- they should have a whole channel devoted to Law & Order. I hear they're starting a new one this year in Britain. I bet it will be wholly polite :-)
I'm out to pick tomatoes. BBP (George's Blessings Be Poured)

Cleveland Heights, OH(Zone 5b)

Hey found the new thread...

How's everybody's day so far?

Good for the baby being off the ventilator Vel...pretty soon he will be walking and talking.

Marcy just think how much better you will feel when all is done. Glad you are getting it over before the weather turns stinky.

Hey Pat and great news about baby Bella!



This message was edited Aug 25, 2008 5:34 PM

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Wonderful to hear that both babies are doing well--prayers still continuing, too.
How are you feeling, Toni? Better each day?
Pat, everything here is still crunchy, too. Even the weeds are wilting--most of the invasive honeysuckle is doing great, still....lol
Marcy, I thought you were superwoman!
Darius, thanks for starting us backwoods dialuppers a new thread!
Today I bought some spray paint esp. for plastic, and gave some old planters a new look, so that was fun!

Hey everyone.
Dh is asleep on the recliner . Good i m mad at him !!! won't go there .
No rain for us either booooo .
Decided to dig up the garden , with no rain, racoons and deer not to mention the bugs eating away everthing. I guess i shall have to settle for fried green tomatos and green tomato relish :(
i did get alot of tomatillos yeah on that !!
Geo you will be so proud and glad you did all of this canning trust me. Its woth it. hope the book is helping :)
I still got tomatos and apples to do. then pumkin
been busy with kindergarten today wa the first day. wow . What a feeling. They had a great time.
Congrats on the new grandbaby !!! cute name !!! when do we get pics !!! ??? Hmmmm.
goshmom wow . I hope it all goes well T&P for you . :)
Defoe I would never leave yo guys LOL :)
sorry can't stay long and address everyone
got to run kids need a bath.
blessings to you all

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

Marcy- I will be praying for you . I know several people that have them both done at once, and they are all glad they did. The rehab is hell, from what I've been told. But, the one lady who did not do her pt because it hurt too bad, is now in a wheelchair. The Dr siad if she had followed thru with the pt, she would be walking without a limp. So, I know you will have it rough for awhile, but in the end, you will be really glad you did it. You have a lot of years left to walk around this earth and you will be able to do so and enjoy it .

My thoughts of good karma and healing will be coming your way thru the air ways.Lurker Lou

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Marcy, you WILL get through it just fine. This time next year you will just remember how you hated the OT/PT. By the way, having both knees done together does NOT double the chance of dying. The bigger risk is always with the anesthesia, and you are still having to be put under just once.

Glad the babies are progressing fine...

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Which hospital Marcy?

Remember the hospital food motto.......
Pizza Hut delivers.....

Grey and Cooler today... Fay due Weds ...


New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

LOL Ric!!! I will be at Miami Valley. They may even have a Pizza Hut within the hospital...I know they have a Wendy's!
Thank you so much Lou. I know you are right!!
Darius, I won't even be put to 'sleep'! Well...kinda sorta I guess. He said I wouldn't know what was going on...but they will be giving me a 'hip block'......is what he called it. I guess though, they also give you something through the IV so you aren't aware...which is fine with me!! Yeah...I hate to keep wishing my life away, but....come on ...next year....LOL! Dave said you will show them all ...on the PT! I hope he is right!
I know drs have to tell you the risks. My back dr always made things sound as bad as he could.....and they never were. And of course, there is risk. But I look at it like this: You take a risk walking across the road or street!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Probably Ketamin (sp)
It's cool.
I had that done w/ my surgery.
You won't feel the hip block or remember a thing.
Plus there's no groggies when you come out.

You just blink and blink you're back.


New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Works for me, Ric!

Flemingsburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Here is my sweet little baby

Baby and Daddys Hand

Thumbnail by lilyhostaky
Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Marcy, I know if you can do the back surgery and come through that, this double knee thing will be a snap. Just think about being able to skip around next spring, in your gardens. Hey wonder if you will be able to kneel to weed? Maybe a good Christmas gift would be one of those weed torches, of course on wheels. Marcy the Fire Dragon Woman!!

