Chicken Chat # 3

LOL shot gun is a term for front seat :)
wouldn't that be fun
off topic but ...
do chickens like Horn worms ?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Mine ate the enormous hornworm I gave 'em yesterday in a HUGE hurry.

good to know
i m already planning my strategy for next spring on HW's LOL

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Uh oh. There is a chicken at my local shelter:

Uh oh

Lodi, United States

Sort of looks like a New Hampshire.

Now how did you find it? You had to be surfing through barnyard buddies, possibly at work. I think you are in the third and most agitated stage of terminal chicken addiction. If your friends and family invite you over for a "little talk"--don't go unless you are really ready to seek help. They may love you---but they don't really "know" you anymore. You are beyond their petty and meaningless concerns--you are one of us now.

Heh, heh, heh.......

to funny

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

I can see her walking into this "chat" with the ones that love her. hands under her arms, head bobbing back and forth and making a pleasant kinds clucking sound. Then all of a sudden Aunt Ruth spits her teeth out because she is squatting on the floor clucking her head off.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

LOLOL! You are too funny - Catscan and L2G2! My grandmother's name was Ruth!!

Yes, I was surfing barnyard buddies, during a class! ARGH! I'm an addict!! I didn't expect to find anything....

See new thread coming up shortly "Red Rosie, the Rescued Chicken" (should have it up in about 5 minutes)

Claire (and Rosie)

get out the nets and white coats LOL

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Thread's up. Go see my poor new baby.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

I got them, 2 palm turkeys, 4 RIR 4 month of roo's, 4 hens on their 2nd year laying. and a pair of silver laced phoenix. Their names are Harry and Arminie. All of them are very nice and gentle. The turkeys are in a cage by them sleves, was afraid that they would maybe step on the bantams. They weight about 40 for the tom and about 30 for the hen.
I really did good.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

good for you tia. member i'm your first turkey egg customer

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

you got it.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

i'm eggcited

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

yea me to, yesterday i got them about noon and at around 6ish they were still a little spooked and right now they are a bit cramped up going to make them a big pen today. So hopefully they will calm down some.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

give them time. they will settle down

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

yea they are just scared.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

You got such a great deal Tia! Congratulations! You know we're waiting for pictures....

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

yea gotta get up off my lazy rear and go get the camera and download it :)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I just got my UPS notification that my incubator is coming on Monday! Woo hoo! So eggcited about that!!

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

here is Mr Potter aka Harry he is a beauty, I have to get better pics of the turkeys. Got them moved to a space they can move around in.

Thumbnail by luvs2garden2000
Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Ohh Tia - he is just beautiful!! What a stud!!! If I were a hen, I'd be all googly-eyed over him! (pant, pant, pant...)

What is the age of the small chick drinking from the waterer (feeder?) on the right side. It is about the size of my chicks, maybe slightly larger. Same with the one above his tail on the left. I think mine are 6 weeks now, but not sure. Just wanted to compare.

he is very handsome. I like his name too :)
i love turkey pics !

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

ok here ya go not to good they are still a bit stressed. they spook easily

Thumbnail by luvs2garden2000

gobble gobble :)
neat . i love turkeys , i have no idea why ? i just think they are neat.
thanks for the pic

londonderry, Australia

i want the Harry Potter roo so much (and it aint cause i am obsessed about harry potter i now weird but meh) its colours are so intresting i wonder watchicks he would give

Gate (Rochester), WA(Zone 7b)

I want Harry cuz a raccoon ate mine that looked much like him last year. Just loved his look & demeanor.

CONGRATS L2G2! Very happy for you! .... I mean CF shined very brightly on you this time [grin]. ^_^ spreading more rumors Hi tf!

Novinger, MO(Zone 5b)

Hi all! Just popping in for a minute to say hi and howdy. This last week or so has been absolutely crazy! Between trying to figure out school for me, getting a job, getting the kids ready for school, a yard sale ready to go and a long list of other stuff I'm about clean wore out!

Good news! In a weird twist of fate I didn't find out until after I had FAFSA papers all filled out, a 2 shot TB test done and my background check done, that the Pell grant will not pay for the 3 week CNA class. They will only pay for the 12-18 week one and the next opening isn't until the winter term. Then the race was on to find out what I could do until the winter term.....and hello, in I walk into the world of college and going all the way to RN! I am enrolled, have declared my major and will start school next Tuesday...I'm thinking part time for the 1st term so I can get into the swing of things but it is sure a start in the right direction
and I am so excited! As an added bonus, I went and took the COMPASS placement test....I was so worried on test day I thought I would be sick. It's been 16 yrs since I have been in school and I thought for sure I would fail and have to start with all non credit make up classes. I aced the reading and writing part with such high scores that I was told over and over how fantastic they were.....way good enough to get into the RN program. My math was good enough to get into the LPN program....durn it, I just knew that algebra would get me good....I was super good at it in school, but have since forgotten the rules. So not that big of a deal....I'm going to take basic math right off, retake the math part and get it out of the way. Now to look for a job.......

