Plant sales or swaps??

forsyth, GA(Zone 8a)

I fail to check in sometimes ,and get behind in the news,but are there any sales,swaps ,or shows coming up in the near future?? Please. PP

forsyth, GA(Zone 8a)

C'mon guys and gals,
Give me some hope for a future plant sale or swap meet,or even where you might find a good market place or weekend "market on the square"? I would appreciate it. I love to travel and see garden " stuff ".

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

Here's a link to the Farmers Market at Forest Park. Scroll down for info on vendors that sell plants, bushes,etc.

If you plan to make a trip, let us know and maybe a group of us can meet up. Vines Botanical Gardens is near G.O., it would be fun to visit since it's cooled off a bit.


North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

That Growers Outlet place is FANTASTIC. A bit of a drive and nice if you could car pool...

Evans, GA(Zone 7b)

We're having a plant swap here in Evans on September 20th but that's probably too far for you to travel - and I think the McCorkles sale will be the following week.

forsyth, GA(Zone 8a)

Thanks Lilimerci and Raggedyann,
I've never been to the Growers Outlet and I'm probably overdue for a Farmer's Market trip.
I might could make the Evan's trip,and also what or where is the McCorkle's sale?
Thanks again,

Evans, GA(Zone 7b)

PP - McCorkle Nurseries are wholesalers in Dearing, GA. Twice a year - in Spring and Fall - they have a huge sale for three days. You can expect great savings - probably about 1/2 what you would pay retail. You have to be careful as not all the plants do well in the local area and some are very pot-bound. Much of my garden has been planted with what I've bought here in the six years we've lived in Evans. I was rather indescriminate early on - faced by an empty lot and good deals. Now I am far more selective but it is easy to get caught up on the sale fever. With the cost of gas it is worth the trip if you want to buy in quantity or just love garden-related road trips. I'll let people know when I know the dates for sure.

forsyth, GA(Zone 8a)

Thanks Artgal,
I'll be on the watch. Happy Gardening. PP

forsyth, GA(Zone 8a)

Gardening Event:
Sept 12, Fabulous Containers Hands-on Workshop
9am to 3pm, UGA Griffin,Ga Campus
Info: 770-228-7220

Episcopal Church of the Holy Comforter plant sales this fall:
Sat. Sept. 13th and Sat. October 11th which is in conjunction with a pet blessing. Bring your pets and buy some plants!!! 10am-2pm

Our plants are raised by our partitioners, most of whom are disabled and live in group homes. Your purchases keep our greenhouse up and running and our Friendship Center full of friends - a place for our paritioners to meet in a safe place and enjoy weekday activities which include gardening, bible studies, fine arts, woodworking, weaving, good food, games and fellowship. It is a very remarkable place.

We have some herbs, loads of veggies, some perennials, a few trees including Southern magnolias, succulents and more at our fall sales. Everything with a yellow tag is organically grown (we are in the middle of a total transition).

737 Woodland Ave SE, Atlanta, GA 30316 - Holy Comforter is just off of Moreland about a mile from the Moreland/I20 exit. Travel South on Moreland to Ormewood, turn right on Ormewood, left on Woodland and just jog around the corner there back onto Ormewood as our driveway is the first on your right. Street parking is also available and we carry your purchases to your car for you!!!

You can also purchase from us Tuesdays and Thursdays 10am-12pm

Dmail me please, with any questions!!

Lilburn, GA(Zone 7b)

Another really good one is the Hall County Master Gardeners sale, held every spring and fall up near Gainesville.
Very reasonable prices and quite the selection.

I'm not very computer savy but just google "hall county master gardeners".

forsyth, GA(Zone 8a)

A great tip and here it is:

5th Annual Fall Garden Expo September 13, 2008

Hall County Master Gardeners in conjunction with Hall County Extension are proud to announce the 5th Annual Fall Garden Expo. The event will be held on Saturday, September 13, 2008 at the Chicopee Woods Agricultural Center near Gainesville. Hours are from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Map and vendors are at the site:

Try this URL:

This message was edited Sep 2, 2008 9:01 PM

This message was edited Sep 2, 2008 9:03 PM

Lilburn, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks poppop for putting up the link!

I have attended these the last 5 yrs. Every year it has gotten bigger and better! Prices are very reasonable and these folks are very knowledgeable.

Also, some really unusual stuff.

Please be aware that it is cash bring plenty :-) !!


Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

Here's another place to check out. I haven't been yet but am planning on it. One of their tow truck drivers told hubby about their greenhouse :)

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

I don't know where Forsyth is, but I just posted this:


forsyth, GA(Zone 8a)

This one is in Forsyth County,Cummings,Ga.
Seems to be a Rehab site which uses the greenhouses as part of therapy ( sounds like a good idea to me )! Sale begins October 13,2008. Nice web site. PP

forsyth, GA(Zone 8a)

Forsyth is in the Middle Georgia area ,about 25 miles above Macon,but that doesn't matter,I'd drive a good ways for a plant trip!! BUT, I can't seem to get the link to open up? Help.

Lilburn, GA(Zone 7b)

No Longer Bound is a great nursery!

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

hmmm, not sure why the link didn't open for you. I just tried the link from this post and it opened for me. Let me see if I can try something else.

OK, copy & paste the link above into your browser window and type http:// in front of the link.

Actually, it works without having to add the http://, but just in case...


This message was edited Sep 4, 2008 8:35 AM

Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

I just saw this in the DG Classifieds:

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