Flowering cherry

Moorestown, NJ(Zone 6b)


We have two Japanese cherry trees planted five yards from each other. They were doing great, until a few days ago, we noticed that the leaves of only one of them were turning yellow and started falling to the ground. The other one is doing just fine.

Any help?

Thumbnail by betulo
Bartlett, IL(Zone 5a)

It looks like black spot fungal disease to me. You might want to spray with a fungicide.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I had this problem on my sour cherries this year. Unfortunately, it got severe while I was out of town, and one tree dropped most of its leaves. Eek! I think it's most likely "black spot," a fungal infection, although I've never had this happen before. I'd been spraying with an all-purpose orchard spray (captan and other ingredients), but I've sprayed twice since with the same anti-fungal Ortho garden disease control spray (Daconil) that I use on my tomato plants.

I think there's probably another product out there that might be more suitable or more specific for controlling this problem... if so, I need to find it, because it seems to be spreading to my apple trees.

Is the wet weather this year contributing to this? I've never had trouble like this.

Bartlett, IL(Zone 5a)

yes and it spreads rapidly, I've just started using a product by bonide called Infuse on all of my roses and it seems to be working well at stopping it. I don't know if it is good for fruit trees. I'll check the bottle and get back to you.

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