Ruellia & Verbena rigida - problem in N.GA rural area?

Lula, GA(Zone 7b)

I have some passalong Ruellia brittonia (Mexican Petunia) and Verbena rigida (which I thought was Homestead Purple when I accepted it. NOT) that I am undecided about the wisdom of using. I've looked at DG and various invasive lists and it seems neither plant is necessarily a big problem in zone 7.

But I live in a rural (read: wild) area and I don't want to release the next kudzu. I've already been removing liriope and vinca as well as, sadly, a leatherleaf mahonia once I saw seedlings around.

Input appreciated.

Edited to say: rec'd info locally that Verbena rigida does spread all over, coming up in beds many feet away. SOOO. Still like to hear about Ruellia.

This message was edited Aug 21, 2008 12:43 PM

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Ruellia is considered an invasive species down here in Florida. Honestly, I think regular old petunias are much better looking. A lot of people around here have said the Mexican petunias look good the first year, but then I hear of some people getting diseases or stunted plants the second year. I know landscapers like to use them because they are supposedly heat and drought tolerant, but if that's the qualities they're looking for I would think they'd just use natives.


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