Anyone knows what could be wrong with my Fatsia Japonica?

Gent, Belgium(Zone 8a)

One of my two big Fatsia Japonicas started to look unhappy since last year. It's planted near the foot of a huge old wall and grew very well during 5 years. Its leaves became only a fraction in size from what they were before. They look yellowish with only healthy green around the veins.
I guess it's lacking a particular nutrient but all the surrounding plants look healthy so I'm puzzled. Last year I've given it some slow-release general organic (dry cow-dung) fertilizer, but it didn't give any result.

Any advise will be very much appreciated as I don't want to loose it..

Thumbnail by bonitin
Gent, Belgium(Zone 8a)

detail of the leaf;

Thumbnail by bonitin
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Being iron deficient can cause those symptoms, or sometimes just needing fertilizer in general can make them look like that too. If you think you've fertilized it enough, you might have your soil tested to see if it's low on anything. Or if the pH is too high that can prevent the plant from being able to take up iron so you may need to fix that.

Gent, Belgium(Zone 8a)

Thank you Ecrane! I better do a soil-test then.
It can be that its roots reached the level of the original soil which is mainly stone-rubble from bricks, so probably too alkaline. That could also explain why it thrived so well the first years after it was planted in plenty of potting soil and its neighbour plants are doing well because their roots don't get so deep..

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