Dumb ? coming might LOL.Can you clone a cayenne pepper?

Whitesboro, TX

Well I warned you it was a dumb ? but can you clone a cayenne pepper plant? I know I can get seeds but I want clones of the parent plant & not "hopefuls"seeds since I have another near it but it's not doing near as well as this 1&hope that it'll turn out the same. The reason I want to try this is because this 1 cayenne pepper plant I bought god knows where this spring & of course don't have the tag to is close to 4' tall & about as big around as it is tall & is putting off 2 dozen finger long or better size peppers every 2 days (in a 10 day period I grossed over 150 3-5" peppers off this 1 plant)steadly since June & it aint slowing down - just keeps getting bigger & setting new blooms & if I could I would dig it up & winter it over in the house but I think trying to propgrate new plants might be easier..LOL I have a feeling a 4' cayenne pepper plant in the house might smell a little too spicy. LMKP if this is possible (I've always just started a couple of different 1's every year so I've always bought them already growing) or if I'd be better off trying to harvest seeds. Thanks for all your help & Happy Gardening!

Centennial, CO(Zone 5a)

4 feet tall? Wow! Why not give cloning a try & save seeds too just in case?

Whitesboro, TX

How do I clone it though? Is there a site or link somebody knows of on where & how to cut this thing for cloning?

Tonto Basin, AZ

If you can get a cutting to root and grow, it'll be a clone.


Moss Point, MS(Zone 8b)

I accidentally broke a jalapeno stem and just treated it like anything else. I took off all but a couple new small leaves, put one node in the potting soil and set it on the window sill in a 4" pot. It has only been 4 days but it still looks fresh. It ought to work.

Whitesboro, TX

Thanks tarheel2az & twiggybuds - I'll try it - what's the worse that can happen - the cuttings die & I'll gather seeds...LOL. I was just wondering if anybody had tried it before w/ cayenne peppers since most of the time we do it w/flowers. DGers are the most helpful people on the web :) Have a great day gardening,Carol

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