Cottage Garden Seed Swap & Chat #15

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

We came from here == >

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

..... and I do recall seeing someone post that Suzy was thinking of taking on the big seed swap again.

I do not know what i could possibly need for next year, but i think [OK... know] i should have plenty to offer.

I've already begun collecting seeds and i still had a lot left over from last sway.... I just ran out of places to put seeds and time to do it.

OH -- oddest thing.... as i was surveying my flower beds when i got home on Monday... i spied 2 lil petunias around my dining room bay window. WHen i was telling my neighbor about this, and knowing i had not sprinkled any seeds there.... she did mention I had petunias there 3 yrs ago.

could it be possible that seeds from 3 yrs ago finally decided to germinate?!
No wonder i can never get these things to WS .... I dont let them sit for 3 yrs, i give up after about 4-6 months.


's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

They need light to germinate. Maybe you or the birds put them on the surface....

BTW I'm growing water melon for the first time this year. They about grapefruit size by now. Hope they have time enough to get ripe!

hi all
its raining and it was very dry this summer so this rain is welcome..i just hope it doesnt get too windy

ella i will let you know when i have seeds

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Ugg -- we need rain. It is really dry and crunchy here.

we had tons of rain early in the season, but nothing now.
according to the weather people, O'Hare had 3.7" in August.
I think that all came down in one day over 2 weeks ago and nothing since.

I certainly hope we get some soon.

Tuink -- one of the seeds germinated UNDER the bay window ... not much light there. But OH well, non-the-less, they are cute lil flowers.

South/Central, FL(Zone 9a)

Speaking of petunia seeds, they must last like forever. We had an old house on our property that we moved. We had lived in it for a few years before we built the house we are in now. The next spring, hundreds of petunias came up where that old house had been, and I didn't plant them there.

Also, on my property is an old oak tree, this year I decided to make a flowerbed around it, so I stirred up the soil to plant daylilies. Lo and behold, I now have a daylily/ petunia bed. lol

So, ...I say they last forever. : ) ~Lucy

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I was trying watermelons for the first time too. The only problem is I took too long to get everything from the swamp planted and I just potted them up to quarts from the 3" pots they were started in! They were yellow and withering, now that they've had some good potting soil they are beginning to turn green so if we don't have an early first frost maybe I still have a chance for some fruits! Thank goodness I always save some seeds now, so I can try again next year. I learned my lesson about that, but if the watermelon seeds don't last long maybe it won't help. I have them in the fridge.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OK, I managed to get that how-to article on saving basil seed on the schedule for tomorrow! I hope folks give it a try, because my own seed saving efforts are going to be pretty haphazard this year, and it would be great to keep spreading those basil varieties around!

On another topic entirely, I'm trying to drum up some discussion on a DG forum thread, floating the idea of having the option to make our "favorite forums" list alphabetical rather than having the order change all the time as new posts are made. Good idea? Bad idea? Please add your 2 cents if you feel inclined. I know I don't always get over to the DG forum, so figured I'd post a link here:

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Posting this here too incase Evelyn don't see it on the other thread.

Evelyn... Not sure if your on this thread or the new moved one, so wil post on both for ya.

The swap started actually I think in January and we had our seeds all sent by the first weks in february and our new ones arrived for Valentines day.

Like Teresa said we been chattign about our trades and how to grow and how to save seed form the ones we got since february.

Save your seed for this years Piggy Swap. It the wildest, fast paced seed tradign I ever saw in my life. people put up what they have and we all act like little piggies askign for the seed.

Hopign we have the next one early so those of us in warmer climates can get traded and our seed sowed whiel we have a little cold. In February plants are popping out of the groudn here and winter over. : )

Watermelon seed sare tougher than ya think. If I cna find em, got some Canary watermelon seeds. I had the bestest cantelope and saved the seeds from it. Nice juicy and huge, I mean huge, was biger than one of them roudn watermelons. Nevr seen anythign like it. I ate on it for days and wished I had a dozen more like it.