Sue, now that is not nice being mad at the DH. Or are you just taking advantage of him being home so you can argue in person? LOL. Glad the kids seemed to like school. I hope they will settle into a good routine with bedtime, and being able to get up and get dressed without too much hassle. Sure will be a change in your routine, and theirs too. Do they go all day?

Today, DH tilled me a new garden bed. He did it with the tractor and tiller. It will be an iris, and daylily bed. I got the iris in today, and a couple of daylilies, but will need to wait until it rains, or may have to water the day lilies to get the ground loose enough to get them dug. I only asked him to till the ground, and I was going to plant it. I had a plan, and he also had a plan, and I think I got the short end of that stick. Oh, well, I will be able to enlarge it, and refine it, when he is away doing something else. He is a veggie gardener, and therefore thinks of everything in a straight row, and that was not what I had in mind. I wanted a circular bed, and I got that, only smaller than what I really wanted. Well, I can easily enlarge it as I go along.

Tonight, I shelled a 5 gallon bucket of large lima beans and got them in the freezer, also about 6 pints of broccoli. The spring broccoli is still producing. I can't believe it.

Had to go to the post office this morning, and did some other errands while in town, so I pretty much used this morning for errands.

DH has been digging a few sweet potatoes each day, and I cooked some tonight, and they were really good. He had overlooked a row of corn, and gathered all of it tonight, so will be doing something with that tomorrow. He has also sown the turnips, and is watering them daily, plus watering the cushaw, so that they will produce some good sized ones. I still have several Acorn squash to gather, and put someplace to store for the winter.

Well, off to read some other threads, and check my e-mail. Have a good night.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Aww, Paulette, I love pictures of them when they are little, like sleeping angels!!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Pauletta, what a sweet baby!!!! He is adorable!!
Bonnie, my dr told me I most likely WILL be able to kneel, and that I was to go to Lowe's and buy these knee pads...hmmm...I think he called them carpet layer's knee pads. He said they were around 20.00 apiece, but they distribute the weight of your body evenly on the knee cap, and so are very worth it. And would you believe...Dave HAS one of those weed torches...and it has NEVER even been used?????? I bought it for him to use on the fence lines...several yrs ago...and he has never even tried it out!! And HE was the one who wanted it too!
Well...don't know why I am still up, since I am sleepy...lol. But I got to reading on here...and got carried away. I am off to bed now.
Have a restful night everyone!

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

He's adorable Pauletta.

Kimberley, re the picture, mine is 52. You'll appreciate that I took that photo from my seat at the top of the stands on the 50 Yard line. :)


Pauletta, the baby is so sweet and so tiny! Awwwwwww.
Hi everyone! It's been a rough weekend. I'll post more tomorrow. Gonna try to sleep at night. That's such an odd concept for a night-shifter.

Newell, WV(Zone 6a)

Lilyhostaky your baby is just absolutely adorable. I wish you all the best!

Good morning, everyone! Looks like it's going to be a beautiful day.

Marcy, we're all rooting for you here. It's going to be hard but I know you can do it. I know it'll be such a relief getting it all over with and onto the road to recovery. Next year you'll be running all around your beautiful gardens.

It was a rough weekend at work. My company fired about 20% of our full time employees. Ouch. I made it through this wave of firings but I really feel bad for those who didn't. The way they are doing it is horrible. Seniority is a liability. They are firing people with over 5 years and keeping people who have been there less than a year. One friend of mine has wasted 6.5 years there and has 6 kids to support. Another has wasted over 7 years there and desperately needs the health coverage for his heart problems. I think there are only 6 hourly employees left with over 5 years with the company. I'm number 7 so I know my time there is limited.

They decided to give us "time with our families" for Labor Day so they're shutting down for a week. Eight hours of that will be paid. So my autumn planting budget is shot. That's okay though since I'm very grateful that I still have a job. It's just so heartbreaking to see my friends lose their jobs. If I could give them my position, I would. I really would. Finding work is relatively easy for me but it's difficult for them---and they have kids to support.

