Brugs cuttings

'Miami Orange Glow
'Mountain Magic
'Super Nova'
'Frosty Pink'
'Cotton Candy'

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

are you trading or wanting?

Hot Springs, AR(Zone 7b)

I'll take 'Mountain Magic & 'Jamie', what are you looking for?

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

i'll take super nova and cotton candy

Lodi, CA

What do you want??

Just take a look at my trade list and than

Southlake, TX(Zone 8a)

I have the Peruvian Daffodil Hymenocallis festalis, and some malva seedlings for any of your cuttings.

Deep Run, NC(Zone 7b)

Have a nice Nun's Orchid I'll trade you for several cuttings. D-Mail me if interested. bob

Thumbnail by orchidman1
SW, WI(Zone 4b)

Are you still looking for Brugmansia 'Maya'?
If so, I'd love to trade a cutting of mine for a cutting of 'Mountain Magic'.

Brownstown, IN

Hi Flowerpower 57,
I have a nice Adenium I will trade for several cuttings.
Thank you,

For those who have not dmailed me ,please do so .It is easier for me to keep track.
I still have more left.

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

You have Dmail.

Southlake, TX(Zone 8a)

has anyone heard from flower power? WE d-mailed and then I haven't heard a thing in 3 weeks. I hope she is OK.

Lufkin, TX(Zone 8b)

actually it is a he, named Shon. i posted a similar question on another of his trade threads for daylilies. i dont know what is going on. i sent a full, flat rate box of 18 fans of named dls to him several weeks ago. i have dmailed him several times, no reply. i sincerely home nothing is wrong, but i am very upset at this point. on the other thread several other people have posted that they have also not recieved their trades.


Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

edited, to back out of this .

This message was edited Sep 23, 2008 7:05 AM

Hot Springs, AR(Zone 7b)


You don't want to trade with this guy. I sent him really nice cuttings for 3 each of Jamie and Mountain Magic. He sent or at least tagged the cutting all with Jamie. They were small, week, tip cuttings. To top it off I got them on Aug 29 in a padded envelope with first class stamps on it. I emailed him with pictures and have not heard from him.

Here's what I got. Can you see the rotted ends. Needless to say, none of the cuttings survived since they were fried and rotted by the time I got them.

Thumbnail by flowerjunkie
Hot Springs, AR(Zone 7b)

Here another picture. Like I said. You don't want to trade wth him. I have to add that I did cut off the rotted ends but had to cut alot off and they were green cuttings...need I say more?

This message was edited Sep 22, 2008 9:33 PM

Thumbnail by flowerjunkie
North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

Sent trader Night Blooming Cereus 8/22/08. Never heard from trader, so on 8/31/08, I sent a follow up email asking if he rcvd the NBC and to please let me know when he ship the cutting so I can be on the look out for it. He RESPONDED on 8/31/08 that he SENT the cutting and that the NBC cutting I sent him was almost dead. I offered to replace it if it did not recover. I never got a respond back. I NEVER got my cutting that was sent. Never heard back from this trader. I just chalked it up to a bad trade.

Edited to say that I always try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. One bad trade is not going to kill me. It's just plant and some stamps. I hadn't planned on posting a negative feedback or anything because anything could have happened to this person and if someone is not happy with their plant, I try to give them a chance to rectify it. However, I see that many others are having problems, getting a bad trade or not getting their trade at all, so I thought I'd post my comment too.

This message was edited Sep 23, 2008 8:02 AM

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Holy cow! Thanks Daisy for the heads up. I truly appreciate it.

So sorry you got such a bad deal. It's been along time since I've been burned in a trade. I appreciate it when folks look out for other folks. Thanks again

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Wonder if something happened to him, He had good feedback up until recently looks like he's had some bad trades on this thread too

Lufkin, TX(Zone 8b)

yes, if you will read several threads up, i posted about my experience. never recieved any trade from him. i am also very puzzled. his feedback was glowing until recently, i checked before trading. this is actually the second time i have sent out a trade of a full, flat rate box of daylilies, only to have the other trader not send their side of the trade. the other trader also had good feedback until that time. apparently she also did not send her half of the trade to several other persons, because mult neg feedback was left to that effect. i really enjoy trading and in general am very happy with my trades. it is very sad when this kind of thing happens. the dls that i sent are worth about $100 retail and plus the $10 postage.


Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Tracie, I never bothered to read all the other posts, wow! Will have to be more cautious from now on. Thanks. Whew! I'm sighing a breath of relief LOL. That I didn't do any trading here.

Southlake, TX(Zone 8a)

thanks for the input. I alos checked prior to trade. I did a trade earlier this year (am still waiting for my half) and what made it so stinging was that the trade partners sent me a long d-mail lecturing me on trade etiquette and that she would trade unless I sent my plants first since she had been burned so badly in the past. Oh well. AT least I only trade what I have plenty of.

