What are you going to save energy/money?

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Thought this would be a great thread for IDEAS and implementations we have all made.

Me? OK, starting my Bokashi program.
Turning off the elec. assist on the Solar Hotwater system.
Planting a lot of edibles - in particular Pigeon Peas which are edible AND a green manure.
Walking to chores here instead of taking our cart. I stage everything to pick up and make one trip.
Baking my own good bread.
Hanging out clothes except when we are in for 100% humidity and no wind. I hang them in the carport!

I still don't feel like it is enough!!!

I can't believe I wrote that header with such a gross error. Guess my tea wasn't strong enough!!!

This message was edited Aug 10, 2008 7:18 PM

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