We have more tomatoes and peppers than we know what to do with. I've never grown tomatoes before so of course I planted too many and I was too lazy to stake them. Surprisingly, they're doing good.

My roses are doing great now that the JB are gone. Hubby just loves the roses so I want to plant more next year. I think I've lost my third Viburnum 'Winterthur' in two years. I give up. I'm going to try something else there next year. I only have two coneflowers left after Aster Yellows hit and I think they're infected too. Coconut Lime and Green Envy. Darn. But overall, everything in the garden is doing good this year. We're getting lots of butterflies and now we have a hummingbird that visits often. It's so exciting to see her.

Ahhhh....with a garden, life is good.

I caught this little guy (gal?) visiting the flowers in our front planter. Isn't nature amazing?

Thumbnail by valrita
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Hi everybody!

Thank you all so much for the prayers, good energy, and supportive words. The house is empty of friends from out of town now; we spent most of the week just being together, telling stories, and enjoying good food. I spent yesterday getting the house back in order and hospice has picked up the hospital bed and equipment, so things are at least looking normal again. Now that its quiet, I'm not really sure what "normal" is anymore. It seems so strange to suddenly have freedom to be out of the house without concern or turn the radio up without worry of not being able to hear the baby monitor. Feels like just waking from a long, strange dream.

Pauletta, so glad to hear the good grandbaby news! Congrats!

Marcy, you're in my thoughts and prayers. You'll be running circles around us before you know it :-)

Toni, good to see you back! So sorry to hear of your accident, I'm sure glad you're ok.

(((Chelle))), praying for good health and prosperity for you and the family. Hang in there, I know living on the edge is no fun.

Bonnie, the covered bridge festival sounds fun. When is that again? ..I've forgotten....Since all this has been going on, seems I can't remember my own name, LOL.

Ric, hugs to you and Robyn. Beautiful pics!

Hugs all around!

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Pauletta, Little Denzil is adorable. I remember how sweet his mommy and daddy were at the RU. I'm happy for their little family.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Neil, the festival was last weekend, and ungodly hot. I think that committee needs to rethink the date for it, as it would be more enjoyable either early in the spring, or later in the fall. Normal, here is anything without too many people, or too much noise.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Good afternoon folks. Well..I sat down here...in my puter chair...to make some phone calls...and so far...have only made one. LOL!
I have several to go. Plus I have all these things I want to get done...made a list this morning. So far...nothing much is done either.!!!
I have this oven thing...not even sure what it is called, without going to look. Anyway..I bought it several yrs ago from the TV...and it was a little expensive. It is supposed to cook things faster, and you can even cook things from a frozen state...such as a frozen chicken...whole...or a turkey! I did cook something frozen...and it worked. Then the oven got put away..in a cupboard. Well you know how that is...out of sight...out of mind? Anyway...I haven't been using it.
Soooooooo....to make a long story short...lol...I had this frozen Butterball turkey breast...about 7lbs. I wanted to use it up, but really have no place to thaw it. Frig is full! I looked up my book on this oven thingy...and I am going to do this turkey breast for supper. I told Dave...if it works...great...if not...you can take me out to eat...LOL LOL!!! I'll let you know if it worked.
I am getting some plants ready to bring inside for the winter, since my normal time to do that, will be messed up. And I don't think Dave will mess with it. So that involves cleaning them up...de bugging..etc.
Neil....Hi!!! Yep...gonna run circles around everyone!!! I'll be known as the bionic woman...lol!
I'm glad things are getting better for you. Relax a bit, and enjoy. Time goes so fast.
Melissa...glad you like your job so far!
Well..I hope everyone is doing ok today, and enjoying this beautiful weather? We may even get some rain later on this week. We sure do need it!
Ok...gotta make those phone calls. Later everyone!

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Marcy, I wish you well on your surgery! Doing the PT exactly as instructed is definately the key! I have heard so many people say that the pain of walking on the new knee is not as bad as the bad knee. OR else say it's bad but they know it will get better unlike the old pain. Wishing you the best.

I was curious about the debugging. I always seem to get ants in my outdoor pots. I am not sure how you would get rid of those but if you have a method I am all ears

Pauletta..What a cutie!!! So sweet. Congrats again!

