Weight Loss Challange Aug. 23 - 30

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

WOW! Summer is nearly over. Well, summer as we think of it here in central MO. To us Sept. is the beginning of fall. In just a couple months all this exercise equipment I have accumulated will start to look more inviting and useful. I have gazillions of weed seeds to dispose of in the coming days to prevent them from falling to the ground and germinating. I removed a few large weeds loaded with seeds yesterday walking back up from Holly and Kyles.

Thinking of Holly, I need to see if she is going to pick more grapes since she thought the little she did yesterday was such a pain. I love feeling that I am providing for my family. She likes gardening, just not the canning, etc. Cooking isn't something she enjoys much except for Christmas cookies & candies.

I saw SBarr, who said she is returning to DG, on a thread last night. I left a note for her in the thread to be sure to look us up and join us again. Not many of us will remember her as she has been gone for some time. I think she and Pebble actually got together once. Her job takes her all over the world.

I was hoping to lose a # or so this week but didn't. It is all those snacks at work. People keep bringing in those homemade goodies and of course I have to at least taste them. Even some of the boughten items are very good.

I"m still tired so I think I'll go back to bed for a nap. I've eaten breakfast - a smoothie with p. butter & most of a med. banana with the WM choc. protein powder & lfsmp. I forgot the yogurt. Speaking of yogurt, one of the calorie cutting tips in Women's Circle this month is to substitute skim milk Ricotto for the yogurt. Maybe they didn't mean plain fat free yogurt tho. I think they said it had more calcium which I can see. But I take 3600 mg. of calcium a day supplement so no worry there. Lunch will likely be chicken soup with veggies, brn. rice, and barley. I took it to the store yesterday for Friday noon soup and it was well recieved. The older cats and I will finish it off this week. I've had my meds so that part of my day is started well. But I am tired from being up late doing the grapes the other night.

I hope we hear from Anna, Debbie, Tricia, Tina, Ally, & maybe even SBarr this week.

Susan, how did the night go for you? Are the winds really strong? Any more flooding?

Sue, did your DH get home safely yet? I know we may not hear from you much while he is here. Too much catching up on things to do to spend much time on the computer. He will likely want to spend time with the house and builders too.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

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