corn stalks

Cleveland, GA(Zone 7a)

Hi ya'll,
I've been thinking about my corn stalks, since my corn is done for the season. I have heard that last year people were paying $1 a piece for corn stalks for decorations - before Halloween and Thanksgiving. Here is my question, if I want to get rid of the corn stalks now to make room for planting a fall crop of greens, how do I store the corn stalks for 4-6 weeks? If I put them in a pile they will compost. Should I tie them into bundles now, or will they get too smashed that way?? Someone suggested hanging the bundles up somewhere, but I am thinking with the wind we are getting they will get all beat up hanging in the wind. Any suggestions?

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

They are usually left in the field and harvested for the season. If you cut them early they would need to be stored like hay...under a covered shed and probably upright to preserve the leaf form.

So, what greens are you planting for Fall? I'd love to hear what you are growing, including varieties since we are garden neighbors.

Rockmart, GA

A week ago, indoors, I started a bunch of brassica--
Violetta Pac Choi Hybrid
Chinese Michihli
Toy Choy Baby Pakchoi
Chin-Chiang Chinese Cabbage
Everything's up.
I don't know how frost-hardy those guys will be. It's an experiment.
Also, I planted my Old Standbys, memories of The Best Winter Garden I ever had--
Calabrese Sprouting Broccoli
Morris Heading Collards
Romanesco-type Broccoli, which ... seems now to be called "Broccoflower"? Var 'Shannon'
Winter Red Kale
and my very favorite,
Lacinato Tuscan Kale.
I also have Rapini and Turnipgreen to direct-seed when it gets just a smidge cooler. I might even direct-seed some Mesclun--or, anybody, would it be better to wait for early Spring?
Has anyone tried Fava beans?

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I have grown mesclun in Fall and seeded some out this past week. I have not grown favas, but thought they are cool season, Spring sown. I know my yard long beans did not do well in this summer's heat.

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