Manettia does not bloom

Hardin, KY(Zone 6b)

I have had this vine planted in full sun for over two months. It bloomed initially but nothing since. Granted, we have not had much rain but I have kept it well-watered and have applied a slow-release fert.
Any suggestions?
(Another person I know purchased this same vine from the same nursery and she's in SC ~ having the same problem.)

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Which manettia do you have?

This is the cordifolia, and it is a VERY thirsty only blooms when it gets LOTS of water...I finally had to add a container around its original container, that had no drain hole.

That is the only way I could keep it happy with enough water, in summer

Thumbnail by seedpicker_TX
Hardin, KY(Zone 6b)

I have luteorubra ~ the flowers look exactly like candy corn (if I ever had any).
Do you think I should just water it like mad? Like I mentioned, we have had very little rain and I have tried to keep it watered well. Last year, mine bloomed all summer ~ this year, just leaves.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

not really sure...since yours is a different one. I had that one before, and don't remember it being as "thirsty".

It was more like a houseplant, than an outdoor vine...have you tried any bloomboost fertilizer with all your watering?

If the leaves begin to go a little pale, it could be that with the watering, you need to replenish some of the nutrients that got washed out.

Got a pic?

Hardin, KY(Zone 6b)

Yes ~ since this is a Z9/10 plant, it would be more like a houseplant here, but I grew one outside last summer and it was a show-stopper. This year ~ leaves, as shown (ignore holey leaf on left ~ that's a rudbeckia ala Jap-beetle:):

Thumbnail by KeyWee
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

hm...looks nice an healthy to me! I wish you blooms, soon :0)

Vicksburg, MS(Zone 8a)

I'd love to put one of the cordifolias in my yard--is it invasive?

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I don't know, but I wouldn't think so.

Mine is in a pot,and I bring it in, in the winters. I was under the impression it was not hardy here in TX 8a

Lakeland, FL(Zone 9b)

Try giveing it some Epsom Salt mix it in with the water a teaspoon to a gallon of water

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