We got other great news today......DH is now enrolled in school full time with on-line classes to finish up his degree and then the mail came....oh yes, oh yes.....unemployment
FINALLY came and he was approved.....4 weeks later. His former employer was trying to beat him out of it so I was horribly worried this whole time. It's not enough to make our basic bills but we are not going to lose the house....WHEW, what a relief!

I want to thank everyone that has given me so much support and all the kind words! It has meant so much! We are not out of the woods yet, but things are looking so much better now! I'll tell ya, it is so true that when one door closes another one opens and usually for the better. I'm now a true believer that if there is a big road block thrown in your way, or several.....that there is probably a reason. Each and every road block that has been put up in front of me blocking me from what it was I thought I had all figured out ended up leaving me in a way better place....thank goodness!

I hope to be able to come back soon and read posts and share. I sure am missing you all and all the critter chat!


Rankin, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks for that update Christy.. sounds like a new beginning... keep up the spirits.. we are all pulling for you.. stop in when you can.. we miss your sunshine!

Clarkson, KY

So glad to hear it, Christy. -When it rains, it pours I guess, and at least now it's raining the right stuff!!

Clarkson, KY

Beautiful babies, Tia. Love HP. I was just reading back over some older threads where you claimed to be safe from the Chicken Fairy. Sosuchanimal...though I think I've found a place to get turkeys AND those White Embden Geese TF recommended. Is it chicken fairy dust? Or Bird Fairy Contagion? Do you know what kind of bird or cross HP is?

Josh- Got a roo very similar to Tia's out of a Black Sex-link, JG cross. He was black and yellow speckled as a chick and dubbed "Speckledy" by my daughter. Maybe you could make one...;0

Clarksburg, MO


Is that a door I here creaking as it opens? Congrats on your great accomplishment on the test! I know that had to be stressful. Congrats on hubby in school, too.

I am so honored to know people who have the ability to look stress in the face and laugh. It is one of the hardest things to do.


Congrat on the CF delivery. They look awesome!


(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

My Harry Potter is a silver laced phoenix he is said to have if conditions were perfect for him a very very long tail but he is not. so he wont. I have his hen also. and the other roos that are with her are 4 month old and not even interested in girls yet. I cant wait until they start laying eggs. I wont hatch any myself. Not yet that is, I will try to see if I can get some to go broody this next spring and go from there. Yes I am cured of the CF illness, these I wanted so not to bad.

We had the turkeys in the brooder we built a while back. OMG what a battle it was to get them moved. My DD'd BF got in the coop on that Tyson's level and the fight was on. Finally went and got a towel and covered his head and got him right out of there. I told Aaron he got the gold medal for turkey wrestling. Since Aaron wrestled the turkey I let him name them, they are Tyson and Tessla

This is a pic of Hermione. Not a real good pic she was tired and hot and was cooking off in the sand.

Thumbnail by luvs2garden2000
(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Christy I am so proud of you girl. You and your DH will make it thru this, and be all the better in the end. We have us a school girl on our hands now, gotta make sure she is in bed early and eat her brain food in the morning so she can be smart (he he he that is what we tell Dylan for school)

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

great news Chirsty! nice lookign flock everyone!!!

well, we haven't seen that dog, but heard shots at the other neighbors the other day... and meanwhile we have found a home for our Great Dane, who wanted to kill all our cats and scare the chickens half to death in the process... and now have a Great Pyrenees Dog and her puppy!

they are a lot of work getting adjusted to their new home, but we love them to pieces. Turtle just walks around casually, and eveyr chicken within 50 feet screams and runs LOL, and she doesn't even notice...


Clarkson, KY

Good news all around!! YAY. Hope that dog has gone the way of that fox of ours.

Tia - Silver laced phoenix -that sounds too cool. I was reeely bad comparing HP to my mutt, huh? DD says you should name the next one Fawkes after Dumbledore's phoenix.

(AnjL) Fremont, CA(Zone 9b)

Tia, beautiful rooster! I wish I could have roos here :( sigh!

Christy I am SOOO happy for you! yay! and once you get back in school, it will all come back to you :o) just like riding a bike.

tf, maybe the other neighbor shot the dog? fingers crossed here :o)

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

no such luck. on my way to the store, i saw the female GS AND the male in the front yard, along with some other stray dog... not MY front yard, mind you... so i am just now coming in from sitting on watch with two guns... seems lik a good night for a coon, too. but the GP is doing her rounds now, so i will sleep a little while LOL

londonderry, Australia

i want a new dog now do give my current one a friend

Thumbnail by luckycharm_1

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