Heucheras today

Schroon Lake, NY(Zone 4a)

The light hit these just right, Hollywood in bloom, with Gingerale in the back.
LOVE Gingerale. I moved these this spring into full sun, with great results!

Thumbnail by dmcdevitt
Schroon Lake, NY(Zone 4a)

Gingerale. Really perked up when moved into the sun, but it's in good fluffy soil with good mulch

Thumbnail by dmcdevitt
Schroon Lake, NY(Zone 4a)

Peach Flambe also went crazy out in the sun!

Thumbnail by dmcdevitt
Schroon Lake, NY(Zone 4a)

This one I think is Georgia Peach? These are all new gardens I made this spring in order to showcase heucheras. I haven't gotten this bed weeded yet!

Thumbnail by dmcdevitt
Schroon Lake, NY(Zone 4a)

And this has purple petticoats right and black beauty left, the far right I would have to go check the tag!!

I'm building stone paths when I have time. Edging with lavender, veronica teucrim, Dianthus siberian blues, veronica prostrata, and Nepeta Walker's Low....all soft blues.

Thumbnail by dmcdevitt
Schroon Lake, NY(Zone 4a)

Purple Petticoats

Thumbnail by dmcdevitt
Schroon Lake, NY(Zone 4a)

Looking across the beds in the front

Thumbnail by dmcdevitt
Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Lovely! Your Ginger Ale looks especially happy :) What I would give for "good fluffy soil"! Miserable red clay here with huge cracks in it again this summer - second year of drought :( Not giving up though, still planting and watering, watering, watering....

Paris, IL(Zone 6a)

Good looking hewqs, dmc.

I planted three Ginger Ale this spring. Two weeks ago they turned golden, looking more like beer than Ginger Ale, and I wondered if I was losing them. Other than that they appeared healthy. I am pleased to see yours the same color.

This weekend I purchased Sashay, Marmalade and Paris to add to my collection of Ginger Ale, Caramel and Tiramisu. When I first purchased hewqs I never imagined I would get into them as much as I have.


Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Nice collection and they all have really pretty color.

(GayLynn) Appleton, WI(Zone 5a)

dmcdevitt very nice looking plants and beds. Love that first pic.
Gary, oh oh, can you say, "addicted"?

Schroon Lake, NY(Zone 4a)

Yes addiction happened to me, too, all at once! It's so nice to have some color while the other blooms come and go.I think the Gingerale looks like gingerale....or a really light beer. Maybe Coors Light. And when the breeze ruffles the leaves and all the little pale yellow flowers bob like bubbles...really, it's just perfect!

Paris, IL(Zone 6a)

I remember BJ Honeycutt's line on M.A.S.H. (TV series) when Colonel Potter became CO of the unit and asked if BJ and Hawkeye drank a bit too much. "Anything worth doing is worth doing to excess."

My hewqs are so young I haven't had the good fortune to see them bloom yet, but when the wind ruffles the leaves showing the burgundy undersides it sure does get my attention.

Thumbnail by gk1153
Schroon Lake, NY(Zone 4a)

The breeze is wonderful with heuchs, a whole nother show!

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