Hot Springs, AR(Zone 7b)

You guys really need to give negative feed back so the the rest of us can spend out valuable time trading with honest people. I have a full time job, a part time job and sometimes get carried away in the spirit of trading and forget to double check all the email threads but if the negatives are given it sure would help eliminate given my time to the wrong people, since I don't trade as much as I would like due to the lack of time.


North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

I will post negative feedback. I just sent this trader another Dmail that I did not receive trade cutting. I am allowing him a week to rectify the situation.

BTW, I do want to say that I do not mind getting my plants in an envelope or first class mail as long as it's properly package and not get damage in the mail. I have never sent or rcvd brugmansia cuttings before, so I do not know how it survive in the mail. If I sent a plant First Class mail and it's damage, I will be glad to replace it.

I want to tell you that if the plants are less than 10oz, I usually ship First Class, it usually gets there in 3 days. Last week, I sent a package Priority mail and it took 4 days to get there. Much slower than First Class mail. Just because you are paying more for postage doesn't mean you will get better service.

This message was edited Sep 23, 2008 9:02 AM

Hot Springs, AR(Zone 7b)

Thank you LiliMerci.

The problem here was that cuttings were sent in the middle of our hottest month in a padded envelope via first class mail. The package sat at its departure address in the hot mail box until the postman picked it up, maybe 4 or 5 hours, then traveled via air to its destination mail station, then put on a open mail jeep with no AC, delivered to my home and left in the tin mail box which is outside in full sun. Had it been a priority mail box the postman would have taken that to my front door and although still hot outside it was not baking in the sun until I got home at 7:00 because my front porch is shaded. Try putting 3 brug cuttings with ends wrapped in wet paper towel then wrapped in a plastic zip lock bag and lock it closed. The put it in a padded envelope outside in full sun for ohhhh lets say minimum of 20 hours full sun beating down on it, then try to root what is left.

You CAN send brug cuttings in regular mail but many steps need to be taken prior and the only time you can probably get away with it is EARLY spring or LATE fall. Heat creates bacteria and that is what kills your cuttings. It usually helps to wash the cutting in a light solution of antibacterial product before sending. Tag the padded envelope with the words "LIVE PLANT - PROTECT FROM HEAT". I would not recommend sending cuttings of anything via priority mail. I have been burned too many times this way, no cuttings have ever survived for me. Had he been honest with me and told me he was shipping this way I would not have traded with him. He new I was shipping priority mail and that I expected the same. He was just dishonest from the start of the trade negotiations. Bulbs, rhizomes, seeds, sucullents or cacti brugs in a padded envelope do well. However the product has to be dry and free of bacteria breeding invironment. You can clearly see in the photo above what happens when cuttings are shipped this way in the middle of summer. These were shipped Aug. 26 and arrived Aug. 29th. The cuttings were on thier way to being DOA, and were completely dead one day later. Bacteria is a killer.

Thanks again,

This message was edited Sep 23, 2008 8:24 PM

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Boy I mind, I won't trade if it's going to be sent in a bubble envelope and not priority mail in a priority mail box. Someone did that to me a while back, said first class takes just as long as priority mail. I sent mine priority mail and they sent theirs first class, it took 7 days for theirs to get here, and 3 for mine to get to them, It does take longer for first class I don't care what the po will tell you.

If he's not answering dmails, and not sending i'd leave him bad feedback, it s something that can always be changed down the road to something else if you do get your trade, or you find out something has happened. but the feedback will help warn us all that something is a miss and we shouldn't be trading with him righ tnow.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Well personally I agree with LiliMerci - IF it is packaged properly and CLEARLY marked perishable. Kathy I hope that's not our trade you're referring to as it was sent out on 7/1 and you dmailed me that you rec'd it on 7/5 - which would be four days not seven - with you even saying "looks great" upon receipt. If you're referring to a different trade then please disregard. My personal experience when using first class has been that it arrives within the same time frame as priority and I've always told folks if they are unhappy with condition of trade I will that seems the fair thing to do.

North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

Thank you Chantell. I know how expensive shipping can be. With today's market, many of us try to cut down spending where we can. I, myself, am not trying to cheat a trader out of anything.

I've only been a member since Mar/April this year, so I understand how overwhelming it is to get around on this website. It took me a while to get around to reading the stickies and understand trading and shipping. So, I have to leave allowance for people making mistakes and allow them time to fix it, as I've done so myself.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Your not my only trader I've ever traded with before that sent me things in a package first class. No one will ever know whom i'm talking about . So why post that ?

And since you had to bring it up in public, It was not 4 days and it was sitting at the po over the weekend as well. But neither here nor there.

I'd say let's give this one a rest shall we, cause I never brought up anybody's name . You did.

And for the record, I will not trade wtih someone that can't ship prioritymail.

No offense to anybody who does ship that way.


Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

LOL do you really think the post office is goin g to take special care ofyour package if you mark it parishable? it goes into the same pile as the rest of them, and gets treated the same exact way as the rest of them. it will get left in them ail box just like the rest of them.

