My weekend project

Paris, IL(Zone 6a)

I added a sidewalk this past weekend. We call this our Memorial Garden. The only connection to Heucheras is having three of them in it, my Tiramisu and the new Marmalade, but I just had to post it so you guys don't think I only sit at my computer. LOL

Thumbnail by gk1153
Paris, IL(Zone 6a)

From a better angle.

Thumbnail by gk1153
Paris, IL(Zone 6a)

My Marmalade. It's as large as my Caramel planted three months ago.

Thumbnail by gk1153
(GayLynn) Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

Wow Gary, first the new and improved pump garden and now this new garden. Very, very nice. You are a hard worker. I would really like to make a memory garden but haven't found the right spot for it yet. Great looking marmalade!

Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

I agree with GayLynn, you are a hard worker and the sidewalk and Memory Garden look really nice. Now we know you don't only sit at your computer ;-) Your Marmalade looks great and I really love your grasses, I'm a huge fan of them myself. Love that you have a cornfield for a backyard and nice covered patio! Someday I hope to have the same.

What else do you have planted in this bed, I can't really see clearly?

Paris, IL(Zone 6a)

Back against the wall are three red "Fanal" astilbe, two Tiramisu and a lungwort. Next row out is three Monarda. Along the driveway are three ornamental grasses that were the only plants there this spring. They've been there three years. The statue was given to Judy four years ago when her mom died. The whitish plaque she received when her father died eight years ago.

The two green clumps are Coreopsis "Jethro Tull". There are two Butterfly weed and a small geranium that's supposed to get 4' tall with blue flowers (if it lasts till spring and blooms) The marmalade is near the plaque.

Two days ago I added two white foxglove. Today I will add my new Can Can hewq. There's still room for more plants.

I didn't do the walk by myself. Judy helped and we had my great-nephew moving the patio blocks. They weigh 42 lbs. each.

(GayLynn) Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

I guess I missed the fact that you added the walk way also. That really looks great Gary.

Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

gk - You should get some hummers and butterfly with your plant choices. I am looking to getting some butterfly weed also. I have to put them out front as my darned dog (my recued one) is hunting them in my backyard! She managed to snap up a yellow swallowtail the other day and I was soooo mad! She was sternly admonished and I see I'll have to keep a close watch on her to break her of this. The white foxglove sounds nice, I haven't ever seen a white one. Nice your great nephew helped out with the lifting, those are heavy at 42 lbs.

I was wondering who/what your memory garden was in memory of but didn't want to ask. How nice to make a garden in Judy's parents memory.

Ottawa, Canada

Very nice Gary! You all did an amazing job! I have a patio I want to redo, but I can't convince anyone to help me move the pavers, but yet they won't let me do it by myself (long story short, 5 years ago moving a concrete cat in the garden. Ended up with an open compound fracture of my big toe. Previous to that I threw my back out moving a recycle bin full of sod. So I have been banned from lifting heavy things or anything made of concrete while gardening lol).

It is a beautiful memory garden.


Athens, PA


That is so nice. I can't wait to see pictures of your memory garden next year. I like the corn field in the back too.


Schroon Lake, NY(Zone 4a)

Very pretty, and oh so neat looking. My gardens are an end of summer mess.

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