fire on Maui

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Jen, wanted to check and see if all is well today. Fire has a way of regenerating when one thinks it is all gone. Hug Frank, Margaret, Michael and the boys for me. Little thing that you are, you are probably the head chief. Mike is hoovering over you from this side of the pond.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Hi Christi,

Don't know if the fire is completely out as I can't see up the hill from the office, but I haven't heard any helicopters since early this morning which is a good sign. As far as I know no-one was hurt but one house was slightly charred from smoldering grasses blown in the wind. Still a very strong smell of smoke in the air and everyone is complaining of scratchy throats...I am planning on having something with rum in it when I get home - medicinal reasons of course!

Keaau, HI

Hey Jen,

The news has just stated that the fire is spreading and took out a few homes.

Are you ok over there?

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha, yes we are okay - I believe it is further north on the Pi'ilani now. Not at all sure as we are now cut off from the rest of the island until some-one comes home to let us know! Pi'ilani is closed from what I gather and South Kihei Road is backed up for miles, and they have it all cut up for repairs too! Winds are wild right now which can't be helping matters any. My Mom is watching the news, but so far no info.... Thanks for thinking of us...

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh dear. What is happening to our planet? Are fires common on Mauii?
Praying for you.

Love you lots,

Princess Kililkina

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Christi! Aloha! Are you feeling better today - how about the fever?

No, I wouldn't say fires are common, but on my side of the Island we are very dry and have quite a few areas of grassy meadows that the developers haven't got their hands on yet. One of our biggest problems is that we have trade winds almost every afternoon which are a blessing in keeping our temps comfortable, but they play havoc with the fires and make them hard to control or even to predict the path the fire is going to take. I think it is rather like the California fires.

No indication of how the fire close to my house started yet - this time it started away from the Pi'ilani so perhaps it was not a cigarette thrown from a car as it so often is. People who lived near the area that the fire started said that a group of children had been playing in the area....that fire came within 20 feet of the fire house and within 30 feet of homes. The firemen were so busy trying to save homes that they didn't notice that embers had crossed the Pi'ilani and had started up hill. In the end we had 12 fire stations involved - just about all we have.

I have not heard anything about the newest fire which is a few miles from my home. Frank couldn't see anything when he came home as they closed the Pi'ilani and diverted all the traffic to the coast road. We heard nothing on the early news last night - it makes me laugh that Dave on the BI knew about it way before we did! The area I think went on fire has many small homes with young families...It's just after 5am here, perhaps we will get some info on the early morning news.

Another day in Paradise!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Sure hope you will have ample warning before you should get in trouble.

Have definitely fetl better. Today is a clean 2 weeks and I hurt like hell!!

Compared to others I am on lightweight pain killers because of what happened last week. I need something stronger. Come on guys, Bring it on. Just took a muscle relaxer and am going back to bed. Fever is gone. Think this pain is from he area where they harvested bone. yuk!!! Talked to Carol yesterday and feel better about myself. Seems this is a big time "hurt you bad" experience. Been trying not to be a wimp.

take care,


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Rest well my friend.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Yesterday afternoon the fire rekindled and two new fires started up, probably blown by the trades which were gusty at times. They seemed to be at the top of Maui Meadows. I think we had firetrucks from all over the island come to help, and anyone who had a bulldozer or water truck also arrived to help the firemen. I am at the bottom of MM so everything had to pass us to get up the hill to the fire, so we could see first hand the tremendous effort being made by everyone on the Island. No news as to details so far this morning, but about 12.30 am it must have flared again because our house became full of smoke and we woke up coughing and had to close all the windows. Still very smoky now at 5.30am. Hopefully no-one has been hurt and no homes caught fire...

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

I hate to hear about the fires starting up again there. Hopefully they can get control so everyone can sleep without worry. I know that must be a helpless feeling.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh sweet Jenny, and you with asthma. I will soon have calluses on my knees from bending to pray. Actually not necessary, I can lay flat of my back and God hears my plea. And Gustav whipping up the Gulf. Little chester is looking up at me with such innocence. Too bad we didn't have any more worries than he does.

Am already praying for all of you. Surely it cannot get worse.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

No worries here, everyone doing a wonderful job. 'Copters still dumping water today - all homes safe and sound so far, although folks were evacuated as the flames were within 20 feet of some of their homes. Unfortunately another 500 acres have gone up, but the land has a wonderful way of renewing itself...Field mouse population has already moved into the homes and gardens along the side of the fire according to some of my neighbors!

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