Griffinia liboniana, my first time flower

Irvine, CA

I have been waiting for the flower almost over a year, today I am not disappointed to see the first opening of the flower. Although the leaves are much prettier, but I am sure next flower will be better.

Thumbnail by latsyrc18940
Irvine, CA

very close flower picture

Thumbnail by latsyrc18940
Irvine, CA

Compare my other different Griffinia specie which about to flower the third time this year. Enjoyed the picture


Thumbnail by latsyrc18940
Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

I really like the color!

Denison, TX

Is it an amaryllis then, and are griffinia liboniana a cultivar ? Because if it is, it's an all-around original. It IS lovely by the way, like a couple of blue birds in flight, and it's obvious the plant is healthy as it can be. Thank you for this beautiful discovery. Spring

Irvine, CA

I think it is cultivar cos it has unique flower than others, my other Griffinia espiritensis var. ituberae also flower yesterday, I will take picture tomorrow and post here


Irvine, CA

Just took this picture in the morning, two flowers almost identical but they are different specie. the right is Griffinia liboniana and the left side is Griffinia espiritensis

Thumbnail by latsyrc18940
Denison, TX

They look alike, but different. For one thing, the shape of the petals. Both beautiful. They've got to be closely related : unlike any other, except each other and they flower at the same time.

Ewing, VA

They are all lovely! Thanks for sharing their pics. I hope someday, we can have blue/purple colored hippies too. Are all Griffinias small flowering? Do they have the same culture requirements as Hippies? I won't mind getting me a pot or two of this if they can grow well with the hippie collection. Very pretty!!!

Irvine, CA

Thank you for liking my flowers, I keep moisture my plant every day and put indirect sun location. they grow happily and produce seeds sometimes. The flowers stay small and they do have somewhat lavender blue color. One is lighter color( Griffinia libo) which dont required dormant period. I am not sure about hippie growing condition but I assume is the same. You can purchase this flower from Amaryllis plus and I got mine from them 2 years ago. Good luck on whatever you find will make you smile. Next time when my Worsley ever flower, I will post the picture here.


Houston, TX(Zone 9b)

I have a griffinia sp, too, that looks very similar. Mine has no spots at all on the leaves, though. I'll have to check to see if I have a picture handy...

Irvine, CA

Hi Carter, please post the picture of your Griffinia if you have a chance, I love see other people plant, so I can get an idea what would be the potting mix they use. Next time I will post picture of my Worsleya rayneri which I grow for one year and the seedling that was also plant last year from seeds.


Houston, TX(Zone 9b)

Hi, Lat. I posted it a week or so ago in hopes of maybe finding out an ID for it (or, at least whether or not an ID is even possible).

The last 4 or 5 years, they've been growing in an almost fully shaded, slightly raised bed of regular old topsoil. They've done ok, but never really thrived there, so I recently dug the bulbs and potted them up.

Irvine, CA

Hi Carter, the flower is very beautiful, and it looks so healthy. It seems like you grow out door, does cold weather affect the plant? I like my plant top neck above the topsoil level so it wont rotten easily. Yesterday, I plant few extra seed hope it will grow.

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