
Kealakekua, HI

weed 1

Thumbnail by mlassi
Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

That's a Tibouchina - not a weed for me!

Kealakekua, HI

the leaves give us rashes. its terribly invasive.

(Mary) Poway, CA(Zone 10a)

For us this Morning Glory is the problem. I pulled out thousands of yards of it yesterday - and there's so much more to go. I know I'll never be rid of it. 2 years ago we had the hill denuded to try to get rid of it. There was still some under the Iceplant that popped up and ran again. It was supposed to be just yellow Lantana and Red Apple Iceplant on this hill. I innocently planted one little morning glory a few years back, having no idea that it could run rampant. I grew up on the east coast, and morning glories are a pleasure there. There's always something, even in 'Almost Paradise' San Diego County.


Keaau, HI

Tibochina urvilleana. Didn't know it was on your side of the Island. Get rid of it if you can!

Mary, poor you!

We innocently plant one something-or-other, and there it goes. That's why the border people are getting tougher.

In a different environement, a tropical Asian/Pacific reef fish was imported to Florida for the aquarium trade. Growing quickly too big for home aquariums, Lionfish released into the Atlantic are now spreading from six or eight parents who found each other off Miami. They have no predators, and can lay 30,000 eggs. they are now all the way up and down the East Coast, Bermuda, Bahamas, Caribbean. They eat all other fish, their weight every day. The Caribbean reef is going to undergo great change.

Don't grouch at import restrictions. And be careful where you plant just one tiny Heavenly Blue seed!

Off soapbox,


Kealakekua, HI

unfortunately its growing on the ranch behind us and over the stone wall. we try to get rid of it as much as possible on our property.

Kealakekua, HI

another weed

Thumbnail by mlassi
Keaau, HI

Hi Mlassi, I believe your new weed picture is Crotalaria micans, a type of Rattlepod or Sun-Hemp.
It is good for the soil around home gardens. It is not good for native plants.

Aloha, Dave.

Kealakekua, HI

My motherinlaw says the seed pods are toxic to cattle. Is that true?

Keaau, HI

Hey Mlassi, your mother is right. The entire plant contains some toxins that are not good for any animal.
In small amounts it probably won't hurt cattle or horses, but the roots contain a sweet liquorice flavor (glyrrhicizin) that if they pull up the plant and chew on it, they may be encouraged to eat more, which could result in a toxic dose.
If this plant, or any species of Crotalaria is around grazing animals, the plants should be removed from the area.

Aloha, Dave

Kealakekua, HI

Mahalo Dave. Great info to know!

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