repot my A.V.??

Victoria, TX(Zone 9b)

My African Violet has decreased in beautiful blooms, but has grown from about 4" wide to nearly 8" wide. It's full of beautiful new leaves, and the older ones even look wonderful.

I can't remember what the magic size was before repotting the AVs. Can anyone help me?


(Zone 6a)

The rule is 1:3. Which means that the pot should be one third on the plant diameter. So, if your plant has 8" leaf span, it need no more than 3" pot.

Victoria, TX(Zone 9b)

definitely, thank you

can I assume the reason it wasn't sending out more blooms was no fertilizer and not enough light? I've put it closer to the window, and have begun watering it with fertilized-water, and it seems to have two new flower shoots peeking out of the leaf cluster..... ??


They Hate being moved''''I mix my fert-
ilizer very weak and everytime I water
they get food,works for me and gran''

(Zone 6a)

Light is definetely very important, so is fertilizer. I water with weak fert. every time. Mine wasn't blooming till I moved it closer to the window. It is all covered with flowers now, but in a few weeks it will probably stop and will need some rest period (this happened before). It is recommended to repot after it done blooming. Personally, I killed every AV because of repotting. I am doing everything according to the instructions, expert advices, etc., but they still die.

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