Whats Flowering Today in Winter?

Gisborne, New Zealand

With all the strange weather the winter flowering is most interesting, so show us your winter flowers. Brighten up the days.

Thumbnail by Awchid
Gisborne, New Zealand

And another, Vireyas are so colourful and lush at this time of year.

Thumbnail by Awchid
Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Awchid, What a beautiful flower! Am interested in knowing what it is. Is it native? Thank your, Leeflea51

Merino, Australia

So beautiful Lesley. They don't like it here though. I tried, they died. Jean

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Nice Lesley, I would love a Vireya, but I'm scared to spend the money on one if it turns up its toes!
Here are some rununculus in a customers garden today
Welcome Leaflea51. I don't think it's native to Australia. http://www.abc.net.au/gardening/stories/s786824.htm
go here for a look at an article.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Sue, thanks will go to the hyperlink. Time there? It's just 1:45 a.m. here. Hate these nights of insomnia. Think I'll mist my orchids as I see the humidity here in the room is45%. Thanks for the welcome and yell back any time. Still love the Vireyas(?) Lee

Gisborne, New Zealand

Hi Sue they should do alright in your new shade house. I used to grow them outside in full sun during summer but keep them well watered as the pots dry out so fast. The top of all pots have a good layer of pebbles and shells to help keep heat off the roots. Plenty of cool air and a bit of shade and they should flourish. These ones are under cover all winter but still get plenty sun and a squirt of manure when I do the orchids.They flower all year round so one or other has flowers.
How about another hellebore Lesley.

Thumbnail by Awchid
Christchurch, New Zealand

despite the winter weather I have plenty of flowers - a stunning witch hazel that is just finishing,
Camellias & daffodils & my rosemary all adding a hint of colour here & there.
And a cute little violet that I am trying to encourage...
have shifted bits to different corners of the garden.
Hope to put in a few more varieties to keep it company & scored an Australian native violet cheap at the Warehouse two weeks ago.
Finger crossed it likes living here.
cheers - Dalfyre

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Christchurch, New Zealand

This is the witch hazel, great winter colour but not scented.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Christchurch, New Zealand

Close up of witch hazel

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Gisborne, New Zealand

Pretty pink violets, I used to plant a new violet under each new shrub I put in so ended up with a good variety. Most were well behaved but 1 or 2 tried to take over. That witch/h is such a lovely colour.
Late afternoon sun on the liquid amber next door

Thumbnail by Awchid
Coffs Harbour, Australia

LOL, sorry, I had this awful picture of Lesley doing a "squirt of manure" on her orchids. ROTFLMAO.
Hello dalfyre, bit its cold in Christchurch! Brrrrrr! Your Violets and Witchhazel are nice pics, and something different for us. I have Native violets, that I have now given up trying to control. They make a good ground cover.
I might have a go at a Vireya, Lesley, as you say, in the shade house might be the trick. As soon as the new one is finished, I will have some room in my old one for other things. I have seen a Vireya growing further south, in a protected spot, in a garden that gets frost, so it must be possible!
This is my recovery shelf, for newly potted/bought plants (old Shade house)

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

They're not flowering, but I grow them for their colour, so I'll share these Neoregelias with you instead.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Leaflea, if you're around, its 1.23pm here, so I think there must be about 15 hours difference between us. I think you are behind?
Babies on the Dendrobiums for Lesley.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Gisborne, New Zealand

Hi Sue, those broms are lovely, I spotted a couple under the baskets flowering as well. I have had to stop getting anymore broms cos I have run out of room on my verandar. It's only about 8ft long an 4ft wide and there is so many plants on it there is hardly any room left for my relax chair. Of course once the cat gets on their as well there is no room for me, he spreads out all over the deck. That dend. doesn't look like a kingi so it may be rather nice. The buds on mine are getting fatter, not long now. The perfume is so nice too.
dend. Kim

Thumbnail by Awchid
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Lesley, I don't know the names of my Dends. but there is a label on the last one I posted. I will have a look in the light tomorrow.
This one is similar to the one you poted but Its not as pink.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Hi Awchid and Wee_woman, just posted the latter of you. Both of you are posting pics that intrigue me. they are lovely. I simply must get up the nerve to try some dens. and cymbs. Not only is ease of culture important to me but fragrance is, too. One of my favorites is Blc. 'Keowee' . First time it bloomed, I hardly left this room from which I'm now typing. I'm going to have to go to the Mid-South site and ask about a night bloomin Cereus I have. the thing is growing by leaps and bounds and I need to know from someone who has been posting about them to give me info. It was a yearly ritual when I was a kid(now51) to stay up at night and watch them open and the wonderful fragrance they produced. Good day to you two and all others, It's still dark here. Lee

Gisborne, New Zealand

Todays pic

Thumbnail by Awchid
Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Awchid, Is that a cymbinium? What ever it is, it's great. As previously stated, I still an amateur. Leeflea

Gisborne, New Zealand

Hi folks, just tried to send a cereus pic but computor wouldn't co-operate so you got orchids again instead.
That arum is gorgeous KK , big flower I had to scroll it to see it all, the leaves are small by comparison or is that just camera angle.
There are a couple of new spikes on the broms Sue so hope I squished all the snails this morning . Will go out and check soon.
Lee remind me what Blc. stands for I have lost my remember. I do know they are nice though.

