Happy Birthday Lena!

Bardstown, KY(Zone 6a)

Hope you have a great one!


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Is it Lena's birthday!!! Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU LENA!!! What are you going to do to celebrate the big day? Any plans? Now don't tell me you are going to study.

How are you coming with your school? And, do you have your garden all planned? It is really difficult to figure out what you are doing and what time of year it is there. What season I mean.

Hope you have a nice birthday dinner or whatever Lena. Let us know how you are doing.


Brisbane, Australia(Zone 10b)

Hi, and thankyou Doug and Jeanette! I only just found this thread now, and its tuesday the 19th already.

Yes unfortunately I did spend my birthday studying. I have a big essay due tonight so its been keeping me busy. I was granted an extention for most of my first assignments, this is the final date so it just needs to be done. 24 is not that spectacular anyway, and it rained and hailed for most of the day. We just had a nice dinner and bottle of wine at home.

Weather has been very wet, today its finally sunny. My lake of a lawn looks nice in the sun :) I went out before to thin my beetroot and carrot rows, and pull a few small weeds from my herb garden. The daffodils at the back of the herb garden are looking nice. My favourite magnolia tree at the city park has begun flowering, so spring is definately here! Planning for the summer garden is also well underway.

Im going up north to visit my family this friday, to stay for a week. I havent seen mum since January, before I went to Germany. I will be able to see my sister and Dad too, before they jet off to fiji on tuesday. Lucky things. It will be nice to get away for a few days.

My first few tomato seedlings are making an appearance, they are sitting next to me on my sunny desk. Very cute. And VERY distracting, haha. Better get back to work.


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Lena girl, I"ll take that 24 any day!! I would love to do it all over again. Boy, would I ever!!

Lena do you get tons of seed catalogs in the spring? My mom used to call it her armchair gardening when she would go thru them and plan what she was going to plant in her garden. That gets us thru the rest of a very dreary winter.

So glad you get to go visit your family Lena. You have a nice trip. Iit might be your last one before you have a big garden to tend to.


Brisbane, Australia(Zone 10b)

Jeanette, I would love to recieve seed catalogues, but no such luck. I havent found a major supplier in NZ yet that sends out catalogues. I hunt down my seeds individually on general trading websites like trademe (our NZ version of eBay). There is not much variety though, I have already collected most of the tomato varieties held by the few small private seed suppliers. I always do this in autumn before the few seed packets available run out, then spend all winter waiting to plant them! The larger seed suppliers I found on the net dont seem to like sending to NZ. This past year I found DG and have been trading seeds with some kind folk in the USA and Britain! Hopefully not illegally. NZ has some pretty strict biocontrol laws. Prehaps you could tell me some names to look up, maybe they will send me a catalogue anyway?
And 24 feels plenty old enough. Time can stop now thankyou :-)


Wake Forest, NC

Lena: Happy B-day right back to you! Thanks for my greeting, too.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Lena, send me your address via D-mail and I will see if I can't send you a few seed catalogs. Let me know what you are especially interested in.


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