Taynor..hope things are better. It's easier to get along with someone when they are millions of miles aways.. but there are some benefits to having them closer :)

Hope CHele is doing well..

Neal.. THoughts going towards you in this transitional time

hugs to everyone else Is Cookie having the get together? IF so when? Sept is comin fast! lol

Bonnie don't worry , i didn't stay mad for long LOL. Just a hormone thing i guess. He's a pretty wonderful guy. Jazz yes we do seem to get along better when he is in china LOL but yeah i would give anything to have him around full time , more fun to make up with someone who is in the same bed iwth you LOL wahahahahahaaa :) sleeping alone is the pits !!!
Wow What a cute baby !!!! oh so cute,
Marcy good luck on the surgery. T&P for you.
sorry didn't get to read everyone's but been busy and just speed read .
just a quick hellooooooo and big wave ~~~~~~ to you all
best wishes to all of you
got to cook dinner
DH has an infected foot and have to get him to the dr this week. He has been putting charcoal capsules and opening them on the foot but its still oooozing . Sheesh that man . surprised his foot is still attached !!!!
take care miss you all !!!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Thank you Jazz! I am looking forward to getting this overwith! As for the debugging. What I do is to take lukewarm soapy water (Dawn dish detergent) Or maybe any kind..I pour it over the plant...over the leaves, and through the soil. Then I flood it with clear cool water...over and over until it runs clear. Then I let them sit outside on the picnic table or whereever...just so they aren;t on the ground where more bugs can get into them....and drain...usually overnight. As far as ants, you might want to get a systemic to run through the plant, or something that says it will kill ants. They seem to be durable little critters! I would use a systemic if I see any signs of bugs in the soil too. Mostly the soapy water will just flush out spiders and roly poly bugs. Be sure to clean under the rims of flowerpots too, before taking them inside. Spiders love that area!!
Well..the turkey breast was WONDERFUL!! Very moist, and flavorful! That oven is called a Flavor Deluxe Wave oven. I put the turkey breast in....in it's frozen sold state. Set it for 1 hour. Roasted it breast side down. After 1 hr, I stopped it, and turned it over...breast side up. Set it for another hour. It was done to perfection! I bet I got more turkey off that 7lb. breast, than I would off a whole turkey! I will have to freeze some of it, or we will be sick of it. I used a meat thermometer to make sure it was cooked to 170 degrees internally too.
I would reccommend this oven to anyone!! Don't know why I put it away and haven't used it?????? I will now!!

Edited to say........I really meant to take a picture of it cooking...and after it was cooked....but I forgot!!! BTW...this oven has a clear cover on it, and sets on the counter, so you can see as it cooks.

This message was edited Aug 26, 2008 9:14 PM

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Marcy, I have a Show Time Rotisserie, and it is sort of like that, I have never tried cooking anything frozen in it, but it makes wonderful rotisserie chicken, and steaks, and roasts. I roast veggies in there too. The thing I like about mine, is it cooks the fat out, and has a neat tray where it collects, and you just clean that tray out, not messy at all.

Well, I didn't accomplish much at all today. Started laundry this morning, then got a call from a friend who is moving to North Carolina, and she wanted me to come get some canning jars and supplies, as she didn't want to take them with her. Well, got there, and we sat and talked for a good while, and then I stopped by my beauty shop just to make an appointment for next week, and my beautician had just had a cancellation, and said if I wanted to wait about 10 minutes she could cut my hair right then. So whoopee, got a hair cut. Bought a fast food burger and ate on the way home, and then, just couldn't do anything but answer the phone and finish the laundry.

DH's mother is in the nursing home as of Saturday of this week, and they called wanting DH, then got a call that DH's oldest brother was taken to the hospital, complications of diabetes, and just one thing after another. Several visitors, too, so a very unproductive afternoon.

Tomorrow is grocery, errand day, so nothing much other than that will get accomplished.

Gosh Sue, make sure that your DH's foot gets taken care of before he leaves to go to Korea. Do they not have good medical care in China, or is DH a stubborn as an A** like most males I know that doesn't want to go to the DR? Load him up with some medical supplies to take back with him. Even OTC stuff would be better than nothing. Never heard of using charcoal. Want to tell us about that?

