Oak tree seedlings for the taking

West Point, GA

My grand old Water Oak Heloise was very generous with her acorns last year. As such, so far I have 55 seedlings in a holding bin ranging in height from 4" to 6" with hundreds more coming up all over. Heloise is well over 50' tall and is quite lovely. I can't stand the thought of mowing up all these seedlings and I have no idea what to do with them. Does anyone have any suggestions about who might want/need a bunch of oak trees?

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Schools and the extension services have give aways. So do some parks, like the Chatahoochee Nature Center. Some churches sell plants and trees as fund raisers. Perhaps your local extension can advise you. Heloise sounds beautiful (and fertile).

Maybe girlgroupgirl coud use them for her Holy Comforter sale, if they have one in Fall.

Evans, GA(Zone 7b)

Perhaps you could offer them on Freecycle?

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