Another Hot Spell #2

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

We came from here:

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Much better loading time, I'm on DSL but it was starting to lag on my connection, I hate to think what it was doing to dial-up.

Eugene, OR

Thank you Katie. I don't know how to do that.

Hellion sounds like any amazing cat. Lol

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

well the folks that I house sit for that put the bells on the cat collars, they only have to wear the collars when they go outside. It's sort of funny because they sit by this chair by the door that they leave the collars on. Then, once collars are on they go out. When coming back in, it's the same procedure in reverse. It's actually sort of cute. They will not go any farther in the house until those collars are off.

Sally.... can you believe it, all that rain and none of it made it to my place! Everyone traveling from eugene said "the rain is on it's way!!!!" but, it only held out until a mile or two from town. Strange. But, I'm glad to hear that you all had some.

Eugene, OR

It was our turn. I laugh at people who think cats are dumb. Mine have us trained very well. hee, hee

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

My mom "trained" my cat to ring a bell hanging off the sliding glass door to let them know she wanted out. She really trained herself.

Sally, you just copy the address line from the "old" page to the first post of a new thread. And then you copy the address line from the new page to the last post on the old page.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Katie...That would've been sooo cute to see. A very bright cat to be able to train a person to come to the door and open it, just by ringing a bell!!

Ohhh.... and thanks for starting the new thread! I'm not very adept at doing that yet. Not sure why, it seems easy enough.

This message was edited Aug 9, 2008 11:35 PM

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

One of my old cats figured out how the sliding glass door opened, she just didn't weigh enough to open it, but I'd catch her leaning on the door handle obviously pushing on it.

Koshka, when she was scared of children, would hang off the sliding glass door handle trying to get back inside if she heard a child.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

lol... that's too funny of a picture that I have created in my head of that scenario (koshka hanging on the door). Don't you just wish you had videos or pictures of some of those things!!

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Red - Yes! I wish I had a camera in my head that would take pictures as I saw them. Allie pushing on the door I thought was more funny. She just looked at me in a way that said "why isn't this working I'm doing the same thing you do".

Eugene, OR

My girls open the sliding door on our closet, I used to worry about them getting stuck in there, not anymore.

When the tortie was a kitten she used to open the bottom drawer of the china cabinet and crawl up the back into the top drawer. The first time I opened that drawer with her in it was priceless! I had forgotten that, thanks for bringing up the memory.

Thanks for the info Katie, I tried to do that with something I wanted my sis to see and it didn't work for me. I'll have to try it again.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

haha... to both stories. that's great.

This message was edited Aug 10, 2008 12:22 AM

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Koshka and Nero open cabinets and light drawers. Cabinets in particular are amusing because they lay on their backs to do it.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

wow, none of my cats have ever been coordinated enough to do any of these things.

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Kpshka figured it out and taught Nero, I find that funny on its own.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

undoubtedly. What do you think that they where telling each other when Koshka was trying to explain it to Nero? lol

all right. Good night all. Catch you soon!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)


I'll bet that your cats are doing all sort of things like that . . . you just haven't caught them at it yet. :-)

Eugene, OR

I'm with katie, I never knew about the drawers (thought DH was leaving them open) until I found her in it.

Took a shut in to lunch today, it was beautiful outside. Not too cool, not to warm, just right. He lives in an assisted living facility and likes to go out for "real food" once in a while. hee,hee He's rather fragile, so I was happy the weather was good.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh, Sally. That was so nice. My folks have just moved into assisted living (Stoneybrook in Corvallis) and my dad is going stir crazy. He gave up driving, just because he thought it was time, when they moved in. Dial-a-bus won't come pick him up because Stoneybrook has a van and Stoneybrook will only give him a ride to doctors' appointments.

My brother is a doc in Philomatch and he and my SIL and nephew take them wherever they need to go when it's an appointment. My dad just wants to get out. He can't really walk because he has emphysema and will be 90 in a couple of weeks. Anyway, it's very frustrating for him. My mom's okay being in all day, but my dad likes to get out.

