Chicken Chat # 3

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

We are continued from here:

This message was edited Aug 16, 2008 10:34 AM

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa thanks

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

hey, checking in. no dog, no coon, YET. its raining. going back out...

Paris, TN

good luck tf hope you get them

Gate (Rochester), WA(Zone 7b)

tf, I saw your post for AMA airport. Just may check it out this evening. Not watching TV at all these days ~ you guys got tornados / hurricanes headed your way? You too far north for hurricanes? I only know about earthquakes. Know absolutely NOTHING about tornadoes or hurricanes!

Need to get those CRITTERS (pets or wild) before they wipe you out! Esp since they keep comin back for more, they have found it's a smorgasbord for them

londonderry, Australia

did u get the little furry bast.....ummmm i wont finish that

did u get it

did your night watch pay off

Clarkson, KY

It would be nice if you could borrow a live trap from somewhere, trap it and take it to the pound.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

it is smart enough to smell me out there. too smart for a trap. and the pound won't take it, because we live out of the city limits... i am much too tired [and cold] too sleep out tonight. but hope to be on watch at first light... have an injured PBR pullet, and missing a couple hens... sometimes they go hide and don't come back right away.

caught somehting in the marshmallow-batied coon trap finally, a chicken!


Novinger, MO(Zone 5b)

Hey all! Tia.....I just saw your pic, I can't believe how big your chicks are now! Is it just me or do they seem to grow A LOT faster when they are someone else's? LOL I see you are getting more and some turkey's too...yipee! Before long your going to have all different kinds of critters wandering all over, and eggs too. Bet you can't wait for that, huh?

Tf...I'm so sorry for all your losses. I can't believe the rotten luck that has come your way this year, and with all the dog attacks. I sure hope you nail that GS a good one and for sure call in right away. Your neighbor is way far on the other side of nutso already, don't want to take any chances!
Oh hey, I was just sitting here wishing I knew more about dogs and knew of a way for you to mask your scent so the GS couldn't smell you. I thought of something, but have no idea if it would work. Does the dog sniff around when she comes over? I'm wondering if you could sprinkle pepper all over the ground or in areas she might be sniffing......wouldn't that make her sneeze and mask any smells? At the very least it might distract her enough that you could get your shot or 2 in.
Would regular black pepper hurt chickens any to eat? I know cayenne pepper is ok, but would it have the same affect on the dog? Just a thought.

PeaFowl......I'm so glad you are feeling better! BIG congrats on you new Pea chick....I hope there are many more! Oh, how exciting. Do you know how many eggs she was sitting on? I don't know much about....well, pea fowl....are the hens really protective of their nests and babies?


Gate (Rochester), WA(Zone 7b)

Oh tf, I am sooooo sorry! If I could just get my hands on that dog!
And the coon, gotta few tricks for them .....but they are smart too. Once one thing works, it won't work again cuz now they know! They always came after my cat food, but first sign of a person or noise, right up the tree or into the brush they went. Just wait for next night, then from across the property, got one (cuz shotgun in car after work). But then they learned what times we were home, came before..... got all 3 cats. No more cat food for them & all animals protected from coons now......

My heart & prayers are with you!

Cheryl ~ Pea

Gate (Rochester), WA(Zone 7b)

Christy, yes they are. Was able to see that so far, I have 1 India Blue hatched, 1 Black Shoulder did not make it (deformed by the looks of it) and the younger hen was still setting on 3 more eggs. Due to the heat today, they were off the nest a bit. Not sure how much longer the hens will give the eggs to hatch, before they give up. Both are being really good and protective mamas of the little one. Act like they are going to peck me (they never do it very hard to me ~ the hand that feeds them) and cluck up a storm, sort of as a warning or something. Will see if still settin tomorrow......if not, still have the 4 peachicks I bought.

tf, Christy had a thought there. Isn't there something hunters use to mask their smell from deer, elk, bear, cougar, etc? Wally World, or where you buy your gun powder should have something in stock, no??? I really have no idea, just thinking.....

