Have daylillies to trade

Beloit, WI(Zone 5a)

Hi Everyone, I have some field dug Daylillies to trade,all are very pretty,w/ruffles,burgandy reds,light yellows,and so on,they are all mixed,so I really don't know what is what ,they are from a daylillie farm,if anyone want to trade for ornamental grasses,or plants please let me know.I have enough for about 6 or 7 trades.

Sapphire, NC

I'm building a home in the mountains of North Carolina. Would love some daylillies since they do good at my altitude (3200 ft). What kind of ornamental plants are you looking for??

Anderson, SC(Zone 7a)

Hi there Rbotanica, I'd love some seeds. Would you care for some "Lord Baltimore" aka "Star of Texas" Hibiscus? It grows about 6' tall, big red flowers (like a star) and wonderful mid green foliage. Let me know. Kittie

Louisville, KY(Zone 6a)

I emailed you about some variegated grasses for a trade. Did you get it? Would like to trade.

Beloit, WI(Zone 5a)

Hieveryone,Sorry but I'm now out of daylillies!

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