So good for you to get your friend out for a bit. It means so much more to them than we can even begin to comprehend. When I was a kid, we used to visit my grandmother in Eugene and take her to her favorite restaurant. I need to remember what it was called. The dining room had windows on one side along a river, I think. There were tons of the white-haired crowd there.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

What a great thing to do Sally! And I'm sure that he appreciates it in so many ways! How often do you do this?

Katie, i would be soooo bloody frustrated with dial-a-bus that I don't think that I could talk to them and maintain composure or decency! It's nice though that your family there does take him to appointments and such. I'm sure that you've tried this, but most towns have some sort of senior services program. My grandmother lived with us for many years growing up and for many years she wouldn't let us call them (we think because she didn't want to admit to needing such type of programs). Finally a friend invited her to go along on one of their weekly outings to eugene to do something and she loved it! She went at least once a week to where ever they were going, all they ask is a donation. Surely Corvallis has something sort of similar that your dad could partake in.

My cat's don't like drawers, but the love cupboards. However, it's not a trick really. They will paw at a cupboard until someone opens it. They then crawl in to some shelf and stay their for 5 min. to many hours. But, I guess the interesting part is that if the cupboard is even slightly adjar, then they can open it on their own, crawl in, and freak me out when I haven't seen one of them for too long.

Just a pic that I took today. Lucky, or crazy, enough to be at the right place as sun was setting.

Thumbnail by redchic01
(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Sally - I'm sure that's very good for your karma and shows that you are a great person.

Red - That pic looks like you found the "grail" plant. Have you gone on any quests recently?

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

haha.... that's what it reminded me of... lol. Should I pick it then? Or leave it?

My quest at that moment, and it was a quest, was to get back to the office so that I could go home!! (I clocked in at 6am, it was about 8 pm when I took the pict, and I knew I still had 1.5 hours to go)

So the plant was a sign of???

This message was edited Aug 10, 2008 11:15 PM

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

a closer pic to help us decide..

Thumbnail by redchic01
(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Maybe it was just a sign to slow down and smell the flowers. If you're working that much, maybe you need to. How many days do you work like that?

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Where was it planted might be another piece of info we'd need.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

I like your idea zhinu!!! It definitely could've been a sign to slow down (as in some part of the road that I needed to slow down for. Or that I need to slow down and smell the flowers in general. Those hours are part of the job of wildfire fighting. The entire group (several hundred people) put in that many hours in a shift. I only work on fires for anywhere from 4 to 10 weeks a year---usually. But, they pay overtime and I can't turn that down!

It's a native plant that was growing along side the road at about 3500' in elavation. This is a broader view. You can see many of them! You can also see where I stopped in my tracks when I noticed the shot and then backed up to take it.

Thumbnail by redchic01
southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

you would've stopped too, wouldn't you!?!?

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Been reading along just haven't said anything. Just love the kitty stories, have 4 of my own which are a handful, and do strange things at times but they are getting older and not as rambunctious as the use to be but still can be funny LOL
I just think that is the most precious pic I have ever seen. I remember a pic in a old Bible with the sun shining on the twig with God. its just too sweet. The Calender contest will be coming up soon, please inter it.

Tilly helping with the lawn, wanted to make sure nothing was left inside. and Tyler making sure She got out out safe.

Thumbnail by tillysrat
southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Wow, Tilly! Thank you so much!! that's very sweet of you to say! So how do I find out about this calendar contest? is it something that I can do a search of daves web site and find out more about?

Your dogs are sooooo cute!! especially Tilly (now I finally understand your screen name!). Well, especially both of them. I can't believe that she came out of the grass catcher clean!! What kind of poochies are they?

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

So, you must show us your 4 cats as well. You have bit of a handful, to say the least.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

The contest will most likely start in the fall around Oct. This is last years.
I had allot of fun doing it didn't win, but it was fun.

Tyler is a corgie. will be 2 in Dec. and a clown. I call him Bunny Butt.
Tilly is the youngest. She stays clean no matter what she does.

