I'm killing my Dat's any hope!!

Ellenboro, NC(Zone 7b)

HI everyone I have been reading all the old posts and just figured out Dat's grow a lot different then the Brug's, well I have been treating them the same!! and of course have 2 that look like there passing away. Drooping leaves, I fed them Miracle Grow last week. and have been watering them like my brugs. Do you think if I pulled them out of the pots and let them dry out a bit that might save them. Or are they pretty much gone when they show there stressed so much? I'd appreciate your help..Thanks MeganO

South Coast, RI(Zone 6b)

Hi Megano,
I’m new to Datura this season so I can only tell you how I treat mine. I have them all in pots with MG potting soil. I keep them moist, not overly wet. I have fed them MG (not a much as my burgs) and they are in the sun 6 to 8 hours a day. All are well and doing fine. I’m sure someone will answer soon that has a lot more experience than I do, but if you can post a picture, who ever tries to help you will need to see the condition. Hope all goes well.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I would not pull them out of the pot, maybe put them in a sunny spot for awhile. I have mine in large pots, and so far, they are doing OK. I don't soak mine like my other plants. Just a good watering everyday. I use miracle grow soil, as well as miracle grow fertilizer, and they are all happy. Morning sun only, on the east side of my house.
Hope this helps
Linda Kay


My dats face south, and get very hot sun, protected from the north wind, and grow beautifully.
The 3 Inoxia I grew last year just about filled my garden (about 12' wide), and were in the back, near our picture window. They got about 4 1/2' tall, and were quite a "show stopper" with all the blooms!

I watered them a bit every day, but as they were in a dry part of the garden, with good soil, I wasn't worried about them. I Did deadhead them alot, though.

This year I have Metel growing, and they don't fill out quite the same. Very beautiful though.

I got some Inoxia seedlings that sprouted up and replanted them, so some I planted in the ground, others are in pots in varying spots. One spot is south facing like last year (in the ground), one spot faces south near a shade tree (in pots), and the last spot is east facing, under trees (in pots). I'm 'sperimenting to see which is the best. The shade tree spots are protected from harsh climates & winds.........like cold evening breezes.

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