Planting Season inHawaii. Zone 11

I just started a garden this spring. Can you do plantings all year round? The weather here in the fall and winter is pretty warm. Mostly vegtables. I do container planting as the soil is pretty clayish (is that a word?) Another question is that the cucumber vine is huge and has about 50 blossems on it. Shoul I take off some of the flowers so they will grow better. (I use to do that with eggplants) Thanks for your help. I live in Honolulu (Zone 11) Nelsi

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I wish I could help you, but I don't grow many edibles, and know nothing about gardening in your zone. (I WISH I did! :0)

Have you tried the tropical garden forum, or some of the other forums for veggie gardening?

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