This is Rat. Long story on how he got his name, He is second to to the youngest, real close the Miss sassy

Thumbnail by tillysrat
(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Red – I would have “acquired” one I think. I’ve been big on relocating plants recently. I’ve gotten about a dozen ferns from the side of my house, several of something that might be columbine, snap dragons, and that’s just within the neighborhood.

I’m working sometimes 7 days a week, M-Th 7:30am to 5:30pm, Fri. 7:30 to ? at least 8pm, Sat. and Sun. are usually 3pm to 7+pm. I daycare/babysit. Those hours aren’t including watching DSD. I will be so happy when school starts! I’ll be making almost as much to more depending on if I get two other kids in the neighborhood, working 42 hours less and actually having time to myself! We need the money so I’m willing to do it, but it’s tough, I think I’d go insane if DH didn’t spell me now and then.

tillysrat – cute picture! Glad you joined us.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

ahhhh.... Rat looks like a giant love bug! Bunny butt for the corgie. How Cute. I have decided that I like corgies recently. They seem to have the big dog attitude in the little dog body. I love that. Thanks so much for the link. I will have to check that out and find your pictures!!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Dang zhinu! You're a superhero. I couldn't do those hours watching kids! I would go Insane! No joke. I'd be sitting in the corner, rocking, and pulling my hair out by the end of the day while the kids were running around destroying the place. So, you are a brave person and definitely deserve the 42 hours less for nearly the same pay. What a nice DH you have! That doesn't happen often! Ok. I must get some sleep. and I agree concur with zhinu... thanks for chiming in Tilly! Nice ot have more night owls around here!

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Miss Sassy, Is the Queen and my shadow, where I go she goes. And if she can't see me, she will holler till she finds me or I call her, such a pest. Its the siamese in her I guess. I was weeding and she took my spot.

Thumbnail by tillysrat
(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Red - I like the job better then a "real" job. I get to stay home with DSD and get to spend many hours I'm getting paid for surfing the internet, reading, basically anything I can do while keeping and eye on the kids and that can be interrupted at a moments notice for diplomacy or food procuring. I sometimes get out to do gardening, but I usually wait till the kids leave, or if I have the 23 mo. old I sometimes sneak out while he's down for his nap. I'm pretty good at watching kids (attentive and good at diplomacy) but I often wish I was better at playing with my DSD, 7 years old; she still too young for me to enjoy doing so most of the time. DH is far better at that, but sucks as a disciplinarian. We make a great pair in that we compliment each other in most areas and get along great. My family in general is a great blessing. I watch DSD and an 8 and 10 year old during the week and the 23 mo. old F-Su. I want to add a 7 and 9 year old for the school year. When school starts it will just be 7:30am to 8:30/45am and I'd leave the house to go get them at 3:00pm and have them till 5:30/6:00pm. I think I can manage 5 kids for those hours; especially for $1250 a month.

tillysrat - Beautiful cats!

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Laura, that to much for me. I work in retail, and the crying and screaming is hard to deal with. Have to give you a Atta boy.
Yes I am a night owl, I get home from work around 10 PM or later.

This is the old Lady, Rats mother. Rarely leaves the bedroom unless I'm outside, but dosen't go to far from the house.

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

I just had a funny with that pic.
Way to cool off. Have a beer, then shower under the watering can. Can't get any better than that.

And the last of the clan, O not counting the birds.
The is my Black lab, Ester. almost lost her this year. Do to a injury.
Shes sleeping in Tylers bed. To funny She is fine now after lots of $$$$
You have met the clan.

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

A last pic then to bed.
This is where my DG name came from
Tilly and Rat

Thumbnail by tillysrat
(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

By nature I'm a night owl. I get my best work done at 2 am, no matter what I'm doing. I have insomnia so I'm up at all hours. I have meds now that help a lot, unless I'm out like last Friday. My DH works until 9:30 to 11:30 and I hate going to bed before he is at least home, preferable in bed. But, in order to bring money in I agreed to get up at 7am. That's really what I hate most about the job, if it started at 11am I'd love it. I forgot to take my honey for my allergies, so I'm finishing that off before heading to bed.

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