My very second orchid!!!!

Perrysburg, OH(Zone 5a)

I was so excited to get my first orchid, I just had to get another, I didn't go looking for this one it found me. This is really terrible, we got a new orchid in at work, we usually just get white or fushia phals. or dendos, well last week we got the most beautiful burgandy dendo, the flowers looked like velvet, as luck would have someone bought it. You see as I explained before when their done flowering we're told to just throw them away, so I thought "gee, maybe no one will buy this one", well I guess thats karma. So anyway I was at our local grocery/nursery/home improv./farm store and they had orchids that were finished blooming marked down to three dollars, I found a dark pink/burgandy oncidium--I've only ever seen yellow, so I'm just thrilled. Now, should I cut the flower stems off or back?? And should I feed it?? when I bought it several of the leaves had small black spots on them about the size of a dot you would make with a sharp pencil, I cut them off, is this okay?? There is also a great amount of new leaves growing and its seems very healthy, except for the spots, when can I expect it to flower again?? When I bought it about a week ago it had one bloom left, and the tagged was labeled "sherry baby".
Thanks for all your help,

New York, NY(Zone 6a)

Congratulations! Sounds like you found a great buy! The orchid is an oncidium Sharry Baby and is one of the most fragrant and beautiful orchid. It is also nicknamed the Chocolate orchid. Be forewarned, if you like chocolate, the scent is intoxicating.

Boy, so many questions. Typically, the flowers do not rebloom on the same spike so it is safe to cut the spike after the flowers fade. Oncidiums are prone to freckling and does notharm the plant therefore it is not necessary to cut the leaves. Watering on a regular schedule with a weak fertilizer is always a good idea. A new flower spike will develop after the pseudobulbs/new leaves are mature.

Can't wait for you to smell it! Enjoy!

Louisville, KY(Zone 6a)

Uh Oh, you got bit by the orchid bug, better get you an orchid table with pepple and water! LOL One leads to many...go to the library and read up on them. Then but the book you like best. I did a bit of research before I bought any so I wouldnt kill them. I am not sure how many I have and I started collecting them about 3 years ago this Thanksgiving. Got 12 in a trade from HI this summer! YIPPEE!

New York, NY(Zone 6a)

fivekulps, good point. A good reference book is a must for any orchid parent.

BJT72, if you are really interested in pursuing this very additive hobby, joining your local American Orchid Society is also a plus. They have monthly meetings with lectures and vendors. The people there are also very friendly and knowledgable.

fivekulps, 12 in a trade!! WOW...what did you get?

Louisville, KY(Zone 6a)

I got several differetn things. I got a huge oncidium, a cattelya, a couple dendrobiums, a 2 Ti plants(one red one green....all for daylilies, I was so happy! Setting up another trade with her this spring for hawian Gingers!!

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