And often it won't even get sent if it's marked parishable and will most likely be opened along the way and checked out if it says parishable, In my opinion the worst thing you can write on a box is the word "PARISHABLE" .

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

For the record: NO package that I've rec'd marked Perishable 1st class or Priority has ever been opened. And when kind traders are good enough to mark it as such my mail person remembers on these times to set it to side of doorway instead of direct sun. So I guess it depends on individual mail carriers.
Kathy - I only brought it up b/c I wanted folks to know both sides of the 1st Class vs Priority mail debate. And for clarification purposes - your dmail was rec'd Sun. 7/6/08 @ 12:01AM saying you'd rec'd it that would assume that it was rec'd Sat. the 5th no it did not sit in the post office all weekend...maybe it was a different trade you're remembering. If you'd like me to send you a message via that dmail thread I can. I just don't want folks thinking that it's the norm for 1st class to take 7 days...I told you that at the time. I am letting it rest...again I'm clarifying for folks concerned about sending first class. Obviously this shouldn't be done with many things i.e. Brug cuttings etc. but certainly other things do just fine IF packed correctly. No worries about further responses...I've said my peace. I'm not upset and apologize if my clarifications were upsetting in any way to you.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

WHAT EVER! I don't wan tto get into a grudge match with you over a trade that happened months ago I was happy with the trade, then and still am. No matter what. You have a good mail man, cause my po tol d me not to mark packages perishable. I'll do as I was informed by my po and you can do what you wish too.

I still feel the same way about the word perishable.

I could go on about this, but it's water under the bridge, for me.

so is our trade and so is this thread.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

For the record, You received your plant from me far sooner than I did yours. so if first class runs the same as priority mail, why didn't I get yours the same time you got mine, I f I remember correctly it was longer than 4 days in transit and you got your s before the weekend, and i got mine after monday or tuesday.

I emailed you and told you specifically that I had hoped to receive it before the weekend, and I didn't, (it was not received on a saturday) so if it was mailed out on the first as you said it was, and you got a email saying it was received on the 6th? HOW Many days is that in transit ? 6 not 4 not 5, yours was received far soone r than mine.

JUST TO SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT! so folks will know, that first class IS not the same as priority mail.

This is just going by what you told me that looks more like 6 days in transit not 4. if youwant to go back and look through your dmails, you'll see I mentioned I was a little upset at the fact that they weren't here before the weekend. because it was so hot outside.

So if your going to blurt out in public The facts as you say they are, about our trade, maybe youshould get your story straight ha?

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)'re getting extremely upset over my clarification of dates - I will respond to our dmail thread so you can see for yourself. As you might recall or not...I'd dmailed you the Mon it was suppose to go out (in same dmail I'll respond to so you can verify for yourself) the following: "Had an incident with the grand baby - ended up in the ER" - again I apologize (as I did in the dmail) for your trade getting sent out later. I DO stand guilty of making my grand baby's health a priority over a trade getting out 2 days earlier. I know I've always been understanding of these things happening to other DGers and guess I hoped in the spirit of Dave's that folks would reciprocate those feelings. I apologized repeatedly esp. after see how upset you became over the delay and the first class mailing issue. I'll publicly apologize here again.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I think I said this once before, that you were not the trader I was talking about.

nough said ..................

This message was edited Sep 25, 2008 4:10 PM

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

My apologies to the rest have you having to read this...I've stated my own opinions and experience with first class vs priority. Backing out of thread now...DG threads should be blessings not apologies.

Deep Run, NC(Zone 7b)

I also sent a Nun's Orchid to FlowerPower57 over a month ago and received a DMail that he would get my trade in the mail and I've yet to hear from him. Being relatively new to this forum, I am somewhat put off by this behavior. bob

Thumbnail by orchidman1
Lufkin, TX(Zone 8b)

i am so sorry that you had a bad trade, also. especially because you are new to this forum. btw, that is a gorgeous/unusual plant! i would love to have one. anyway, i know when i first started trading i had a trade go wrong. like this time, i sent a full, flat rate box of named daylilies and the other person never sent their box. i was crushed because i really wanted those dls, i had sent almost all of my extras and i was out the time and money for postage. however, by a large majority, my trades on this forum have been very positive and it has allowed me to greatly expand my dl and other plant collection. since i am a single mom, i cant just go out and buy what i want. also, trading is usually a lot of fun! cant wait for that box to come in and get my new babies! so, hang in there. dont judge everyone by a bad apple or two. :)


North of Atlanta, GA(Zone 8a)

Yes, Bob. This has been only my 2nd bad trade, where the other person did not send or respond to email. However, I do have another person that I sent trade and haven't heard back from or gotten my trade.

I just posted negative feeback and I really hated to do this as I try to give everyone the benefits of the doubt.

aggiegl. I probably have some rooted cutting of the Epiphyllum oxypetalum. Dmail me and we can work out a trade or postage. These are young rooted cuttings so it would probably be another year or two before you'll get blooms but it's worth the wait. The Epi oxy that I have produce blooms almost-dinner-plate-size. It will be worth the wait.

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