Conquering and Dividing Soon...

Kershaw, SC(Zone 8b)

To make more room for my ever changing taste of the new and newer Hosta and DL varieties I'm editing my garden beds. I will have a whole lot of spiderwarts available. I do not have ID's on them, but there are 4 varieties. 1 is all white, the other are varying shades of purple. I will/should have about enough to fill up/out the Priority Mail boxes to their hilts, about 20 times over. I will also have 'Stella D'oro' and 'Black Eyed Stella' up for grabs, there will be about 40-50 fans all together for those beasties. The only draw back for the Stellas, they grew in together so there will be a mix of the black eyed's with th regulars. I will also be dividing/seperating my Elephant ears. These are the regular ole EE's. I should be able to get anywhere from 10-15 "bubls" or "pups" from them.

I also put on the armored gloves and got the seed heads/capsules from my 'Purple Metel' Datura. I will also have these up for grabs. I have 3 "drying boats" full of the Datura seed. Anyone is welcome to them. I will send out the Datura seed in bubble lined envelopes. I'm not sure of the shipping, but I can't see it being more than $4.

I'm sure I will be having other things "up for grabs."

I just wanted to have a separate thread for this, so I can keep track of who wants what.

I know this isn't a "co-op" thread, and I know we are a chatty bunch, but...this is just so I can keep everything straight and organized...I would like to keep the conversations on this thread to a minimum, if at all

The only thing I would ask is that whomever is taking whatever reimburse me for the shipping. I can send order confirmations if you aren't to sure about this. The priority mail boxes that I will be using are $9.80, and if you want delivery confirmation, it's an additional .65. So the total for one box is going to be $10.45.

I'm going to post my address here, that way peeps will know who to send the shipping to. If I have everything figured out right, and everyone wants some, I will more than likely be able to stuff/fill up about 25-30 of these boxes. The reason I'm asking for the shipping up front, is just purely financial. I trust y'all, and for all of the things I have sent out, everyone has reimbursed the shipping, with the addition of some really nice and touching thank you cards! I'm just hoping/wishing that if everyone just takes/asks for 2-3 boxes, I can ship them out all within/around the same time. The post office near me already thinks I'm crazy. lol.

If you are up for some of these divisions, please let me know.

I will be dividing everything up over the next couple of days, and would like to have them all shipped out within the next week or so. I will be holding them all over in a temporary berm.

Please post here what you would like, and how much of what you would like.

Once I read this thread, I will dmail you that I saw the post, and ask for your shipping address.

Since I would like to get this all shipped on within the week, I am requesting that anyone who does want any of the above mentioned plants to try and send the shipping moolah to me by this weeked, or early next week.

Thank any of you in advance,

My address:
Thom Dougherty
1020 John Ave
Scranton, Pa 18510

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Oh Thank you Thom!! I would love to have an EE and some 'Purple Metel' Datura!!
Thanks, Celeste

'Purple Metel' Datura is an annual?

Southeastern, CT(Zone 6a)

Thom - I would love some hosta(any variety), spiderwart(any color) and black eyed stella. Whatever you can fit into one box would be great.

Dare I say it... "The check is in the mail."

Thanks Thom!

Kershaw, SC(Zone 8b)

Yes. The Datura is an annual. Datura and Brugmasia are sometimes clumped together (seed wise) the main difference being two fold. Datura are almost always grown from seed, not from cuttings (that I'm aware of) where Brugs are often sold as rooted cuttings. The flowers differ in the way they flower and hang from the plant, with Dats facing out or upright, and Brugs hanging down. This particular Dat, as I can only speak for this one and no others, it took about 4-6 weeks to germinate, then I transplanted it, and it grew into a small shrub in no time. The flowers happen slowly over several weeks/months, then the seed heads form. The seed heads are extremely sharp spikey pods, and when I said I needed to wear gloves to get them, I was not exaggerating!

I will pour enough seed into little packets so that if the germination is low, anyone who wants them should get a few plants from them. Each seed pod had upwards of a few hundred seeds in each pod.

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Oh, I'm sooo excited! This is my second purchase. I've ordered from a coop too.
Thom, some hosta and black-eyed stella please.
Thank you in advance.

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Hi Thom! I'd love some spiderwart, hosta and both stellas please!! Putting check in the mail tomorrow morning.

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

Wheeee! Thanks Thom!

Craryville, NY

Hey thom: I would love any and all of what you're offering! Let me know where to send postage!

Questa, NM(Zone 5b)

It's his address at the bottom of the first post in this thread is his addy to send the moolah. He he he...

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

What's a spiderwart?

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

This is one kind, they come in different hue's of purple, and white too.

Thumbnail by pixie62560
Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Jen, I have purple ones that just "came up" in my yard so I let it grow to see what it looked like and I liked it , so now have several since I divided them. In Jersey they look great in the spring early summer , but once the heat and humidity hit they don't do well. Kinda like bleeding heart does here.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Spiderworts grow in shade, correct?

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Yes, Victor, mine get morning sun only and do very well.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Okay, Thom, please put me down for spiderworts and the EE's. I'll send a check asap. Thanks.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Just a word of warning: there is one particular spiderwort that will take over. It's a bright purple. I have been battling to be rid of it. You can't pull it out unless the soil is very soft. They have to be dug out. Here is a picture of it in front of a white Rhododendron.


Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Here is a close-up of that purple spiderwort.


Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily
Lawrenceville, GA(Zone 7b)

Hey Thom! I'd like to try some spiderwort and hostas . I will put a check in the mail tomorrow morning for you.


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

It is a very pretty spiderwort, but also a very aggressive spreader. I also have a lot of blue spiderwort and very pale blue. Those are not aggressive, but seem to spread here and there by seed, as I get new clumps popping up here and there. I want to get the one called Sweet Kate, which has navy blue flowers with chartreuse foliage.

Jan - I have the same problem with my spiderwort, where the foliage basically dies back sometime in July.


Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Uh oh. I have enough big spreaders. Is yours aggressive, Thom?

Kershaw, SC(Zone 8b)

My spiderwarts haven't been aggressive. They do thrive, and clump me the best comparison, is that they are just as quick to grow as Stella D'oro, and Black Eyed Stella. Not sure if that helps or not.

They are definitely not as prolific as my 'Zagreb' Coreopsis. I wouldn't call Zagreb aggressive, but it does let itself be known. I think the most prolific and spreading plant that I have is Stachy's 'Big Ears.' The purple spiderwarts I have are a light blue/purple, a dark purple, and then a lighter purple/violet. There is also a white one.

Usually, atleast to me, when I think of invasive, I think of a few things: First, things that seed everywhere, like some maples, dill, fennel, chamomille, etc. Second, things that spread by invasive root system, like the "ditch lilies", or running bamboo. The spiderwarts that I'm offering clump, and they keep clumping, they haven't seeded anywhere, nor do they have runners. They tend to just clump, and clump and clump. lol

I hope that helped out a bit!

I need to get to work now. I will post dmails to everyone who wants things in the am when I get home!


central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Thom, I'd like some black eyed stellas and the white spiderwort.
I'll send check on Friday.

Kershaw, SC(Zone 8b)

Hello Everyone!


If anyone is interested, I will be taking "Orders" up until Sunday Night. After that I really can't take any more requests. I would like to send the boxes out next week around Wednesday/Thursday.

So, PLEASE, PLEASE, if you are requesting anything, have your moolah in the mail no later than Monday. It will definitely save me some "back time" and some gas for running to the post office.

Please help a fella out with this.

If interested, Sunday is the "official" cut off date.

I'm working a double on Saturday and Sunday, which means I will be working from 3pm-7a. So the official time, or close of this offer will expire Sunday into Monday at 7am Monday August 25th.

That way whomever is still interested could get moolah out to me, and I should have it arrive by the projected shipping day(s)!

And again, Thank you to all who have already "signed up!"


Kershaw, SC(Zone 8b)

*********I hate to be cheesy, but......

*********The offer for orders is closed as of this morning. 8/25/08.

*********Thank you to all that requested anything, since there were only 8 people, it just means you will be getting more

*********I expect to have all of the moneys for shipping and handling this week, and my definite ship date looks like it will be Thursday 8/28/08. I will attempt to have everything at the post office by noon, that way it has a chance to be shipped from the Dunmore, Pa post office to it's first leg of the transport. Making the packages to their destinations by Saturday!

*********I will be sending out delivery confirmations via dmail to all those that wished to partake in this venture with me!

Thanks again,

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

NO,,, Thank you!!! :)

Southeastern, CT(Zone 6a)

I'm so excited!! Thanks for all your hard work Thom.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Thom!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Thank you sooooo much, I can't wait to get them.

Kershaw, SC(Zone 8b)

I posted some of the datura seed in the market place, if anyone is interested.

I'm not sure if shipping is going to be free yet, as I can't see shipping seeds costing much, but I will find that

Congrats to everyone who wanted something, the packages have left the building!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Thom, Just got my box today, they travelled very well. Thank you

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Thom, DITTO to what jen said. I just potted them up temporarily so they stay happy. Cuz in this heat and dryness I think they would wonder what happened to them.
thanks again, jan

Southeastern, CT(Zone 6a)

Wooohooo! Mine are here, too, Thom. You did a fantastic job with packaging and variety. Thank you! {{hugs}}

Kershaw, SC(Zone 8b)

Ok...forgot to add

In a few of the packages, not sure which ones, there are whitish roots, they look like ginger, that is a chunk of root the broke off while I dug up some of the hosta. The root is from the variegated Solomon Seal. If you want it, just plop it in the ground about an inch or so down, and it will do the rest! I think there were 3 or 4 of the boxes I sent them in!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Oh, thank you for the surprise!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Thanks I was wondering about that.

Craryville, NY

Thanks for the plants/roots/seeds!!!! They are already in the ground. These seeds again were???? And, a million thanks for your hard work and willingness to share!

Kershaw, SC(Zone 8b)

LOL...sorry for not labeling them.

The seeds are from Datura 'Purple Metel.' Dats are closely related to Brugmansia (Angel Trumpets) except Dats flowers hang horizontally, or up, where Brugs typically hang down. Both are annuals. If you planted them already, no need to worry I have about 20+ packages of them!

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