any suggestions on what kind of JM to buy???

Bluffton, OH

Hi. Am looking for advice on what kind of JM to purchase for protected northwest corner of my house. Area is pretty much full shade. Am in zone the country but the area doesn't get a lot of wind. Looking for a small red upright variety that won't get taller than 10' or wider than approx 10-12'. Was looking at a very pretty Fireglow at the local nursery but sounds like they can get kind of bushy and I was thinking maybe something more graceful since it will be right in front of my kitchen window. Thank you!!!

Springfield, IL(Zone 6a)

I was gonna let someone else answer this but with no one doing so I thought it best to at least attempt to not ignore this person. Any upright JM like Fireglow can be trimed to not be "bushy" ... Fireglow is a very slow grower for me personally but also VERY hardy. Any JM in shade will either "green out" by early summer or become not bright ...RE: it will not "glow like a fire" or likely look like it does at the nursery. The upside is it will not burn as my Fierglow and just about all JM's do in the full sun ...If you want a red cultivar I think Fireglow is as good as any even in your situation and the list of others to choose from that would work is irrelivant since you have access to a Fireglow at presant ..David

Bluffton, OH

Thanks for the advice.

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

Inaba Shidare ? You could google a photo. I think only gets to about 7 feet or so but grows fairly fast. I have one that almost doubled its size in two years and it keeps its color for me.

I also have a butterfly that I think would do better in the shade - we have it in mostly sun and it is prettiest in the spring.

I know very little about JMs but both of these are really attractive. Our butterfly is about 8 feet tall and about 10 feet at its widest.

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