Paulette, Denzil, Jr.? is so cute. Just a quick question, I know another couple who had a little boy born on Friday the 22nd, and since he was delivered C section, they didn't go home from the hospital till Monday. They didn't circumcise him at the hospital, but they have to take him to a surgeon's office on Wednesday to get that done. Is that a common practice now? Sheesh, guess that is another way to spread the cash around to other Dr. offices. It used to be all done at the hospital.

Velnita, the hummingbirds here have been busy as beavers. I am filling the feeders sometimes 2 times a day. It is almost dangerous to go out near the feeders, as there are more now than I have had all year. Last year, I was lucky enough to capture a picture, but not as good as yours.

~~~ to anybody who hasn't posted today, I won't even try to list, as I always miss someone, and then that makes me feel bad.

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Hi, Everyone!

Been popping in once in awhile to read your posts, but because my wireless signal is so bad in the livingroom here, it's really tough to get messages sent out.

AC man had to come out a second time. My water pressure is pretty low, so he had a hard time cleaning the unit last Friday to get a good reading, but when he came in to put the filter back in the cold air return and get the check, it was working fine. A few hours later it wasn't working so good. Anyway, cleaned it again today with a special cleaner, added more refrigerant and figured out that the really nice fliter I bought that is suppose to work for 4 months with a monthly hosing off was the main problem. It was blocking air flow to the unit. I just didn't make the connection that I started having problems about the time I put the filter in place. I'm a happy camper now! :)

Almost done with the kitchen. Hooray!!!! This trailer is over 25 years old. We had thought of building a new house, but decided we'd just add on to this and maybe include a new kitchen in the addition, so didn't want to put much money into this kitchen till we decided what we were going to do for sure. The cabinets were all plywood and DH had replaced the floors with new plywood, so I am putting my decorative skills to the test. I painted the ceiling white and the walls and upper cabinets off white. I pulled the old formica off the counters , leaving a plywood top. I painted it beige and will do either a granite or wood grain look on it. I painted the floor beige and painted an oak wood grain on it this evening. I found some pretty plaid curtains to hang in front of the base cabinets in light shades of gold, avacado and burgandy on an off white background. After doing the counter tops tomorrow, all I have left to do is paint the 2 barstools. It sure looks much better. Only problem was I forgot to leave an unpainted strip into the kitchen for access to food and drink this evening. And I'm sure hungry! LOL!

Marcy, that little oven sounds wonderful. Thanks for giving the name. Have to check that out.

I brought a bunch of large plants in the house a few years ago in the fall and didn't think about debugging them first. Luckily, there weren't any. However, a couple of months later I was watering them and reached down to pull a dead leaf off near the bottom of one and about had a heart attack....there was a great big toad living happily in the pot! Have not brought another pot in since.

Baby Denzil is an angel! Beautiful picture!

Sue, know what you mean... ;)

Bonnie, still as busy as ever!

Velnita, sorry to hear about the stress at work. That kind of thing really takes a toll on you.

Neal, things will get easier. Just keep remembering your friend is no longer suffering.

Chele, hope you are doing well and that you are getting rest with the girls getting back in school.

Toni, miss reading your posts...hope you are healing well!

George, still busy canning and freezing?

Hello to everyone I didn't mention by name.

Only got about 1/8" of rain from the remnants of Fay. Hope some of you got a decent amount.

I'm off to try and climb along the counters to find some food. Wish me luck!

LOL...a toad? I wonder what he was eating?

We have one, lone hummingbird that has been visiting. She really needs to have some babies. Every time I see her, I jump. It surprises me. I'm usually too dumbfounded to get a photo. I'm fascinated right now with hummingbird moths. They're just so cool. I want to plant things to attract them next year. The one who visits most is a snowberry and at a glance looks like a big bumble bee--until you look closer.

Taynors, charcoal capsules? I'm curious too.

Badseed, are you doing okay? Thinking of you.

Dusty, how are things on the homestead?

~~~waves and wishes for sweet dreams for everyone!

