Silverado Sage Problems

Round Rock, TX

I planted 5 Silverado Sage last fall because I heard how beautiful they are as well as being easy to grow here in Central Texas. But I have had nothing but problems.

I am constantly battling aphids, white flies and scale. I'm so over it. I 've been treating with Neem oil and insecticidal soap.

Does anyone else have this problem with them? When I researched the shrub all the descriptions I read was that they are insect and disease free.


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I haven't grown that particular cultivar, but I have another cultivar of Leucophyllum frutescens and have had no problems at all. I wonder if they aren't under stress from something cultural (like too much/too little water, not getting enough sun, etc)? Plants that are under stress from something else can often be more susceptible to insects.

Round Rock, TX

Thank you for your reply. They are in full sun but they do get about an inch of water a week from my irrigation system.

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