Weeping willow tree question

Louisville, KY(Zone 6a)

I have a weeping willow tree planted in a very big container. I dug a hole in the ground and dropped the container in the ground, so the tree looks like it is in the ground. I did this to try to control the size of the tree. The tree stands around 5' tall. My question is, the leaves are turning yellow and it is loosing some of its leaves. Some of the little branches are bare. The tree just doesn't seem to be thriving as well as it did. Could it be root bound? Or staying to wet (I did put several holes in the container). This is its second year in the container.

Any ideas would be great help. I don't want to loose the tree.


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

They love water so rootbound is probably more likely, especially since you didn't have problems last year. I'm not sure if weeping willows can really be kept in containers, they have generally have very expansive root systems.

Louisville, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks for your response.

That is kind of what I was afraid of. My dh was afraid the roots would get into the underground water pipes or foundation of the house. Is this really something to worry about with these trees? I would love to just put it in the ground.


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Yes, it is something to worry about, they've got very invasive root systems. If you've got a large property and can plant it far away from pipes, foundations, etc then I'd go ahead and plant it, but otherwise if you've got a pretty small yard it's probably not a great idea.

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