Cheryl ~ Pea

londonderry, Australia

so u got the culpritand it was a chicken

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

hi everyone, thanks so much for the prayers. sissy is much better. she was eating mushrooms ahgain. she almost died in may because of this, when will she learn?
tf, so sorry to hear of your losses

londonderry, Australia

glad to hear she is feeling better

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

thanks josh

That must have been one hungry chicken .:)
I don't know if anyone mentioned this for masking a human smell but you can use urine . Yeah its gross ,but hunters to it. Yes i think they do sell it at wally or other hunting stores. Its usually the urine of a female deer or something in heat . Believe me it STANKS .
Good luck with the dogs TF wishing you well. sorry its such a hard case and the neighbor doesn't help either to add in the mix
glad your sis is feeling better jordonkittyjo.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

thanks taynors, now if my chickens would just start laying again

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Hey Kathy glad sissy is feeling better. Dang it about the shrooms. I have no idea about why they are not laying, is it possible something is taking the eggs?

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

tia, no nothing is taking them. they just quit laying

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

dang, i have no clue. i hope they will start laying again.

We got the metal up on the coop and will finish it today. My daughters boyfriend busted his rump yesterday I am so glad to have him around.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

my keets are up in the magnolia tree. the lawn mower scared them

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

them keets are scared of everything arent they.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Hey Sue... You still here??? I have to go down the hill today for a stooopid course in Moraine...It is supposed to be from 1-5pm, but they say it rarely lasts over 2-3 hours...

We have more than one load, so I told Jim to start burning it...He had a pile going when I got back from Bellefontaine...I told him keep the hose handy, and just a small pile at a time...
What was the offer you were talking about?? ^_^

Do you want a drum to burn it in ?
I will dmail you with the offer
yes i do lurk around in the poultry and stuff

woops my drum has garbage in it
the other two need the top sawed off
sorry my bad no drum

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

i duno Josh, it was a pretty small chick... who now likes marshmallows with maple syrup.... gotta get outside.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

I would Love a drum if you have a spare...Jim can saw one...I will reply to the offer when I get back home later on... ^_^

how did the chick get in the trap TF ?

Gate (Rochester), WA(Zone 7b)

Jordankitty, glad to hear sis is doing better. Some of the dogs round here do the same thing with porcupines. Just get home from vet getting quills pulled out of muzzle & right back to the den they go! Just glad my dogs never found them. Wonder what it is about shrooms??? Like cats with catnip?

Taynors, believe TF is using a live trap (door slams shut & traps em when tripped)

I have one using to keep weasel from going for peafowl eggs. Haven't caught anything yet, but nothing got at the 2nd clutch of eggs either. Pen now safe from little critters too.

On that note, seems no more to hatch. They left the nest, but both hens are protecting, teaching it to eat lettuce when I left..... funny, just like noodles. Get it in their mouth, then shake to get a smaller Finally figured out easier to get a small piece out of the center, rather than the edge.

Cheryl ~ Pea

londonderry, Australia

u would be suprised at some of the stuff my current silkie chick "thinks" it can eat

oh and that includes our labrador

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

well, my sissy killed one of my keets yesterday. she thought it was a toy. first mushrooms now this

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

sorry! they do squeak a lot ;-(

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

Oh goodness so sorry about that Jordan

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

well, it's my own fault for letting them run with the others

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

my keets run from their own shadow, they are scared of everything. I want to get them other birds you know the turkeys and the others but it is raining and I need to make a divider in the coop. Not sure I want to devote half of the coop for 13 new birds. I could make it temp. for now and then when they all get to know each other then put them all together.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

the turkeys won't hurt the keets. i use to keep mine together

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

the keets are 4 weeks old and the turkeys are 1 yr old and I am getting them from someone else. I just dont want any bullying going on.

(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

here we go they have a new home

Thumbnail by luvs2garden2000
(Tia) Norman, OK(Zone 7a)

they love their new home

Thumbnail by luvs2garden2000
Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

nice pen tia.
hey everyone, i just ordered black cochrin eggs. gonna try my new bator

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