Poppy ID

Deep Run, NC(Zone 7b)

Can someone name this poppy for me. I've grown in for years but don't have any idea as to the name. bob

Thumbnail by orchidman1
Calgary, Canada

It is a double form called carnation or more formally called the Laciniatum Group by the RHS. It would appear that the flower has dark purple basal patches. So an unambiguous description would be - purple carnation with dark purple basal patches. To keep it simple I would call it Purple Carnation.

The other double form is peony or as the RHS says - Paeoniiflorum Group. This also has dak purple basal patches. It is usually called Purple Peony.

Thumbnail by cowgirl2
Calgary, Canada

That colour in that last post is a bit washed out. Here's a better photo. Johnson's Seeds sold this under the name Purple Passion.

Thumbnail by cowgirl2
Deep Run, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the help. The lavender color is beautiful. bob

Thumbnail by orchidman1
Chimacum, WA

Oh My!!
I just discovered this forum. I have identified my poppies!I grew some of the peony poppies 4-5 years ago. They have reseeded every year. Each year there are different forms and colors. I went to the plant files and found many of them there under the Papaver Somniferum. Here is a purple one.

Thumbnail by WILLIEB
Chimacum, WA

Will post a few more of them. And yes, I have saved a lot of seeds. I have planted seeds in June to extend the blooming season. I live in Washington state, on the Olympic peninsula.

Thumbnail by WILLIEB
Chimacum, WA

and another one

Thumbnail by WILLIEB
Chimacum, WA

A red and purple one.

Thumbnail by WILLIEB
Chimacum, WA

And a pink one,

Thumbnail by WILLIEB
Chimacum, WA

a red one

Thumbnail by WILLIEB
Chimacum, WA

And a last one

Thumbnail by WILLIEB

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