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

I have a job interview in the morning--prayer, smoke, positive thoughts, etc., all appreciated! :)

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Renee, you have all of the above, good luck, well wishes, and every other good luck thing I can think of. Think positive thoughts. Go girl.

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Good luck, Renee! Hold your head up high, look the interviewer in the eyes and smile. Tuck any nervousness away and you'll be fine! :)

Good luck, Kywoods! Positive thoughts are headed your way!

LOL Bonnie yep he is stuburn as an A*** LOL but i m forcing him. No arguements , just do it . :)
sorry to make it quick .
KY good luck
Paulette what a cutie
everyone else big ~~~~~~~ and (((())))))
i will get the info on the charcoal for you all to
Im sure Jazz and Dusty can fill you in , im sure they have seen it in the hosp .? used for overdoses and poisonings.
take care
have a great day

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Good morning all.
Just wanted to say hi...and to wish Renee' the best of luck on the job interview!!
Trying to get things done around here today. Time is creeping up fast on me!!
Waving~~~~~~~ to all, and thinking about you all!! Have a wonderful day!

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Well, the interview went well except for one minor detail....it was a position for a legal secretary, not a paralegal. He asked, "What made you interested in becoming a legal secretary?", and I thought, 'Huh'??? I said, "Actually, I went to school for paralegal, but I do have some legal secretarial experience ten years ago." Duh...legal secretaries are supposed to type a minimum of 70 words per minute, and I do 55. Because of my brain injury, sometimes my fingers get dyslexic, and i have to go back and correct--but I always catch it. Trouble is, it slows me down. I'm hoping that with practice, my brain can keep up!
To my credit, it's a medical malpractice, personal injury firm, and I aced medical terminology in school, and was an xray tech in the army.

Thanks for the prayers and good wishes, all....I'll let you know if I hear back from them ('Course, I'll call them in a few days if I don't).

Waddy, KY

KY, hope you get the job if that's what you want. Perhaps they'll figure that they get two for the price of one and you'll be a shoo in.

Nothing different than usual going on here. Some of the kids have gone back to college. The oldest has started her Masters at UL. I think child #3 will have his wisdom teeth pulled next coming Friday. He thinks he'll just drive back to Berea after it's done. I have news for him I'm afraid.

I have green tomatoes and patty pan squash in the fridge diced up for chutney. Plus some yellow squash for pickles. I just have to get them done in the next day or so. I'm contemplating just taking Friday off so I can get them in the jars.

Nita, I have a bunch of hummingbirds right now too. I figure it's because it's so dry down here that there are no flowers and I'm the best resturant in town right now. My feeder is attached to the window and when it goes dry they don't hesitate to let me know.

We didn't get enough rain to barely get your shirt wet out of Faye. I was sure wishing. We have some sudan grass planted for extra hay but it's been so dry and hot I'm afraid it's going to be too high in nitrites to feed to anything but open cows and heifers. That certainly limits what we can do with it. I surely don't want to buy hay like we did last year. We just finished paying that off a few weeks ago.

Got 5 daylily orders washed and trimmed last night. I don't mind digging but I sure do despise the washing, trimming and packing part. Usually because it's done late at night or when I'm trying to get ready for work in the mornings. At least this catches me up for a week or so until the next round of shipping dates. Quite a few have gone into summer/drought dormancy. There's not much topgrowth but the roots are fine. I sure hope the buyers understand.....

I think it's going to be ribs tonight. I can put them in the oven while we're out picking tomatoes. We've got to start hauling in the cushaws. The squash bugs are starting to go wild...

Take care all!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Hello, hello, I feel like I am hearing an echo here. Where is everybody?

Was grocery/errand day today, and I visited longer at the nursing home, so didn't get home till about 3:00.

Rainy and misty today, although for all the clouds and rain and mist, only got about 2/10 of an inch of rain. Guess the cooler temps and the moisture we got has to benefit anything that is still growing.

I hope tomorrow finishes up my canning. Will be making some tomato preserves, and some more soup mix. That's it, oh, gosh, forgot, I have apples to do something with!!

Hope somebody shows up, or else I will have been talking to myself!!

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