Weight Loss Challange Aug. 16 - 23, 2008

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

And what a challange it is to lose that weight and keep it off. Voice of experience talking. To myself at times. I'm afraid to weigh this morning. Anyway I'm already dressed and have eaten a very unconventional tho wonderful breakfast so I know it would be more than I want to see on the scale. lol.

I finally called the sheriff's office about 4:30 this morning when little Nita mutt wanted out for her long delayed potty break to see if it was safe for an old woman living alone to open the door to let her little dog outside for a bit. He said they had gotten a call from the little town of Hughesville about 2 miles from me that he had gotten someone there to call someone in Sedalia to come get him. I guess the friend got there before the sheriff did because he was still on the loose at that time. Of course being inside the Sedalia city limits now put him in the SPD jurisdiction not the sheriff's. So Nita and even little Penny got to go outside for a good long potty break.

I think I'll leave the black plastic bags over some of the windows tho until I get some regular shades I can pull down to prevent people from looking in. That has bothered me since we had to remove the drapes in '95 because I can't have fabric anything in the house. I mean like furniture, carpet(thankful for hardwood floors),curtains/drapes, etc. because they collect dust and therefore housedust mites which are my #1 worst household allergy. Bedrooms have shades but Jack refused to have them in the living room and with his SAD I didn't really want them anyway. He needed all the sunlight we could get to him. Many of our west living room windows are packed between the inside and storm windows with styrofoam sheets for insulation purposes. And we kept some styrofoam for every window for winter insulation and afternoon sun glare that bothered him while watching TV anyway. He used those as often as he could get away with until I finally got him to realize that lack of sunshine was a major cause of his depression. Then he actually went outside everyday to get some sunshine and light. And admitted it helped.!!! Glory be, this wife of his knew something! lol

I still have lots to get done on the grapevine rows. I did nothing at all on them on Thursday so ripening time is that much closer with the row still in terrible condition. Hopefully with the skidloader Holly will be able to get a good layer of wood chips into that row. The big tractor just couldn't manuver to do it. We have tried plastic. What a disaster. The weeds poked thru which meant the roots were under the plastic and the plant on top. Pulling was impossible. Spraying with herbicide killed many blackberries, and destroyed the grape crops, etc. We finally got the plastic up and nothing has been done since but weeding and mowing. Which doesn't get done often enough. Maybe 2 or 3 times a season.

I'm still sleepy. I think it may have to do with having the shade down in the bedroom so I didn't really know when the sun came up. That use to be a real problem until I realized what was happening and left it up at least enough for me to get some morning light. Winter is a problem in that area. Light often doesn't get here until 7:30 and I'll have to leave for work by then.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

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