Critter wil have to check out yoru link, cuz I don't get what ya talking about? Must be having a sometimers attack again. LOL

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Wind, I won't have my pictures for a little bit, I still have one kitten in the house and she keeps me very busy besides me trying to work outside, I'll have them pretty soon I hope, I was hoping after I downloaded them onto the computer they would be easy to pick out and send but they aren't, nothing is easy about these pictures lol I guess I'm just too simple minded lol

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

I got a TON of seeds from my Tinkerbell Nicotiana yesterday!!!

The one thing about this year is that all the seeds I will put in will all be mine-since I was newer last year a lot of mine we left overs from trades that year....this year it is all from my love and care that these things grew and not have enough to share:)

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Lebug, it could just be your computer. My old computers were much harder to manage pictures with. It sounded like the camera was just a confusing type because your friend couldn't figure it out either! Maybe you should try a different one! : )

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Hi Fairy! Isn't it so nice to know you can share all your favorite plants with friends! I love it! : )

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

me too-I loved this one too and I will have the hugest amount of seeds from it-I am letting some drop hoping it is a plant that self seeds well....I am all about minimal and if I can get something to plant itself for me, then all the better!!LOL

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Way to go Fairy!!!!!!! Ya did good : )

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I'm letting some drop some seed but I'm covering my beds in shreded leaves this fall so not sure how that will work out, probably won't do much for the seeds lol I have this one plant and I kept wondering when it was going to show it's stuff and finally! Now I'm really liking it lol I'm gathering seeds too and it was easy to grow :) Here it is:

Must be a good fall bloomer, this is my first year with it. almost drought tolerant.

Meredith, I hate to admit it but this IS my second camera after not being able to use the last one lol I gave the other one away and bought this one :) Also I have a lap top and it's fairly new still and have XP.

Fairy, I was wondering if you were going to have seeds to that Tinkerbell Nicotiana it was so cute!

I was watering plants in my middle bed this evening and a critter like a dog probably, broke half of my pineapple sage off! I was so upset, it was beautiful! I had a bunch selfseed by my faucet too and they are starting to bloom now :) I can hardly see my lantana because I planted two red sheild hibiscus on each side of it and the hibiscus are taking my lantana over lol I planted them three foot away from the lantana I didn't know they got that big lol I thought these things only got like three feet hight too, I have one that is taller than me and I'm 5'4", I have it planted behind the morning light grass and it's taller than it it's not as wide as the other two though, what is up with that lol I see in the plantfiles that I was suppose to space 4-6', oh well who knows what I was thinking when I planted it lol

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Just wanted to say hi to everyone. I wish so much that I had gleaned all of the info from all of this thread. It would fill an encyclopedia I'm sure. I Hope everyone had a good year. I have been able to harvest some seeds in spite of the drought and I will post them as soon as they all get ready to pack up.
Miss talking with everyone here but it looks like you all have kept the fires burning.

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Would like some Tinkerbell's too. Couldn't get them to germinate this year.....

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

I had no problem with amy of my Nicotiana and I love all 3 of them, but the apple blossom is my fave by far-it has the prettiest light link flowers and they are edged with a darker pink-an it is short too whish is what I had wanted....

I will def have seeds from all 3 of them for the piggy swap:)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Fairy -- I would LOVE short Nicotiana .. i have the white ones, and find them too big.

ansonfan!! so good to see you. When i browse my seed basket ... i think.... "got that from anson ... got that from anson.... " and also glad you convinced me to take some ... I think it was like an anise mint or something... it's really great. [I'll have to think of the name of it now.... ]


(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Terese-I posted pics on the last thread of it:)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I'll wander back to find them.

I did grab a photo this morning of my Heavenly Blue MG [which really seem to be late bloomers, and far in between, with the Nicotiana] Haven't gotten the image out of the camera yet.

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Therese-here ya go-not a very good pic though

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Oh, YES, i like that MUCH better. can ya save me some seeds?

here's my shot from this morning... any idea what the plant is in the background, with the lil round purple flowers?
I have yet to ID it.

