No Beans

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I sewed asparagus beans back in late May-Early June. They've made massive amounts of vines but not one sign of a bloom much less a bean. Also planted 2 Tiny Tiger tomato plants in large container on the patio. It seems to have stopped growing and as the beans...Zip..Zilch...Nada! Can't be lack of water. We've had an unusual amount or rain for Aug. in this zone this year. Only thing I've got a good crop of are weeds and grass.


Independence, LA(Zone 8b)

It's seemed that way for me this year too. I think the weather has been much different this year than what we are used to. We've had a lot more rain this year than usual and very high heat. I had a neighbor commenting on the same sort of things the other day too. It just seems to be an off year. The ornamental beds look great though with all this rain and my tropicals are huge this year.

On a better note the Farmer's Almanac is predicting a cold winter this year. Bad for the Northeners but great for us Southerners who want to grow greens and other cold loving vegetables that didn't do well last year.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Info I read on asparagus beans says they like heat and drought....well it's been raining and unseasonibly cool for Aug. so I guess that what caused them to grow so lush but not enough heat to set beans.

I was finding fruits on my mouse melons but now I can't find them and they've gone crazy w/ foilage but no more fruits. They're another plant that like heat and to be on the dry side.

I sewed rattail radish a last month and they're flowering so it won't be long before I can harvest some. I should be harvesting Flying Saucer squash about now but they haven't made fruit yet. Weather has screwed up every thing.

You'd think the collards would be loving this weather and on the cusp of having leaves to harvest but NOPE...they are hardly 4-5 inches tall.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Well, ya did better than I did. My AB's grew about 4-5 inches then STOPPED...the end, no mo', nada!!! Definitely screwy weather this year. Lots and lots of tomatoes, but all in one long flush. We'll be wrapping it up early this year. I'm thinking I should try a cover crop in my beds. I've got nothing to lose after the dismal season of fungus/bacteria/blight/???

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Have you been giveing those Beans FERTZ

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

At Last! I went over yesterday to check the beans 'cause hub's wanted to turn donkeys out into the garden to eat don't grass and weeds before tilling and sewing more grass seed and they finaly have blooms on them.

I put several bucket laods of rabbit poop on that garden earlier in the year but nothing since. I've never fertilzered beans a whole lot.

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