Thumbnail by Awchid
Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Awchid, Blc stand for: brassolaeliacattleya. A mix of all of them. I think I read that now that name has been reclassified but not sure, It seem orchids are always being renamed. Must get a digital camera and learn how to post pix. Lee

Gisborne, New Zealand

It has a white flower and the most lovely citrus smell, have I got it right.? I have 2-3 plants I am trying to recover from neglect, my fault
of course. I forgot to move them wheb I moved and they suffered badly. Not to worry they get plenty of TLC now and perhaps they will
flower again soon :) L

Thumbnail by Awchid
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hey lesley, wheres KKs pic of the Arums?
Nice Orchid pictures too, BTW.
Lee, i think Chrissy has the night blooming Cereus. Shes not about at the moment, but she'll be back soon I hope. I might send her a Dmail and see if she replies.
Today you can view Aechmea recurvata 'Aztec Gold' as it comes into flower. It should flush pink through the tips of the variegated leaves, so I will post another pic as it progresses

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Gisborne, New Zealand

The arum mustbe on Tea house I'll check it out . That achmea is very impressive, I really enjoy the wait for things to open, I have a standard cymbid on the verand that is almost open so I give it plenty verbal encouragement. Have to do my bit you know :)
I have a brom I was given the other day it has a large star shaped flower an orange colour and down amongst the leaf bracts there are little yellow bud things ?? or could it be seed. I will take a pic tomorrow so you can check it out for me. I pulled it out f it's pot today and hosed it off, it was a real mess. I ended up with 14 stapelias so there may be at least 8 new ones. Be okay if they flowered next week
the wait is going to be a trial. 8 other succulents as well. all in all a good day out.

Thumbnail by Awchid
Gisborne, New Zealand

Sue there is a link on NZers, sorry don't know how to transfer it to here. Also on Hi all from KK I think.

Christchurch, New Zealand

Ran out in the cold to take a few pics this morning...
Spring is on it's way :)

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Christchurch, New Zealand

Anyone know what this is?
It is rather good ground cover but not sure if it is a 'goodie' or a 'baddie'.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Christchurch, New Zealand

one more form this morning...

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Gisborne, New Zealand

Dalfyre that looks like a marsh marigold but I don't know if it comes in pale mine is yellow but leaves look the same. I will post my one again and you can compare them. Sue or Jean may know. Nice daff.

Thumbnail by Awchid
Gisborne, New Zealand

Dend. Hilda Poxom

Thumbnail by Awchid
Gisborne, New Zealand

Dend. Aussie Ira x Jane Leaney

Thumbnail by Awchid
Golden, MS(Zone 7a)

Awchid, One word, " gorgeous" lee

Gisborne, New Zealand

New brom, caudata ?

Thumbnail by Awchid
Gisborne, New Zealand

How about 13 1/2 spikes, I broke one.

Thumbnail by Awchid
Christchurch, New Zealand

this is a better pic of the mystery flower.
It is similar to the marsh marigold but not quite...

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Gisborne, New Zealand

That is so nice Dalfyre how ever could it be a baddie??

Thumbnail by Awchid
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi all, nice brom Lesley. I'm not sure if it's Aechmea caudata, because the spike starts out orange and is usually alot wider. I can't tell from the pic, but is it coming into bloom, or on the decline?
I've been busy in the garden this weekend, but no pics. It's been drizzling on an off all weekend, so all gloves shoes and clothes are covered in mud! On a good note, we needed the rain!
Have some flowers picked on friday!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hey Lesley, this is a link to an older thread I started in the Bromeliad forum. The first pic is an Aechmea caudata.

Gisborne, New Zealand

Yes that is the one it is starting to spead out now, and the tatty one I didn,t know name of is a guzmansia that is still to get a middle.
That is an amasing record of your plants Sue and I recognise some of mine in your photos. I have saved it to my brug file so thank you so much. You may also find that cactus nursery link quite interesting too as there are a lot of photos, I thought it may help Debi with her plant id's. That bunch of flowers is very spring and colourful.

Thumbnail by Awchid
Coffs Harbour, Australia

What are those big fat flower buds Lesley?
I haven't updated my bromeliad pics for awhile now, but I have over 100 varieties, and still collecting. I sooooo wish I could get the shade house finished, but it seems to be one hold up after another, mostly just the "time" component. It is progressing, just not enough to quell my impatience! I want to set up all the special broms so I can regularly visit them and gaze lovingly upon them! Sad eh?
We have rain tonight, and also last night. Its good, because they forecast it for the day, but its been lovely, and then nice evening showers. I haven't had the fire on for 3 nights, but now the forecast is for a cold snap! Pity all the wood is wet! DH only cuts enough for a week! Try as I might to get him to think ahead and cut more, nup! We have a gas heater, but it's not got the same ambience and I don't like the smell (I have a bionic nose)
I will have to try and get some pics taken in the garden, but I think you guys have already shared in most of my plants, and not much new is flowering that I can think of. I have one brom coming into flower, but it will probly be another week yet. My A. caudata's (like yours) are just flowering now, and beginning to get the yellow tips, so I will snap a pic of them too.
Off to the tea room I go, see you there!

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