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

OH -- here is a better image of said NoID.

Thumbnail by tcs1366
(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

do you have a close up of a flower head??

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

this is all i currently have.... if it's not good enough, i can run out to take a better one.

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Fairy, are you pink ones as tall as the regular ones or are they short like your Tinkerbell? I have too many of the white one reseeding this year.

I tried to trade for some pink ones only, a couple of years ago and no one had any lol Do you know if there are any yellow ones only anywhere or if anyone sees any would they let me know, not even sure if they come in yellow.

Tuink, got your seeds yesterday and I'm going to start them in the house, I think it's just getting too warm to start them outside and such a nice selection too, thank you! Everyone I got some black holly hock seeds and a 'few others' lol I saw that the hibiscus are starting to make seed so shouldn't be too long before I can send you some of those 8) You are so generous with your seeds!

Tcs, sorry haven't seen that flower :)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

thanks Lea --- and i know i got the seeds in the swap.
I may have to go thru my WS spread sheet and do process of elimination.

they obviously germinated well, as i have clumps of them in various places.

's-Gravenhage, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Lebug, you have me blushing! They're so much better of in your garden than in my seedbox.....

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Good morning all!

It just doesn't seem possible that it's time to start collecting seed for next year. I've gotten side-tracked from the garden lately and haven't saved much excepting a few petunias and salvias, but I must try to be more diligent. I have so many tenders to over-winter that I'm still standing firm in my resolve to start fewer seeds this winter, but I have a few new things that some of you might be interested in so I will try to catch them before they're gone.

Lea I had that Amberboa from TM in my shopping cart when they were having their 1/2 price sale, but the sale ended before I was finished shopping, LOL. If you have enough seed to go around I would love to give it a try next year. :-)

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

La there are going to be plenty of those seeds or there are a lot of flowers anyway lol I've only gotten about five seed pods so far but they are pretty easy so I'm sure I'll get enough :) They germinated really easy too.

I've got a lot of those wevils in my hibiscus blooms is anyone else noticing that? I've had to take a few seed pods off and throw them away! I would love to know the process of the wevil getting their eggs laid in the seed pods, I wonder if they do it while the flower is still in bloom.

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

The tinkerbell and the breakthrough mix both get tall, the one Terese wants is the only short one...

No clue waht the flower is:( Sorry...

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

I don't know how they get in there either Lea but they sure scare the crap out of me when they come scurrying out.

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Here is a better pic of the short Nicotiana

Thumbnail by Fairy1004
Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Hi ansonfan!
TCS - That flower may be an aster? It looks a lot like ones I have that are about to bloom that I got from Fairy. I had them labeled as asters. : ) When mine bloom I'll know for sure if they are the same for sure. : )

Lea- I wish I were closer to you so I could help you figure out the whole picture thing! : ) I'm no expert but I find it pretty easy so I bet I could help you out with it. I'm not so good with explaining stuff in type though.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I added some pics of stuff I grew from the swap to my blog. The first 7 are the stuff from the swap. I didn't want to bog down the thread with them all, so please take a looksy : )
I am a little behind schedule with everythiong this year due to my little one so most of the other stuff hasn't bloomed yet but a lot of it is budding so I will be able to share more soon. : )
Suzy where are you? You said we'd better show you some pictures after all the oinkin we were doing but we can't show em to you if you aren't here to see em! I am so proud that I actually started almost everything from the swap and I want you to see them !!! : ) I'm beginning to wonder if the reason the swap was called the last chance swap was because you knew you were going to be MIA. I hope not, we all miss you!!!

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Mer-lovely pics!!! What is the thing you got from Tuink???

If that came from me, I am clueless-doesn't look like anything I have ever had in my garden...

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Fairy, have you grown asters? I think I remember the seed pack from you saying you got them from trade. You know how that can go, sometimes people don't always know what they are really sending you so it could have been something else entirely.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I went and looked the ones I think are from Tuink up they are Tall Skullcap : ) I couldn't remember what they were for some reason. They are very cute.

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