Rare sight... hummingbird sitting still!

Harbor Springs & Det, MI(Zone 5a)

Hope I don't wear out my welcome by posting so many pictures!

Thumbnail by blossom_bum
Harbor Springs & Det, MI(Zone 5a)

Gray tree frog on spiderwort in the pond garden.

Thumbnail by blossom_bum
Harbor Springs & Det, MI(Zone 5a)

Monarch butterfly coming!

Thumbnail by blossom_bum
Harbor Springs & Det, MI(Zone 5a)

This frog has found a patch of sun.

Thumbnail by blossom_bum
Harbor Springs & Det, MI(Zone 5a)

Crab spider on astilbe

Thumbnail by blossom_bum
Harbor Springs & Det, MI(Zone 5a)

Another rare photo of a hummer sitting down on the job.

Thumbnail by blossom_bum
Harbor Springs & Det, MI(Zone 5a)

I think he's smiling.

Thumbnail by blossom_bum
Caro, MI(Zone 5a)

WOW. Have you thought of submitting any of these to magazines? These are wonderful! I used to play around with my old Nikon... Now I have a new Fuji digital and have just discovered how to work the macro button. What are you using?

Oh, and I don't think it's possible to post too many photos! : )

Mary Ellen

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

Beautiful pictures!! My hummingbirds sit still all the time. We love to watch them. I haven't taken their pictures though. I have one that will follow me around the yard when I'm watering. He likes to be just on the edge of the spray from the hose. :) I swear he knows who I am. In the spring I was late putting up my feeders and he found me out in the yard and kept following me around till I stopped what I was doing and got the feeders cleaned and put up.

Keep sharing the pictures. I'm sure we all love them!


Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

love the pics never to many!!!!!!! ;0)

Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

Aw great job. I've never been lucky enough to flash my hummingbirds. The other day I was outside they were swarming around our honeysuckle vines. One of the smallest one stopped and sat on a vine. I could see it thru the fence. I wish I wouldv'e had my camera. Then he flew over the fence and sat really close to where I was sitting. Cute. Cute. Thanks for the wonderful photos. Ronna

Harbor Springs & Det, MI(Zone 5a)

Thanks for all the nice comments. I am using my son's camera, a digital SLR, don't know which brand. Can't go wrong with such adorable subjects combined with the beauty of the flowery background. Getting close is the key, especially with such tiny subjects. I'm going to go and look for frames for many of these so I can bring the outdoors, indoors. The long winters will be less dreary if I can still see this. Makes investing in a zoom lens worth the price. I'll definitely keep the pictures coming, thanks for the encouragement. I've got lots more!

Thumbnail by blossom_bum
AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

You could make a slideshow for your computer screen too. That would definately chase away the winter blahs. Oh, we all come in here every morning with our cup of coffee and talk and dream about spring and what we're going to plant. It really helps make the time go by faster. So glad you'll be with us this time.


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