Next Question. How much space?

Downers Grove, IL(Zone 5a)

How big of an area do you devote to your hybridizing endeavors? And do you find that you don't have time/space for other types of gardening?

Baton Rouge area, LA(Zone 8b)

I suppose this could change and vary over time depending on if we are talking about a hobbyist or a professional or maybe someone who is gaining or losing interest in different kinds of plants so the activity changes each year. I used to grow tomatoes but lost interest. Now I grow a lot of things and consider the hybridizing to be a creative past time just like any art work or household project I might work on.

My cannas have two approx 20 x 50 plots which for the time being is plenty enough to keep me happy. :)

Louisville, KY

I devote 2 to 4 acres to breeding. I usually work with 2 to 4 groups of plants. I also enjoy using display beds for breeding. Large planted areas with combinations of plants all of which are being used in a breeding program. I have a lot of these areas as well. I do find that they are not the best when really being picky for those instances I like growing similar plants side by side to pick out the best traits for forms.

South Hamilton, MA

We have 4 20ft'seedling beds, one sort of shaded next to a small barn. The reselects go in a 70ft. bed, shared by DH & me. when we like them they are lined out in 3 other 70ft beds, but sharing that space with other iris plants. Luckily we do the smaller median iris plants, not the tall bearded. they then go to the person who introduces them for us.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I have 6 tiny raised beds, ranging from 4x5 feet to 4x25 feet.

VERY small-scale and hobbyist.


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